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#88975 - 01/25/11 11:19 AM Moving from Madrid back to England .
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
I've been in Madrid almost 6 years and have decided that it's time to go to back to England , to find work and get my feet on the ground again .
My time here in Madrid has been wonderful and i've had the honour of meeting many good friends from all over the world , including the host of this website .
The people of Madrid are great , sometimes in your face , but they are direct and I like that . The food needless to say is wonderful and the wine is excellent . I´m pleased to say we have access to good Spanish wine in England .
But with unemployment at 20% it's amost impossible to find a job ( Apart from teachng English ) . So I had to make the decision to leave .
After 6 years I´ve accumulated a lot of things . Not big furniture ( A bed but the owner of my apartment will be agreeing a price to buy it ) .. The main things are DVDs (100s) Books (100s) , Cds(100s ) , clothes a whole double wardrobe full , and ornaments ( maybe 2 shopping bags ) .Various kitchen appliances and pots and pans .
I called a very reputable company in England called Pickfords .. they have a worldwide network and their allies here in Madrid are a company called Allied Bolliger . They´re based in Sierra de la Guadarrama .
A guy came to my apartment and was very professional . Miguel looked around , I told him what had to be moved and the next day I had an estimate via e-mail .
I chose the cheap option which is to have my things transported with other people´s . It's called the " shared option " . Cheap is a relative word ! This move has cost me approximately €900 and the insurance will be an extra € 200 ... this is the cheap option !
The service is door to door so that is , in some respects peace of mind . Once they take everything away I´ll be living out of a suitcase for a week .
Flights are cheap .
Sad to be leaving Madrid and my friends but " cosas de la Vida " Steve

#88978 - 01/25/11 12:15 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: steve robinson]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
very nice story, I can see the sadness, 6 years in Madrid is enough to call you a Madrileño! I am sure you will be running thru a lot of memories, I do it too on each place on earth I have put at least 4 yrs of my life.They will remain nostalgia and good times to come back to.
When I left Madrid in 1974, I though would never see it again, did for the 1982 WC, then 1990, then 1995, then 2003,and now its every year since; its a bug you wont get away from it. You will talk about it for the rest of your life,and come back to it with fondness. Have you read Tim Parfitt "A Load Of Bull" book? it was discussed here, and I bought it, contacted Tim thru his London publisher,exchange emails, he was to every place I went while there ! Memories that will last a lifetime.

Yes the situation there is not good, I have relatives, some run out of unemployment and move in with other family in Madrid. Situations and life changes but it can only get better. Best of luck,and hope we can meet again Madrid,Paris or London.Cheers

Edited by pedmar (01/25/11 12:18 PM)

#88979 - 01/25/11 12:49 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: pedmar]
Rodolfo Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 05/19/05
Posts: 220
Loc: Stockton,Ca.
Thank you for sharing your story Steve. I can tell how difficult this is for you. My heart is breaking reading this.

#88980 - 01/25/11 02:47 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: Rodolfo]
jazz Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 05/28/08
Posts: 334
Loc: Madrid
HOSTIAS!!Steve, me estas poniendo el corazón en un puño....SUERTE!

#88981 - 01/25/11 03:05 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: jazz]
laduque Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/02/00
Posts: 596
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
Consider this a new chapter in your life. You are not closing your heart to Madrid, just relocating. You put your mind to moving to Madrid and look how rich you are with experiences, memories, friends and language! You have succeeded, my friend, with that chapter in your life and now it's time for a new one. Who knows what your future holds, but always remain optimistic that everything will work out for you and you will come back to Madrid. This is not "adios", just "hasta luego".

Stay strong, STeve, and know that I'm thinking of you here in California and you always have an open invitation to come out west@!

#88982 - 01/25/11 03:19 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: Rodolfo]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I'm losing one of my best buddies and it makes me terribly sad, even moreso now that there's a set departure date. You'll be missed, Steve, to say the least.

Below is the earliest photo I have of Mister Steve Robinson, taken in June 2006. I now don't recall if this was our first meeting but it may well have been. It was one of the many "Party with MadridMan" gatherings, this one at "Restaurante La Puebla". Steve's on the right, stately as always, looking all "Roger Moore" and, of course, 5 years younger too.

We had another, earlier Party with MadridMan, scheduled for March 2006, but got canceled. It was in that message board thread where Mister Steve Robinson made his first posting on 24 February 2006:

steve robinson, Executive Member

Registered: 02-23-2006
Posts: 1088
Loc: Madrid ( ex - Southend-on-Sea ...

