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#62163 - 05/21/02 10:43 PM Write a book already!
Espe3 Offline

Registered: 05/13/02
Posts: 511
Who here thinks that MadridMan, along with the help of our useful posts, should write a book about traveling to/about Spain! smile
Please cast your vote!

#62164 - 05/22/02 12:05 AM Re: Write a book already!
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
oh brother... rolleyes wink However, I can't say the idea hasn't crossed my mind several times either.
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

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#62165 - 05/22/02 12:08 AM Re: Write a book already!
GranadaGirl Offline

Registered: 01/24/01
Posts: 348
Loc: Maryland via Connecticut, USA ...
I agree! That's one way to break out of Ohio & head over to Spain, write a book, it doesn't matter WHERE you live if you become a writer!! PLUS, you'd be helping many poor, lost, tourist souls!!

(AND if he writes a book, maybe he'll finally be able to get those MM Message Board luggage tags into production that we've been waiting for!!!) wink

"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias."

#62166 - 05/22/02 12:20 AM Re: Write a book already!
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
GranadaGirl, if a book like this ever gets published you can be sure everyone who makes it into the book will get a free luggage tag with my compliments. hehehe..

In fact, in the book where the author gives thanks to half the world, I could include each and every member's name whose posting I included. Of course, I'd have to get permission from everyone too. At least their real identity would be safe (or I could include their real names too).

But the postings here, for the most part, are so timely. I'm not sure how useful some would be in 1 or 2 years when the book would finally be published. And it would be such a niche market.. Do you really think it would sell??? confused
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#62167 - 05/22/02 12:29 AM Re: Write a book already!
GranadaGirl Offline

Registered: 01/24/01
Posts: 348
Loc: Maryland via Connecticut, USA ...
I think if it had a picture of you shirtless on the back cover, sure it would sell! he he he! wink

I don't think it's so much of a niche market, maybe being so fanatical as some of us is, but I know whenever I go anywhere, I always buy a tour book. Yours would have real-life hints in it. Look at Rick'd be handling a smaller area, but who knows what it could turn into! You could always start selling it from your website too, and see where it goes from there...yearly updates, PBS specials...

-GG (Who should have taken some business classes rather than load up on the Spanish courses...)
"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias."

#62168 - 05/22/02 01:23 AM Re: Write a book already!
fmiketheman Offline

Registered: 02/18/02
Posts: 317
Loc: ny,ny
hey everybody

i cast a vote on MM writing that book.besides,as granadagirl put it,it will help you leave columbus and head fo spain.i mean,writers are rich and have a job and therefore can live whereever they please(in my case and madridmans its spain).in my opinion its the only way to escape(before madridmans retirement of course. wink laugh smile :p .have fun

#62169 - 05/22/02 08:06 AM Re: Write a book already!
pim Offline

Registered: 11/07/01
Posts: 662
Loc: Brussels
Do you also have a saying in English that goes something like?:

-En esta vida, un hombre tiene que: tener un hijo, plantar un árbol y escribir un libro.
(In this life, a man has to: have a child, plant a tree and write a book.)

So, there you have it!

Seriously now, I think that's such a personal choice, because it must be so hard! It should be MMan himself if he has the urge to do it who decides.

#62170 - 05/22/02 09:38 AM Re: Write a book already!
Espe3 Offline

Registered: 05/13/02
Posts: 511
Jejeje! MM, you may not get out of it now! From reading the info. that people give on this board, and given your knowledge AND interest, I think you will be PERFECTLY capable of writing a complete and comprehensive guide to Madrid, and maybe for all those helpful hints and tips you've picked up from traveling about, a special section on that. It may sound complicated, but I think it will be a worthwhile and interesting project! smile As far as the longevity... well books like these have a high turnover because someone is always coming out with new or more update editions, which is why a new edition is printed every year, and often times with minor changes- So don't worry about that! But come on! This should encourage you to more than think about it!

We used to even have a book called you and the law in spain, and it was all about moving there and what rules and taxes and laws you needed to know or think about when moving (shipping your car, buying or renting property) , so you see, there's something for everything!

