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#61932 - 04/25/02 08:32 AM Romantic Interlude!
Wolf Offline

Registered: 01/25/01
Posts: 1235
Loc: Rockford, IL/Milton, WI, USA
After reading dozens of posts out here, that talk about how romantic European men are, compared to Americans, I thought this little trip to the Onion's Point/Counterpoint might be in order.

Even though it deals with Italy, what would make me tend to believe there is little, or no difference in Spain or France?

Of course, the guy who posted his counterpoint isn't anything like the guy most women meet, is he? rolleyes

Or is he? wink

Wolf (Sorry ladies. Not all that glitters is gold.)

#61933 - 04/25/02 04:26 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
I'm really disappointed in the Onion for printing my experiences as a Greek sailor. I'm going to contact the editor at once!
Ongi etorri!

#61934 - 04/25/02 07:00 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
I read that article a while back. It cracked me up!!!

Calibasco! I thought you looked familiar. No wonder nautical images kept popping into my head everytime I looked at you at La Luna. I thought it was strange to for a Greek sailor to look so Aryan...but your accent was so convincing.

I feel violated

#61935 - 05/03/02 10:17 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
Wow! rolleyes it's not like i've ever been fooled by a sexy Roman. Darn it! Maybe I have. It's so sad. This summer while I was walking in Rome, this Italian man with dark tanned skin, dark hair and a thick accent swept me off my feet. To make a long story short, I should have stayed in Spain, the men are less sneaky there. Now that I think of it, I got played. mad I'm going to share my experience, so people believe that that article has some truth to it.

This past summer when I was on my weekend trip to Rome, I met a police officer on the train. I don't know why I thought that he was so suave, but I did. I wanted to grab something to eat while I was waiting for my next train, but I had no Lira. This sweet Roman officer, offered to buy me a McDonald's value meal. I don't know why I was so estactic. It was a stale burger in a dirty train station. Anyway, I was so inlove, because I thought, wow, he's so romantic, American guys would never buy a girl they didn't know something. Anyway, I came back to see him a few days later and he decided to take the day off of work to show me around Rome. Now, I thought, wow, he's taking the day off just for me, but he probably didn't even have to work. Then, he walks me all around Rome and told me all this history of the city. Not like I cared, but I thought, wow, how amazing that he knows so much history of his country, when Americans don't even know that the image on a 25 cent coin has changed. Anyway, after that he convinced me to change my air ticket and stay the night. He got me all the way to the ticket counter, but then I realized what he wanted and I wasn't going to just lay over and hand it over when he didn't even know my last name! :o I thought, if he wants me, he can come to Madrid and get me. So I left. But then, he said, oh I can't afford to come to Madrid, so me feeling sorry for him, hopped on a plane three days later to go back to Rome. He picked me up and took me to his rat hole, and yes, I mean rat hole apartment. It was horrible, it was the most filthiest place I had ever seen, but the first thing he told me, please forgive me, my apartment is not very nice... see that was a way to make me feel guilty for being superficial and feel even more sorry for him. He took me to the park, a filthy park with dirty pigeons and kissed me. i thought, oh, he's so romantic... how many american men take women to the park nowadays, but the reality, how convenient ... he didn't have to spend a dime and it was easy to get me all excited about being in Rome. To make a long story short... European men are more romantic, but only because we make them that way. Now that I think back, there was nothing romantic about McDonalds, his roach infested apartment, his old broken down car, his accent that was so horrible, I could never understand a word that was coming out of his mouth. I'll never date another Roman again.


#61936 - 05/03/02 10:45 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
roses, what a story! You're certainly not alone--many of my American friends have had similar experiences.

I think one of the things that makes many European men so attractive to us is that they show their interest in the "right" ways--they are courteous, solicitous, flattering, blah, blah...and it's hard for ANY woman to resist that and a pair of handsome dark eyes staring deeply into her own!

My own "love story" in Spain is similar, though it didn't go very far as the guy was just 20 and lived at home. But over the course of a summer he bought me drinks (NEVER let me pay), walked me home with his jacket around my shoulders, always held doors, carried my packages, called me sweet nicknames, told me he loved me, brought me little presents, picked me flowers, etc....all things that sweep a 20-year-old Americana off her feet after a college career full of keggers and guys who think that burping contests are charming.