HI , well this is my first post on MadridMan , but I just happen to be travelling to Madrid on Feb 27th ... I'll be staying for at least a couple of months on a teaching course . If the venue for your party is decided before I leave I'd love to think about turning up if that'd be OK ? I'm travelling in from a place called Southend-on-Sea , about 40 miles East of London (UK) .

saludos ,

Steve and I hit it off immediately and that June 2006 day was the (possibly?) first of dozens of meetings over the next 5 years. Together, we've visited El Escorial, Valle de los Caídos, Aranjuez, and Chinchón. He has been to the MadridMan home in Madrid several times and also went with me to attend a "MadridMan Family Thanksgiving" in Switzerland one year as well.

More than the trips outside of Madrid, I did most of my "Madrid discovery" with Steve. We would walk and walk, before and after our long lunches of new and exotic Spanish foods (exotic at the time to us), unveiling an otherwise unknown Madrid. We constantly exchanged points-of-view of the city, the people, and the culture. He truly loves Madrid as much as I do - despite having his pocket picked twice.

We went to bullfights and then to the local bullfight bar for Rabo de toro, chopitos, and Rueda white wine where the barman knew us by sight, always shook our hands over the crowded bar and asked if we wanted "the usual". There, like in so many Madrid bars over the years, we stood the only non-Spaniards, and Steve and I felt truly special to be among them, truly blessed.

Steve and I also attended SO MANY flamenco performances, concerts (flamenco and otherwise), and ate so much good Spanish food and drank even more good Spanish wine. And, like any photographer, the person in most of my "people photos" is Steve - and I have dozens upon dozens of them - since I, the photographer, am rarely in my own photos.

I know Steve really found himself in Madrid and for that I only played a small role. He told me stories of things he'd done, people he'd met, and places he'd seen. I met several of his friends whom are now my friends.

Whenever message board members would come to Madrid and want to meet me I always asked Steve to go too because his presence makes things more interesting.

As for his devoted, incredibly useful participation on our humble ALL SPAIN Message Board, well, there has been no other. We can never begin to thank him. On more than one occasion, people thought HE was this "MadridMan" guy instead of me, presumably because he posted more than I did! His insight and experience has helped an untold number of travelers.

Time to "put down the pen" as I'm getting rather misty-eyed, but I could no doubt write for hours about my good friend Steve Robinson.

You won't be forgotten, buddy, and you will be missed dearly.

Your friend, always, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

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#88985 - 01/25/11 04:10 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
Rodolfo Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 05/19/05
Posts: 220
Loc: Stockton,Ca.

I hope that leaving Madrid dosen't mean you won't be available to post here on MM's board. As the Man himself has said, you've been extraordinarily helpful and gracious to so many of us.

All the best mate.

#88986 - 01/25/11 05:25 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: Rodolfo]
laduque Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/02/00
Posts: 596
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
MM, way to make a girl get teary eyed!!!! I too feel the same about our mate Steve!!!
I consider you a Spanish treasure and will dearly miss our annual rendevous!

#88987 - 01/25/11 05:48 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: laduque]
teachertraveler8 Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 11/20/09
Posts: 373
Loc: Detroit, Michigan
What a wonderful tribute to a great friend! Steve has touched the lives of many people. No matter where he lives, I'm sure he will continue to brighten the lives of others.

Steve: You are clearly loved! Stay in touch and hopefully we will meet again.

#88990 - 01/25/11 07:13 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: teachertraveler8]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Steve, happily on the Plaza de Santa Ana in 2008:

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#88995 - 01/26/11 06:46 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
That was fantastic MM, great writing and with passion. Maybe now I know how lucky we are to have folks like you here in MM site. I am lucky to said that I had finally met you and Steve, and was always looking forward to do so again .

Steve hope you be around too. Never said never, just see you around ::)

#88996 - 01/26/11 08:06 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.

In Hawaii it's called Aloha and translates into "this is not adios just hasta luego". Once a friend - always a friend - just like once in Madrid always there in your heart!

You will return when the time is right for you and when you have more control over the terms and circumstances.

You are a very special and much loved and appreciated friend; that my friend is not contingent on where you are and it never changes! MM said it better than I ever could ...
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#88997 - 01/26/11 08:26 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: Puna]
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
I´m flattered for all these comments and especially MM's .