#62171 - 05/22/02 02:55 PM Re: Write a book already!
wyndyl Offline

Registered: 03/08/02
Posts: 148
Loc: Dallas, Texas
I'm going to have to add my 2 cents to this! MM, you definitely have the resources and material, even contacts to do this! WHY not? You've obviously got the discipline and organizational skills....

Then, you'll get the "escribir un libro" out of the way, I'm pretty sure you've planted a tree in your lifetime...were you ever a scout? The rest, well....I guess it is a matter of time....

Wyndyl laugh

#62172 - 05/22/02 05:52 PM Re: Write a book already!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
So now the question is who publishes travel books? And do they already have the market locked up? Would a regular publisher be interested in a niche book?

That said, I think MM could put together a fabulous guide to Madrid ("MadridMan's Guide to Madrid, 2003" sounds pretty good, doesn't it?). The thing to do would be to make it clear that this book contains information you could never get elsewhere--like current compilations of hostal reviews by "real travelers," or something like that.

Here's an idea...who is familiar with the site ? It might be possible to publish a print version of something like that, along with lots of background information, maps, cultural and social details, and history. You could have a fully-integrated book and web connection, where people (1) use the book during their travels, then (2) log onto the web to post comments, opinions, rankings (from 1 to 5 olives, with 5 being best?)--then you just update the book every year! You would need to figure out a good way to compile the rankings and comments (provide averages of the rankings and a few representative comments for each hostal/restaurant/other place).

And you could offer additional (monthly?) newsletter updates by subscription or for individual purchase or something--and live in Madrid to do those! They could include current events, the latest reviews, and any other urgent/timely information (metro reroutes, airport changes, etc.).

Wow, this is sounding better and better as I ramble on...never mind, MM, don't you go to Madrid, I think *I* will!!! wink

#62173 - 05/23/02 08:41 AM Re: Write a book already!
LostInMadrid Offline

Registered: 07/28/01
Posts: 92
Loc: Madrid, Spain
This is, of course, a great and obvious idea. Look at the guy from F* - he just wrote a book about the worst business ideas taken directly from the posts on his site and it's a best seller. I understand that the book is on a subject with a wider audience, but still, there's precendent.

Ready to start MadridMan? Here's how to write- it's very easy... Just pull up Microsoft Word and start writing, as if to a friend, about your experience travelling and living in Spain and Madrid. That's all... Don't think about whether it makes sense at first, all writing is rewriting, just get it down on paper.

I actually started my 20s as a Journalist and worked for several years as a reporter/editor/designer in a small newspaper near my home town (and was the executive editor of my college newspaper - a 40 page weekly). Since I left journalism, I've always been interested in writing. I even thought that Spain would give me some incentive, so I brought my "How to write a novel" books with me. I can recommend at least one decent book: "On Writing" by Stephen King. He talks about his life and how he started writing and gives you an idea about the process of writing (2,000 words a day for a month or so and your novel is done). It appealed to me because of its practical nature - he gives real advice about how to sit down and write.

I remember my first real learning experience with writing in the town newspaper: I was an intern and there was an car collision in the town nearby that had stopped traffic in both directions for miles (it's in the mountains so there's not many roads... an accident like this will be talked about for weeks. ;-) ). So I was sent off to find out what happened (my big break!), take pics and get back to write the story before deadline. After I returned, I sat down at my Mac and couldn't figure out where to begin. Deadline was looming and as minutes ticked by I had produced a paragraph and couldn't figure out how to write more.

Finally my editor comes out and asks what's up and I tell him I'm not sure what to write. And he says, "okay, sit down and tell me what happened." So I spent 10 minutes explained everything to him. After I was done, he said, "Great. Write exactly what you just told me. Don't change a word." And I did. Five minutes later I had a dozen decent paragraphs filled with information. It was an awesome feeling - for years I had been "bottled up" when trying to write, not sure where to start or how to do it "correctly."

Once you get it, you don't lose it and you'll find that writing is natural and fun and you can write very long without thinking about it. Which explains most of my posts in case anyone was wondering.