If he had had a roach-infested apartment all his own, I would have been there with bells on, I promise, after a suave performance like that. As it was, I put up with his cigarette smoking (a DEAL BREAKER here in the US during my dating days) just because he was so darn sweet and flattering! And to show what an impression it made, I have saved several VERY gooey love letters in my Spain scrapbook...thank goodness my husband can't read Spanish! wink

I have a sneaking suspicion that American guys (yes, I am WAY over-generalizing!) don't usually sweep Spanish women off their feet like that (MadridMan excepted, of course).

#61937 - 05/03/02 11:01 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
MadridMan Offline

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Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
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#61938 - 05/04/02 01:08 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Jaime Offline

Registered: 08/19/00
Posts: 147
Hi Taravb
You'd be suprised about how many American guys I know in Milwaukee that have swept Espanolas off their feet. Most of them met their husbands while in college studying abroad and one was stationed in the military there when he met his wife.

I think we all like whatever is different from what we're used to. I've heard from many Spanish and Latina women that american men treat them better than their Spanish/Hispanic counterparts. That was news to me.

Wolf, that article cracked me up and of course I had to forward the link to all my girlfreinds that have dated European guys abroad...its just too true!

#61939 - 05/04/02 01:46 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
You know... European men are sweeter... but, I am starting to think that men are pretty much the same everywhere and people, well, I think that they like things that are different and out the norm. Some of my American guy friends say the exact same about European women. They find that they are so much sexier and comfortable with their bodies and sexuality and they feel that they are the easiest lays in the world, besides Brazil. Hey, as one of my American guy friend said "you don't even have to spend a bunch of money on them (unlike American women), - one croissant and a cafe will do." But in all reality, I think when all people are away from their homeland, they'll do just about anything with anyone, because no one will ever know about it. In the end, everyone is just partaking in a little summer lovin' cool . As long as we all know that the flattery, kindness, attention, candlelight dinners, flowers, etc... are all different types of bait that is used to reel us in, we'll be okay and we'll be armed with the heart protection we need to prevent us from getting to wrapped up in believing that this moment of pure esctasy is more than what it really is: a summer love affair. So ladies and gentlemen, put your radar on and look for the biggest bite you can get and prepare yourself for a fun and romantic summer with that foreign somebody. Summer is only weeks away and the Italians, amongst everyone else is waiting for the foreigners to come over! :p But just remember to always protect yourself with trojan , because there is always a fresh new batch of foreigners coming in every week during the summer months and the city dwellers are always looking for their catch of the week! wink


#61940 - 05/04/02 02:58 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!


#61941 - 05/04/02 07:48 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!

New chatroom format is fantastic F******* c***!!!!

#61942 - 05/05/02 01:04 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
MadridMan Offline

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Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
That's GREAT advice, roses. Thanks for stating so clearly what many people experience when they go abroad, be it for vacation or to study.
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#61943 - 05/05/02 04:52 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!

What an awful experience to have!All men are not the same!Most English definately arent.

It must be said though that women (generally)are experts in manipulating men for their own gain.

I work with women who converse with me like i`m a female and sometimes i`m amazed at the things they say and do! That said,when i go out with mates the conversation is remarkably similar,but more laddish,However,i do think that women deserve more respect.The fabulous way that a job,child,home and husband are all handled at once says everything.Any man who tries this will agree that it is no easy task.

What a shame these people who target women for a Quick good time cant respect that! wink

#61944 - 05/05/02 05:09 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
Well Spike, I wouldn't say it was an awful experience, it was just an experience. My summer love taught me a lot and I even had my Italian stallion come and stay with me for a few weeks in Los Angeles, and that's where I realized that my dream of a perfect man was nothing more than what it was: a summer love that should have been left in Italy. If everything was always so perfect, then life would become boring. I think that this experience has taught me how to look at the dating game in a broader perspective. There are less rules and it's almost impossible to know your opponents next move. It taught me how not to assume and learn to take things for face value. I also think that women have learned how to manipulate the dating process to eliminate the rotten eggs in the bunch. In fact, some women have learned the way that men work. Phone calls are not returned right away, so the women doesn't appear desperate or to be chasing a man (as men find that to be a quality of a women who is insecure and/or desperate). Dating more than one person is a way to prevent women from getting so attached when the other person doesn't feel the same way. Not all people are not the same, but there are definitely characteristics that are passed down from father to son, brother to brother, and friend to friend. The nice guys are indeed hard to find. But then again, it's not like diamonds are laying on the streets for everyone to pick up. Anything worth anything is always hard to come by.