#88998 - 01/26/11 09:06 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: steve robinson]
eskimo joe Offline
Full Member

Registered: 02/14/07
Posts: 203
Loc: st cyrus , scotland
Good luck with the next chapter in your life Steve, and with the price of flights you can always nip back to Madrid of a long weekend etc.
I make it back at least twice a year ( and im always trying to work out how to make it permament again)
Hope we can catch up again for a cana and some toros.
Abrazos Steve

#89001 - 01/26/11 11:50 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: eskimo joe]
billy the man Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 04/04/06
Posts: 373
Loc: Bolton England
sorry to hear of your leaving Madrid, but Spains loss is Englands gain
A big welcome back to England Steve,the country will be a better place with you back here, good luck job hunting and yes you can always go back to Madrid
And if you come up north to Manchester give me a shout,you can enjoy more good food and good wine with the pleasure of my company lol
good luck

#89003 - 01/26/11 03:29 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: billy the man]
Valenciano_en_Madrid Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/27/07
Posts: 291
Loc: Majadahonda (Madrid)
Steve! You're leaving us, I can't believe it! It's a pitty!
I'm so sorry that you have been forced to return. I hope you'll find a new job in the UK soon.
We'll miss you, you are a great person, intelligent, honest, friendly and allways kind, a perfect English gentleman, and now un caballero madrileño también, porque te lo has ganado.
Come back soon and good luck.
Un fuerte abrazo.

Edited by Valenciano_en_Madrid (01/26/11 03:35 PM)

#89004 - 01/27/11 04:18 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: Valenciano_en_Madrid]
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
Joe , there's no doubt I´ll be visiting at some stage . I´ve got to get my feet back on the ground first .
Billy , I've only ever passed by Manchester but would love to go there some day so you may get a knock on your door . Thanks for the invite !
Damián . It's been too long since we've seen each other . I know that living in Majadahonda is a problem ( travel ) . You're such a nice guy . Hopefully we can meet when I return for a visit to Madrid .
Once the removal guys turn up I'll update on how it went . After that I'll be living out of my suitcase .

#89010 - 01/27/11 03:16 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: steve robinson]
Jim Costello Offline
Full Member

Registered: 03/30/08
Posts: 94
Loc: New York City
Hi Steve,

Sorry to learn that you are leaving Madrid. I want to wish you good luck in England.

I enjoy looking at your photos on facebook and reading your comments on the MadridMan site. I have learn a lot about Spain from you.

Steve, the tributes to you on this thread and shout box shows that you are well liked. I will miss your daily reports on Madrid and other parts of the world. When I'm talking with my daughter or son-in-law who live near Madrid, I can talk about some comment on the weather or another topic that you posted.

I'm happy that I met you and MadridMan and look forward to seeing you again. I'm often in Madrid and when you return to Madrid perhaps we can meet again. Should you ever travel to New York please let me know. There are several members of the MM site who live in the NYC area and maybe we can get together.

I know you are going through a difficult time. Best wishes Steve. Adios amigo.

Edited by Jim Costello (01/27/11 03:21 PM)
Edit Reason: spelling
Jim Costello
New York City

#89013 - 01/28/11 05:12 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: Jim Costello]
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
Thanks Jim ,
I´ll definitely look you up if I go to NYC as well as Esperanza and others .
I'll be back in Madrid for sure so maybe we will meet there , and if you ever find yourself in London , give me a call .

best wishes , Steve .

#89051 - 02/01/11 08:53 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: steve robinson]
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
Well , I just booked my flight back to England . A sad moment . But I booked for February 12th .. 11:35 flight and including " speedy booking " It was just €75 . The removal men arrive tomorrow .. that will be stressful . When they leave I will calm down . Steve .

#89052 - 02/01/11 01:25 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: steve robinson]
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Our hearts are with you, Steve ... it's a tough transition no matter how much you weighed the pros & cons before making the final decision.
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#89055 - 02/01/11 10:07 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: Puna]
gazpacho Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/23/00
Posts: 797
Loc: Macomb, MI U.S.

Very sad to hear your predicament. It seems like so many of my friends are having a rough go at it right now.

I wish you all the best for the future. May you strike it rich in the next 10 to 20 years and live the rest of your natural life in Madrid.

Edited by gazpacho (02/01/11 10:09 PM)
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

#89063 - 02/03/11 11:02 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: gazpacho]
jacmom Offline
Full Member

Registered: 02/09/10
Posts: 132
Loc: utah transplant
Steve, I know it was sad yesterday, but i hope there was not frustration to add to the day. Will you base in London?