Here's another thought for you, MadridMan! You should try Blogging for a while. . It's free to use and it'll add to this site quite a bit. Blogs are online daily diaries. There are hundreds of thousands of them now. Many people use them to post daily links to interesting sites on the web with commentaries, others (like me) use them to just expound on the world around them. ( ). I had an online diary a while ago that I wasn't updating enough because it wasn't particulary convenient so I just replaced it with Blogger and now it's very nice. It takes about two seconds to post new ideas etc. I figure that if I actually write enough interesting bits on my Blog, one day I can use them as a basis for some sort of novel.

Also, I don't know what your traffic figures are, but for a small investment, you could self-publish your own book with the same quality as a normally published book (there are several 'micropublishers' online that you can use). You could then sell the book exclusively through your website like your videos.


#62174 - 05/23/02 09:40 AM Re: Write a book already!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
I think Russ's idea is a great one...start a weblog about your Spain travels and thoughts, with links to interesting photos or outside sources. I've been keeping an online journal too (though it's not a public one, yet!), and it's really quick and easy. Try Blogger, and maybe even connect it to your site! You can also have Blogger host it, if you want to keep it separate for a while. And you can set it to be public or private there.

And check out those links on nonfiction publishing I sent you yesterday!!! One of them (can't remember which) had a list of lots of publishers and their specialties.

And definitely stick with Russ's advice to write like you talk. Don't get too fancy...I teach and consult for writing-intensive classes at the University here, and my students get themselves tied up in knots when trying to write. They forget that all writing is telling a story, and instead blather on for pages about nothing. You won't do that...better to leave that to BB members!!! wink rolleyes

#62175 - 05/24/02 12:06 PM Re: Write a book already!
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
It's been said twice - & three times is lucky.
Write like you speak.
That's the entire secret to writing. There are numerous board members with careers that encompass writing (creative, factual, reporting, etc.)and I'm sure that close to 100% of those members will concur with that statement.
Give it some serious consideration MM - the set-up and knowledge (research) is already in place. smile
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#62176 - 05/24/02 03:10 PM Re: Write a book already!
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I'm REALLY <sniff!> touched by all those here who have expressed support for this idea. It has given me more to think about (as if I didn't have enough on my mental plate already) and I'll take the possibility seriously. But if I get started, I'll put all my energy into it and am seriously concerned that will suffer for it. BUT, if I can get a good start and the proper contacts, MAYBE I could convince SOMEONE that I NEED to be IN SPAIN to complete this project and get myself the appropriate visa! It IS worth a shot. Thanks, everyone!

Have a GREAT weekend!! Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#62177 - 05/24/02 10:27 PM Re: Write a book already!
LW Offline

Registered: 01/15/02
Posts: 66
Loc: USA
MM, All I will say here is that the things that you have written about, with each trip to Spain, really pulls me, and it always saddens me when you stop writting about it. You paint such a good picture with your words, and makes one feel like you are there. You are very informative with everything, from food, weather, the feel, the smell, the places you stay, even the time when you had your hot water to shower wink and so much more. So by doing what you are doing, you are helping people decide where one would like to go and see. So as you can see, you are already on that road wink . I just think you are already doing it here, and you just need to gather all of this and find a way to make a profit/living from it....but anyway, just my 2cents
LittleWing smile

#62178 - 06/20/02 10:35 AM Re: Write a book already!
Chrissiij Offline

Registered: 06/19/02
Posts: 181
Loc: London, UK
Madridman, write a book! Your madrid journals are fantastic - entertainingly informative, your sense of humour and personality shines through, and as a newly committed madridmanist, I shall buy AT LEAST one copy!

#62179 - 06/20/02 10:56 AM Re: Write a book already!
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Go ahead, write a book! You can get a sponsor and have him pay you to stay in Madrid for a year for research porpuses laugh and then you can get the spanish edition and be popular all around the world. eek

#62180 - 06/20/02 11:35 AM Re: Write a book already!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
Yes, Nuria...we all want fame and fortune for MadridMan! Then he will treat us all to tapas and cañas at El Brillante! wink

#62181 - 06/20/02 12:15 PM Re: Write a book already!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Well MadridMan, with your looks and enthusiasm, in addition to the book you can also do a television show! Next to you, Rick Steves is not worth watching! I loved your perspective in your videos(I hope my husband is not reading this!) laugh

But, seriously, you should consider this idea about a Madrid travel book. As a librarian I can tell you that nowhere is there more information about Madrid in one place than at your website. With your tie in to your web-page the book will be invaluable to travelers. Libraries spend a small fortune in buying travel material for their patrons.