#61945 - 05/05/02 07:46 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!

It always amazes me the way that some people will always find a positive from a negative.
As long as the experience has a happy ending and you are wiser for it,then its a worthwhile part of life to be remembered.
Iam sure that the experience has helped shape your opinion of guys(rightly or wrongly)

frown spike

#61946 - 05/05/02 11:27 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
mencey Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/13/00
Posts: 330
Loc: Omaha, Nebraska
Uh hummmm..(clear throat) I don't like to brag, but um..I swept a spanish girl off her feet too you know. We've now been married for a year and a half and we have a beautiful 5 month baby girl as proof of the my sweeping abilities.
Heut ist mein tag

#61947 - 05/06/02 06:59 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
miche_dup1 Offline

Registered: 04/08/02
Posts: 181
Well, I don't like to brag but I GOT swept of my feet by an Italian stallion and whatever his intentions were at the outset of us meeting and.... laugh well, it's been nine years since of being wined and dined with the most humble of pasta dishes which still wow's me. Proof I guess of my alluring abilities!! who got who smittened here! haha ha.


#61948 - 05/06/02 12:08 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
well spike, for me it wasn't negative. i don't think i said negative. it was just a dramatic experience. negative or positive, i learned from it. if all in life were perfect, we'd all be nieve and uneducated.


#61949 - 05/06/02 03:31 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!

Youre right,you didn`t say it was a negative experience.Perhaps I`m not naive but possibly still(slightly?)uneducated.


#61950 - 05/06/02 06:52 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
roses Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/07/02
Posts: 151
Loc: Beverly Hills, CA
wink spike: as we are always learning something new, that makes us all (slightly uneducated)? I think... oh, who knows. roses.

#61951 - 03/04/03 09:51 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
Another gem from The Onion on the difference between America and Europe (for our European friends, or any Americans who have been living under a rock for the past year, The Onion is SATIRE--it's not serious!):

Why Can't We Live In Enlightened Topless Europe?

By Kyle Delsman
I realize that speaking out in favor of Europe is not a wise thing to do these days, but I must give credit where credit is due. My tour of Europe last summer opened my eyes to a rich culture where people place a premium on conversations about philosophy and ideas rather than last night's episode of Friends. Food is prepared and savored, not popped in the microwave and inhaled. And women are free to expose their breasts, not forced to hide them behind layers of constricting fabric. Why, oh, why, can't we live in enlightened topless Europe?

The United States is so backwards and repressed. Americans don't value the arts nearly as much as Europeans. Here in America, artists struggle to make ends meet. In Europe, artists have patrons in the government. Painters and sculptors are free to create as many works of art with the breast as they wish. Or they may choose not to include breasts in their art. But even when they don't, they know that breasts are an accepted and encouraged option.

Unlike us philistines, Europeans appreciate beauty and aesthetics, and incorporate them into everyday life. Instead of soulless edifices of concrete and steel, European buildings are beautifully crafted with intricate Old World ornamentation. Instead of garish, fluorescent-lit food courts, Europeans gather in magnificent open-air plazas. And instead of breasts crushed by shape-obscuring bras, Europeans routinely enjoy the sight of pert young breasts, presented with their graceful curves fully intact. In the piazzas of Italy, the fountains are rich with statues where pointy little breasts are left exposed for anyone to see and appreciate. Bellissimo!

Breasts in Europe aren't just exposed—they're celebrated. In London, for example, the newspapers feature a "Page Three" girl who poses with her top off. What do we have on the third page of our nation's so-called "paper of record," The New York Times? News. What is wrong with this country that some explosion or election somewhere is more important than the beauty of the female form?

Nowhere are Americans more repressed than in matters of health. We sunbathe modestly, take unisex saunas, and cover our torsos everywhere but in the privacy of our own homes. The French don't hesitate to maximize their intake of vitamin D from the sun by doffing their bikini tops whenever possible. In the spas of Austria, patrons not only go topless, but bottomless, as well. Would you ever see a fully naked young woman in a YWCA in Atlanta or Chicago? Of course not. We Americans simply wouldn't be able to handle such a shocking sight.

The U.S. government doesn't do anything to help foster a social climate in which breasts can flourish. In fact, they do just the opposite. Breasts are often declared "lewd" or "indecent," and those who express themselves with pure hearts and open brassieres are ticketed and fined. In Europe, breasts are free to express themselves and interact with the world.

