Before I step on anyone's toes, why can I not see the posts from some members. What am I doing wrong?

Regarding the Canada posts, you people sound like you're trying to determine who can p*ss further. Take a look at some of the good things about being Canadian.

You don't have to hide your passport while travelling-everyone loves Canadians.

You have a great health care plan, although most Americans think it's going broke. Maybe so but you do have health care.

You have the second largest French speaking city in the world. Montreal is surpassed only by Paris.

Montreal could never be confused as being an American city.

I think that Canadians have a lot to be proud about. How about furnishing power all along the Eastern seaboard of the US. I think the grid goes all of the way to Florida.

But what does any of this have to do with the thread about France?
