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#63599 - 06/26/03 04:03 AM Re: ETA kills again
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
Quintos: Here's an abstract for an article from '95 on the involvement of the PSOE with the GAL death squads. That should satisfy part A of your request. I'll work on the women and children...hoping I turn up nothing. I'll e-mail you the whole article to read. It's on the ProQuest Academic database. I currently have access to it.

Spanish inquisition
New Statesman & Society; London; Sep 15, 1995; Carr, Matthew;

Volume: 8; Issue: 370; UMI Publication No.: 02532314; Start Page: 19; Page Count: 0; Text Word Count: 1128; Document Type: Feature; Source Type: PERIODICAL; ISSN: 09542361
Subject Terms: Trials, Prime ministers, Murders & murder attempts, Corruption in government

Personal Names: Gonzalez, Felipe

UMI Journal Code: GNSS
The Spanish Supreme Court will decide soon whether to bring Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez to trial for his involvement with the death squads that killed 28 activists between 1983 and 1987. Carr discusses the aura of sleaze and corruption which has begun to surround the Spanish government.

CRISTOBO: That quip about the Partido Posfranquista is classic! I love it!!! Why is it that when the king becomes king he's king of Spain, but when he's prince he's only prince of Asturias? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Pelayo is probably "dando vueltas en la tumba". wink
Ongi etorri!

#63600 - 06/26/03 06:10 AM Re: ETA kills again

#63601 - 06/26/03 06:28 AM Re: ETA kills again


Ex-Govenment Deputy in B.C. (gipuzkoa) m...ures. (Spanish)

I don\'t need to prove anything, General...f tortures (sp)

Supreme Court (out of the last remains of dignity) asks Govenment not to indult general Galindo (sp)

Izquierda Unida complains on the politiz...t to G. G. (sp)

Some more info on alledges terrible crimes of "Saint Guardia Civil" (Benemérita) (sp)

Galindo was finally indulted as well as many of the torturers. And this is the small number of cases that have been proved, in spite of the difficulties for proving anything against the police, and with the higher courts being dependent of political parties.

#63602 - 06/27/03 03:25 AM Re: ETA kills again
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California
Ignacio i think you have visited this anti-Spanish site to much

#63603 - 06/27/03 07:40 AM Re: ETA kills again
Cristobo Carrín Offline

Registered: 12/18/01
Posts: 136
Loc: Asturias
In my opinion "Partido Policial" is even more funny. As to the "Prince of Asturias", I don`t think Pelayo would feel offended. He was never named a "King", the chronicles of the time never called him "Rex Pelagius", but "Princeps Pelagius" instead. "Princeps" has many meanings, but historians agree that in this context it means something like "leader" or "chief".
Asturias became a princedom in 1388, when the would-be Henry the 3rd of Castile married Catherine of Lancaster. The idea was taken after the Princedom of Wales, obviously. Supposedly the heir of Castile would rule Asturias, as a way to keep the country under strict control: Asturias was quite a problem for the Castilian kings at the time, and they wanted to keep it tightly controlled, once and for all. It was around that time, too, when the Xunta Xeneral was founded, the Asturian Parliament.
The Galindo case is quite illustrating. So a Spanish general grabs some million bucks for murdering terrorists, and then they catch him, try him and kick him out of the army in dishonour.
The final result? Mr. Galindo is still kept in a military prison (WHY? he is a civilian now) under very special priviledges and the army refuses to send him to a common prison due to some ridiculous "problems with bureaucracy".
In other words, the Spanish army is helping Mr.Galindo. They don`t regard him as a traitor and a murderer, but rather as a patriot and a hero. Just as it happened during the Coup d`Etat, in 1981: the men involved were seen, not as traitors against their country, but just like patriots instead.
The Spanish army stinks.

#63604 - 06/27/03 02:15 PM Re: ETA kills again


True. You are right and I am not, I acknowledge it when it happens, not like others (not speaking about you). Galindo hasn't been indulted yet. Although the government is trying hard to find a way, as I'll prove later. However, minister Barrionuevo and assistant Vera, as well as other killers were indulted partially (two/thirds) Link (Spanish)

And false. I don't read too much that web page, first because never can one read too much, and besides, I came across that page when I was searching for info on Galindo. Athough I knew it before, I don't use to read it usually.

Anyway, we have the spanish point of view here in Madrid in the five free TVs, in the Via Digital/Canal Satélite Digital TVs, Canal Plus, that is, all the TVs in here..., in the newspapers: El País, EL Mundo, La Razón, ABC, ..., in the radios Cope, SER, Intereconomía, ..., in the net: Terra and others ...

So you have to look hard for information wherever it may be specially now that most of our newspapers, and web pages, are forbidden.

Anyway, my fonts are diverse, as you can see if you take the time to look at the links I have posted.