Now, assuming I am someone who enjoys the glorious sight of naked breasts (which I am), how can I see them in America? My only options are to frequent sleazy gentlemen's clubs or buy pornographic magazines. This is exactly what's wrong with America. When you repress the breast, you turn it into a dirty thing. You take something lovely and natural, and pervert it into something impure. That's what our country has done.

I still hold out hope for us. Most Americans, after all, still have traces of European blood coursing through their veins. Their ancestors came from France, from Germany, from Italy—places where they have naked breasts on the cover of mainstream magazines. Somewhere, buried deep within our DNA, is the potential to break free from our self-imposed, mammary-despising shackles. We must tap into these long-dormant European genes and unleash the wellspring of enlightenment. Only then will we live in a truly enlightened—and topless—United States of America.

#61952 - 03/05/03 05:16 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Full Member

Registered: 11/02/00
Posts: 193
Taravb, all this breast talk is turning me on. I think I´ll go find som right now, here in sevilla. I take it that you are a breast man.

#61953 - 03/05/03 06:59 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
MadridMan Offline

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Registered: 05/06/00
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Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
And suddenly my mouth is watering for tetilla cheese from Galicia. wink
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#61954 - 03/05/03 09:38 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
pim Offline

Registered: 11/07/01
Posts: 662
Loc: Brussels
Well....there's always Mardi Gras in New Orleans, right? :p wink

Anyway, that article is quite funny, but it makes me wonder, why would so many NorthAmerican women have plastic surgery "there" (or so it's rummored around here rolleyes ) if they're then going to cover themselves with such an amount of fabric layers? confused

#61955 - 03/05/03 11:03 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
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Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Pim, it's called tintillation! laugh laugh laugh
Lo que no se ve se añora! You want what you can't see! wink

Of course, nubile, young women don't need breast augmentation, reduction or breast lifting, but... after a few years some people, not me of course, will resort to visiting the Plastic surgeon to fix up what nature has let down!
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61956 - 03/05/03 11:07 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
Hey, MATADOR, I am most definitely NOT a man! But even those of us with breasts can appreciate a good joke!

#61957 - 03/05/03 07:09 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
mencey Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/13/00
Posts: 330
Loc: Omaha, Nebraska
I too, am a breast man. President Bush should definitely install a national health plan where Breast augmentation is covered, and breast redunction is, not covered. Of course, you can't get everybody to just unsnap their bras all at once at the drop of a hat, no it must be gradual. Start with, for example, breast appreciation day, where everyybody complements one anothere's breasts, male or female. (ie. wow madridman, what nice pectoral muscles you have, or hey there matador,how YOU doin?) the next step would have to be topless day. Self explanatory. Then qualify all public beaches as tops optional. of course this process may take some time, like at least a couple of months.bahada bing bahdah boom, you have your topless, breast appreciating, society. , I will send this directly to Hillary Clinton for her approval, she may appreciate an idea like this.
Heut ist mein tag

#61958 - 03/05/03 09:06 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
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Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Mencey, you've really given this a lot of thought, haven't you? eek

Hillary Clinton? Do you mean Bill, Hmmmmm?

I would disagree about breast reduction. If your breast scheme is going to work, you've got to allow for breast reduction, particularly in the over 35 crowd! I've seen some men that really should wear a manzere! laugh
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61959 - 03/05/03 09:31 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
mencey Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/13/00
Posts: 330
Loc: Omaha, Nebraska
I concur Booklady, I meant Bill, must've been a freudian slip. Breast reduction?mmm,negative, but you know, once they start sagging past your knees, a lift is mandatory.
Heut ist mein tag

#61960 - 03/06/03 11:53 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium
This is all too funny. I had a good time reading these posts.
There must indead be a slight difference between American and European. laugh laugh laugh

(this is not ment to offend!)

#61961 - 03/06/03 04:55 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Hola Martine,
So glad you joined us! Well tell me don't you agree that breast reduction is also a good thing, particularly for those of us (men and women) over 35 who perhaps are beginning to sag? Our friend Mencey puts the threshold of sagginess too Low, in my opinion! laugh
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61962 - 03/06/03 07:12 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
taravb Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 02/22/01
Posts: 736
Loc: Ames, Iowa, USA
Just in time...look what I found today (the quotation in the second-to-last paragraph is worth the price of admission!). We Americans are finally comfortable enough with breasts to make them available at 30,000 feet, along with bloody marys and peanuts!