#89064 - 02/03/11 11:33 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: jacmom]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
FYI: Steve is now without internet connection and telephone so he won't likely read your comments until after having returned to England on the 12th - but keep them coming! He'll be happy to find them later.

Had drinks Steve and Esperanza's husband last night in Plaza de Santa Ana and then dinner in Huertas. Steve, naturally, talked a lot about closing the chapter on this part of his life. We all wish you the best, buddy!

The below RIGHT photo was taken last summer, meeting up with message board member laduque. The below LEFT photo is Steve in the players "box" in the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. message board member teachertraveler8, her son & I took the Real Madrid tour too. (isn't that a great photo of Steve?!)

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#89065 - 02/03/11 02:10 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: MadridMan]
esperanza Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 01/06/01
Posts: 775
Loc: New York City
I wish I could have been with you guys last night. I feel very badly for Steve right now. It is a difficult moment. I love the photos you posted, MM, especially nice is the one of Steve alone. I am also happy to see a photo of you guys last night. It sounds like it was a good evening. Thanks for posting them.

#89070 - 02/03/11 03:32 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: esperanza]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
You can catch a glimpse of Steve and Tom (Esperanza's husband) in the video I took last night of the "Quemada" at Taberna Maceiras. You'll see them as I pan left after the lights turn on. Saludos, MadridMan

Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89071 - 02/03/11 09:49 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: MadridMan]
laduque Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/02/00
Posts: 596
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
I love the pictures! That was such a memorable day last summer! We had so much fun discovering old and new places together. MM, may i please have a copy of that photo for my own album? Send me a private email with it!

Steve, I will miss you next summer, mi amigo! Stay well, be strong, and always keep Madrid in your heart!

#89077 - 02/06/11 11:57 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: laduque]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
Thanks for letting us know about the lack of internet for Steve. I did ask him a question on his trade that maybe I could help. Maybe thats why he has not responded.

Great shots thus, and I still looking forward to seeing you guys and Steve in Madrid again or elsewhere. I just came back from one of his favorite spots Bananas in Luxembourg city.

#89085 - 02/09/11 11:53 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: pedmar]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Steve and I had a nice lunch at El Botín yesterday - both had the cochinillo, then a drink on the terraza at Plaza de Chueca, then we went up to the rooftop landing of the Circulo de Bellas Artes for some great Madrid views. After that, we had one last drink and their famous croquets at the historic Bar Manoloa behind the Teatro de la Zarzuela. It was another great outing with Steve. I'll miss them and I'll miss him.

Saludos, MadridMan

Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89094 - 02/11/11 04:45 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: MadridMan]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Went out with Steve on Wednesday night for raciones ("chopitos", "patatas bravas", "rabo de toro", "boquerones fritos") and wine at 3 different places near Las Ventas. He seems to be holding up pretty well, all things considered.

I'm honored to be taking him tomorrow morning to Madrid Barajas Airport for his flight back to England. I WISH he would have good, welcoming weather but I see it'll be raining and cold-ish throughout the weekend where he's going. rolleyes

Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89096 - 02/11/11 06:17 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England . [Re: MadridMan]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
thanks for the updates, it looks glorious. Las Ventas is whre used to lived know it very well that area. there Los Timbales or Docamar are great places.

#89106 - 02/12/11 07:14 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: pedmar]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Steve is "up-in-the-air" as I write this, on his way to London Gatwick airport.

I picked Steve up at his flat this morning before 9am. He was noticeably and understandably emotional, closing his flat's door behind him for the last time, closing another chapter of his life, and moving on to the next one.

We had a coffee together at Madrid Barajas Airport after he checked his suitcase because he had two hours to kill before his flight. We talked, mainly about the usual things of life, observations.

Before finishing our coffee and realizing our time was short, I felt compelled to thank him for his friendship and company during these past 5-years. Steve, you were/are a good friend. For me, Madrid and Steve go together like peas & carrots. wink

You'll be missed, Steve. But I'm looking forward to visiting you in your Gingerbread farmhouse in southern England. Take care, buddy.

Sadly, MadridMan frown frown

Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89108 - 02/12/11 11:40 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I was happy to receive Steve's call about an hour ago. He was on the train from London Gatwick to southern England and sounded much more relaxed.

I'd spent the morning's return from Barajas Airport, detouring with a long walk through Old Madrid, contemplating our 5-year friendship and it seemed with every turn and every plaza I remembered being there with Steve at some point. It was a hard, yet therapeutic walk and did me good. But enough about me...