About Justice in Spain (CentrodeCriminologí (spanish))

A quote form this link (original from Bertholt Brecht):
Muchos jueces son absolutamente incorruptibles;
nadie puede inducirles a hacer justicia.
(Bertolt Brecht)
Translation : "Many judges are absolutely uncorruptible; nothing can induce them to make justice"

Galindo was found guilty by Audiencia Nacional and Supreme Court.

Judge Bueren (National Court- Audiencia Nacional) resigned and went to a private firm, while investigating spanish death squads. ¿Too afraid? Judge Gómez de Liaño and prosecutor did a great job, acknowledged by the legal world in Spain, but he paid dearly for it, with a trap in which he was charged and "found guilty" of "deliberate neglect of duty". Link.

Now, PP has made some changes in regulations that imply that most higher level chief prosecutors will be changed (by the ones PP wants). Recent declarations of the Anti- Corruption prosecutor speak of the general attorney forbidding investigations on PP's scandals and encouraging on PSOE's supposed ones. I won't post links, these days it's in EVERY newspaper.

By the way, Galindo and 110 Guardias CIviles were accused of this, not just a couple, although only some have been to jail. Also, he has just (not surprisingly, after the Gómez de Liaño message been absolved (by now) of charges on drug dealing in Intxaurrondo.


Spanish army stinks... or spanish police stinks (Guardia Civil is both), or spanish courts stink (read newspapers about General attorney Cardenal and many others..., and Spanish politics stink (remember Asamblea de Madrid and estate speculators), and ... Really "our" society is surprisingly andincredibly corrupt.

The few dinosaurs left who respect honor and justice and fight for trem, like Gómez de Liaño, leutenant-colonel Peñafiel (guardia civil), and others, are destroyed because they don't integrate in political-policial-judicial-economical mafias. I wonder how Ruiz-Gallardón (PP)(former president of Comunidad de Madrid), who I believe is an extremely honest person, although I hate his political points of view, has gone though it without having been destroyed, but let's give it some time... For example, I read that he stopped four times estate speculator's plans in Alcobendas (major (PP)seems involved). He was very skillful to abort their plans without the scandal coming out, and he was strong enough to oppose his growing influence in the PP to the money and bought politicians of the speculators in the PP.

I many times feel I am a dinosaur too for believing in old words like honor, justice, rights, loyalty, ... frown

#63605 - 06/27/03 04:12 PM Re: ETA kills again
Quintos233 Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 332
Loc: Southern California
Very well said Ignacio wink ill admit you are doing much more research into the subject then I am so you are probably more knowlegable on the subject. I was just high lighting my specualtions.
The Guardia Civil is a very old police force. It is unfortunate that these charges have been raised against them.

#63606 - 06/27/03 08:44 PM Re: ETA kills again
Fernando Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/05/01
Posts: 1551
Loc: Madrid, Spain
All the guardias civiles, government authorities and so on involved in the state's terrorism of GAL should never being indulged. They are as terrorists as ETA terrorists (or worse for using the state as an excuse), and by the way, they also stole public money. I don't support PSOE or PP policy in this matter of letting them get out of jail sooner.

However, said this, I have read two mistakes in Ignacio's last post: There were not 110 guardias civiles or national policemen accused of terrorism (basicly torture, kidnapping and assasination) but 5 (Galindo, Amedo, Domínguez,...), and second, Alcobendas has not a PP major, but a PSOE major for almost 20 years.

You can judge a collective of thousands for the crimes of a minority (the same way you can't judge basques as a whole by the crimes of a minority). Guardia Civil and Policía Nacional have made a brilliant and almost flawless work against ETA.

By the way, ETA's terrorism can't be justified by GAL's terrorism (and viceversus). Any terrorism is just that, a horrible and bloody collection of crimes.

As for media, you may have your point of view Ignacio, but when you say that every newspaper, every TV channel and every radio station is corrupted and manipulated (except, of course, the ultra-radical Gara you linked above), I can nothing but wonder what you consider media freedom...


#63607 - 07/01/03 01:14 PM Re: ETA kills again

Ok, I have been checking your comment on the Alcobendas major yesterday and today, for I was pretty sure I read that in the newspaper El País, but none of my mates at work live there. Fortunately, today El País publishes it again, as anybody in Spain can tell:

When I spoke on this, I said:

For example, I read that he stopped four times estate speculator's plans in Alcobendas (major (PP)seems involved). He was very skillful to abort their plans without the scandal coming out, and he was strong enough to oppose his growing influence in the PP to the money and bought politicians of the speculators in the PP.

If YOU don't mind, Fernando eek rolleyes , let me remember that the new majors have JUST been elected some days ago, and that BEFORE there were others: I am speaking on Mr. Pablo Zúñiga who was Alcobendas' major at least in 2001, and (I just don't want to research anymore) almost certainly until 2003 elections. Almost twenty years?