Booklady smile
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#62182 - 06/20/02 12:51 PM Re: Write a book already!
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
My Goodness! This thread has gained new momentum! Thank you all. Really. It's very very kind, supportive, and optimistic, not to mention heart-warming, to receive such feedback.

I can promise you this.... I will SERIOUSLY consider your proposal, the possibilities, AND how it might create opportunities for me to "How Make Money and Enjoy It Too!" Meaning: "How to do something you love WHILE having the opportunity to live in Madrid AND learning EVEN MORE about her!"

One project at a time, though. I have one BIG project on my plate at the moment and after that passes in the next month I'll consider this one.

Maybe I would need to consider something on the message board registration page that states "Anything posted by registered members MAY be published in book form and sold retail. Neither your name nor email addresses will be included." Hmmm.. this might deter totally open and free speech though. Don'tcha think?

Once again, thank you SO much for your support and kind words on this surprisingly long thread. Did I ever mention that my father has been a writer of "Outdoor" and Travel-topics for newspaper, magazine, and books almost all his life? (he's also a retired high school biology teacher, but writes "full-time" now in his retired years) And my mom's a retired English/German teacher. They both read about 6 books per week combined -- I'm lucky if I read one book each year! rolleyes So..... what! I guess writing is in my blood, eh?

Anyway, enough about me and my family. Let's talk awhile about your sweet, old, aunt Tilly. wink

Thanks again, people. I appreciate it. Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#62183 - 06/20/02 01:48 PM Re: Write a book already!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
MM, someone on your board must be a practicing attorney (I am a lawyer--gosh, can't you all tell from my recent posts how argumentative I can be?--but don't practice and don't know ANYTHING about copyright issues) who could tell you what references you should check about using members' words.

I know other sites do similar husband is actively involved in a listserv on medieval genealogy (don't we have odd interests?!) and the guy who moderates that publishes a book each year with tons of excerpts from the postings. There have to be rules about it.

In my field (psychology), there are strict guidelines about what counts as "publication" of our work (because we're not allowed to submit things to academic journals once they have been published elsewhere) and when your work is protected.

I bet nobody would change a thing about their postings if you had a message like that. People here are generally very civil and thoughful and, when posting negative comments, usually give lots of explanation rather than just "Hostal XYZ is horrible!"

Ooh...voila! Hooray for Google!!

More than anyone ever wanted to know about copyright, fair use, and other issues!!! THIS is why I don't practice law. No amount of money will get me excited to read all that junk!

#62184 - 06/25/02 09:43 PM Re: Write a book already!
kelar419 Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 03/22/02
Posts: 541
Loc: Texas
WRITE A BOOK!!!!!!!!! In my study abroad class last semester we read a book by an Italian... "Chao America: An Italian discovers America" (or something like that :p ) You could do "An American discovers Spain" And of course... to "discover" Spain, you would have to do as this Italian did and live in Spain for an entire year! laugh
"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente."

#62185 - 06/25/02 11:22 PM Re: Write a book already!
GranadaGirl Offline

Registered: 01/24/01
Posts: 348
Loc: Maryland via Connecticut, USA ...
And of course, MadridMan, if you need any kind of administrative help while abroad, I can make the sacrifice, pack up my stuff, move to Spain and be your employee while there. You know, when you're out 'researching' things, I can be in the mobile office (laptop on bench at the Retiro Park) copying down your memoirs and notes or arranging for your appointments...

HEY! I'm the FIRST to offer, so the job is MINE!! (Can you tell I'm the youngest of 5 kids...) Sorry for that outburst...

But, MM, I agree w/ Tara that I don't think people would hold anything may have some posters trying to outdo each other in their eloquence (did I spell that right? I'm sure Cali will tell me if I didn't!!) and literary styles...

And what's that OTHER project you have on your plate, or are you not telling us??

-GG (Who's excited at the prospect of working abroad and not just being a working broad...)
"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias."

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