Steve will spend the rest of today alone at home - which maybe is a good thing - but don't expect to find him online just yet. Maybe tomorrow, though. His belongings, all 16 boxes (is that right, Steve??), won't arrive for another few weeks.

Steve, we'd/I'd be interested to know which was your moving company, their website address, and (if you'd care to share it) how much they charged you. Others in the future might benefit from your experience.

Saludos, MadridMan (much calmer now) smile
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89111 - 02/12/11 08:02 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
laduque Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/02/00
Posts: 596
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
Thank you for the update MM! Glad to hear Steve made it home safe and sound...Steve, if you read this, we miss you already!!!!

#89113 - 02/13/11 09:23 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: laduque]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
Thanks for the news update MM. Its a new start I am sure will be handle well by Steve. And he will be back as well as meeting somewhere else too.

#89140 - 02/19/11 02:57 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: pedmar]
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
It does seem that Steve is spending more time doing work around the house and less time online. That's a shame for us but good for him. He mentioned that he was sore after toting a few "cords" of wood from the wood pile outdoors to the wood pile indoors. This change in lifestyle will get that guy in shape quick! thumbsup

Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#89159 - 02/22/11 09:01 AM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
steve robinson Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
Ok , well the 20 boxes ( more than I'd originally thought ) turned up at 10 am this morning on a grey misty day here in the East Sussex countryside . The company had originally suggested they would be delivered between 2 and 4 weeks of pick up and this was 3 weeks so it was a good deal . 3 guys turned up , an older guy , typical East End London with gold earrings , and 2 younger guys , one covered in tatoos . They were polite , friendly and efficient . All of the boxes have been stored in the garage but , as this is the countryside , things such as clothes and linen have to be brought inside as the mice knaw through the boxes . We put poison down but there's no way you can ever eradicate those little pests !
So .... in order to get to some of my boxes with the clothes I spent the morning rearranging the boxes .. It's back-breaking work ... especially the many boxes full of books !I can't wait for the time I can get out all the wonderful books , Cds and DVD's ( some of which are now discontinued ) that I´ve collected over 5 years in Madrid !
Next job is to find space for my ridiculous amount of clothes , now piled up high on my bed .
Then we'll be using our tractor to take the remaining boxes .. back-breaking again ! .. down to the stables where all my stuff that I left when I travelled to Madrid is stored .
I would say that this was my last link to Madrid , but I still have many friends to keep contact with , will definitely be visiting time and time again , and will continue to be a regular contributor to .
The company I used is called "Pickfords" .. probably one of the most established moving companies in the world . Indeed , my brother used them when he moved nearly 17 years ago from England to Russia . this is the link to the UK operation but in Madrid the guys that came over to assess and to remove my stuff work for a company called "Allied Bolliger" ... The companies are part of an alliance . The company in Madrid was excellent !

At 20 boxes mine was a relatively small move and I chose the "shared" option , meaning that your boxes would be packed with other people´s .. The truck went from Madrid , through France ( picking other things up ) before it arrived in the UK . However the van that arrived here this morning was entirely my things , and then the guys went off to another job . That cost me about €1000 . Not cheap , but worth it and only one month's rent on my apartment for me .

saludos ..... Estebán .

Seems the link to the Spanish removal people is under construction . Their address is : Sierra de Guadarrama 30 , 28830 San Fernando de Henares , Madrid . Tel : 91 563 28 87 .

#89165 - 02/22/11 05:04 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: steve robinson]
pedmar Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
all part of the Allied moving network.Good deal, glad it turn out alright.
I am sure it is very nostalgic to go thru all that...and glad you are sticking around MM. Cheers

#89168 - 02/22/11 08:02 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: MadridMan]
Yankaluz Offline
Full Member

Registered: 04/28/05
Posts: 102
Loc: SoCal, USA
Wow! What an awesome thread!, solemn too.

Never met the guy but I sure hope that it all goes well.

I was in MadriZ the summer of 2006 and I remember inquiring about the dates/location for the get together back then,,, weird feeling to see that I could have been on the pic at the beginning of this very same thread,,, and have met some of you.

Good luck!
AKA "NO&DO Yankaluz"
,,,si no te mata, te alimenta.

#89385 - 03/31/11 05:07 PM Re: Moving from Madrid back to England [Re: Yankaluz]
Bill from NYC Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/04/04
Posts: 657
Loc: New York City

Fanastic story and it many ways moving too. It feels like the history of MM website. People come. People go. People share their stories and opinions. People become friends from this website too.

But everything is connected to one thing, Spain.

William Bert Photography

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