See how Mr. Zúñiga was major in March 2001 doing a search with the See how Mr. Zúñiga was major in March 2001 doing a search with the Adobe search button

ONLY euros corruption business with PP major stopped four times by (PP) Gallardón El mundo (spanish). Just as I said. Right?

They are as terrorists as ETA terrorists (or worse for using the state as an excuse

They are worse, but the reason is that they are using the enormous state resources and trained soldiers/policemen paid by citizens to preserve peace to do the opposite. State terrorism is terrorism but much worse, because it's made with more means and the protection of many politicians, judges, and policemen, and, thus, it's much more difficult to prove and punish.

If terrorism and wars against enemy defenceless (like in Gernika) is coward, state terrorism
is the maximum coward action possible.

Another correction rolleyes :

I said:

By the way, Galindo and 110 Guardias CIviles were accused of this, not just a couple, although only some have been to jail

You can judge a collective of thousands for the crimes of a minority (the same way you can't judge basques as a whole by the crimes of a minority). Guardia Civil and Policía Nacional have made a brilliant and almost flawless work against ETA.
ETA terrorists are terrorists. But spanish policemen shouldn't be terrorists but policemen.

Don't compare the Guardia Civil with The BAsques. Compare the BAsques with the Spanish, and tha GC with thier opposing force, ETA. Both have used the same means, and its sadder when the police I pay use this means against my neighbour (who pays them also). It seems that the police should use others.

And it's not an exception as you try to make it seem. May I remind you of the three guys killed by error (confusing them with ETA members) in Andalucía by a "comando" whose commander was a Major of the GC? And others ...

By the way, ETA's terrorism can't be justified by GAL's terrorism

I am not justifying it, I am showing that they are not better, which is what you unsuccessfully try to prove.
ETA = Bad guys (agree) but GC=good guys (completely disagree), bad guys also.

but when you say that every newspaper, every TV channel and every radio station is corrupted and manipulated (except, of course, the ultra-radical Gara you linked above), I can nothing but wonder what you consider media freedom...
Sure. Utra- super-multi-radical-extremist-fanatic Gara. In fact, which basque media you think it is not U-S-M-R-E-F?

If there is any, it will be until next government campaign that will tell you which are the radical bad guy's newspapers.


El País: Prisa Group. Always close to PSOE, as everybody knows.

Canal Plus España: Prisa Group

Canal Satélite Digital: Prisa Group

El Mundo: Ideologically against PSOE, close to PP with some writers far left, critizising PSOE from the left.

ABC: Ultraconservative newspaper close to the right wing of PP.

La Razón: PP points of views, even more than El Mundo.

TVE1: State TV (in the hands of PP).

TVE2: The same

Antena 3 TV: Controlled by Telefonica S.A., presidence of firm controlled by PP. Scandal for President salary (x million euros ¿6?) paid to make a media group supporting the PP.

Expansión: Main economy newpaper. Controlled by Pearson Group, with alliance with Telefónica who's got about 5% of Pearson.

Tele 5: Berlusconi (Aznar ally, and fascist, like him) TV.

Via Digital: Telefónica

and the rest.

The four nation-wide channels of TV TVE1, TVE2, Antena3 and Tele5 are controlled right now by the Government.

Also the most popular newspapers, excluding El País, the most read one, which is very close to PSOE (españolista too).

The two (soon to be merged) digital TVs, by PSOE and PP (españolista).

I don't know very well about radios, I don't hear them much, but SER, COPE, and, well, ALL the national ones, are controlled by them too.

I find it funny when the spanish media speak about basque people being misinformed because they can read only nationalist press. In fact, they are the only ones whose info is truly diverse, because they can see this media and also the basque press one, whereas the Spanish's opinion is based on unilateral points of view. The basques, the catalonians, and few more.

I am not saying that that press doesn't ever lie, but it's easier to uncover a lie when another newspaper gives a different info than waiting for God's mumble in your ear.

Remember Washington Post and New York Times. Nobody would have known what was going on if the WP hadn't uncovered it. In Spain there is not that media diversity, that makes the 4th power a help and not a chain.

We are chained by not being able to tell the truth (they don't publish what doesn't fit their interests), we cannot read the truth, and we are brainwashed by continuous biased info.

#63608 - 07/02/03 11:44 AM Re: ETA kills again
jtevar Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 02/05/03
Posts: 5
Loc: Madrid
Ignacio, just a couple of things:

In the BOE link where you've said Zúñiga was Alcobendas' major ... it says Zúñiga is ALCORCÓN major. I don't know how corrupt he is, but in these elections, PSOE has won (14 seats vs. 11 seats for PP and 2 for IU). In 1999 it was opposite: 14 PP; 11 PSOE; 2 IU. You can see it here . So Mr Zúñiga is no longer Alcorcón's major (maybe he's been punished for speculation; I don't know since I'm not from Alcorcón).

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