Hooters Air Takes Off with Waitresses in Hot Pants

ATLANTA (Reuters) - If any of the passengers who boarded an aging Hooters Air 737 in Atlanta on Thursday had a fear of flying, none showed it.

Perhaps it was the thought of attractive young women in hot pants and tank tops that set their minds at ease.

In a throwback to an era when airlines sought to titillate as well as transport their male clientele, Hooters Air joined the growing ranks of low-cost U.S. airlines on Thursday with the start of scheduled service between Atlanta and the resort town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Its approach is decidedly less stuffy than the no-frills image of, say, JetBlue Airways Corp., the New York-based low-cost airline.

Hooters Air, whose owner Robert Brooks also is chairman of the Hooters of America restaurant chain famous for its spicy chicken wings and scantily clad waitresses, believes that droves of mostly male golfers and sportsmen will pay good money to rub shoulders with its beauties at 30,000 feet.

Two "Hooters Girls" in skimpy orange-and-white outfits will help serve snacks and drinks to passengers.

"A lot of people today don't have a lot to smile about," Brooks said during a ceremony celebrating its inaugural flight at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport.

"We want to transcend that," said Brooks, who added that the airline was more than a mere marketing tool for Hooters' Atlanta-based chain of more than 300 restaurants in 43 states and 10 countries. The privately held restaurant chain celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.


Hooters Air admittedly is starting off small. It will fly one retrofitted plane between Atlanta and Myrtle Beach for the next two weeks. A second route from Newark, New Jersey, to Myrtle Beach via Atlanta will be added on March 20.

The airline hopes to make up in comfort what it lacks in scope. Its orange-and-white jets, operated by Pace Airlines of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, have been retrofitted with 112 leather seats. Hooters Air claims the seats provide more leg room than those of its competitors.

Fares are in line with other airlines flying between Atlanta and Myrtle Beach and do not change regardless of when they are purchased, which the airline hopes will draw last- minute golfers with an urge to play the links in Myrtle Beach.

One-way fare between Atlanta and Myrtle Beach is about $130 per person.

Hooters already has four restaurants serving the South Carolina golfing mecca of Myrtle Beach.


But airline analysts say that Hooters Air faces a daunting challenge making a go of it in the financially ailing industry.

Major U.S. airlines have lost billions of dollars since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States threw the industry into an unprecedented financial crisis. Wall Street estimates the major U.S. carriers lost between $8 billion and $10 billion in 2002.

Henry Harteveldt, an airline analyst for Forrester Research in San Francisco, described Hooters Air as a novelty idea that would not give established carriers such Delta Air Lines, which operates on the same route, anything to worry about.

"I expect Hooters Air to bounce along until they go bust," Harteveldt said. "They will never be a major factor in the scheduled market. It is proof that there is no shortage of stupid ideas in the airline business."

Harteveldt said it would make more sense for Hooters to concentrate on the charter and corporate shuttle market, rather than try to compete on regularly scheduled routes.

#61963 - 03/07/03 12:13 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
mencey Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/13/00
Posts: 330
Loc: Omaha, Nebraska
Wow, Hooters Air, tit sounds like a great company! Has anybody gotten a feel for their service? Where did you sit in seat 36 double D? Please keep me abreast of their progress.
Heut ist mein tag

#61964 - 03/07/03 03:21 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium
Hi Booklady

A big difference between American and European is your sence of humour. You are all so humourous!

Don't think every women in Europe shows her breasts on the beach. It is still a minority!

And about breast corrections: you talk about that as about peeling potatoes. Here this is still a kind of taboo. When one had a correction she certainly wouldn't tell this, because of the "Michal Jackson effect" eek . "Oh no,look, her breasts are not real! She cheats! She is out of the competion!"

But like often ... lots of trends begin in America and come to Europe. I'll maybe change my mind in a few years laugh

Breast reduction for men? That's something completely different.It's only liposucction, no?

#61965 - 03/07/03 12:21 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Breast reduction for men?
No way! Not me! I'd rather wear a "Bro"! ("Bros" are otherwise known as "Manssieres" or bras for men) laugh
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#61966 - 03/07/03 01:13 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
They may be a minority in Belgium, Martine, but Mrs Anchovy makes me wear a paper bag over my head when we go on the beach down here because boobs are EVERYWHERE!!!

I can't wait for the season to start this year though, because she doesn't know I've just cut two little holes in it.... laugh
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#61967 - 03/07/03 07:30 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
pim Offline

Registered: 11/07/01
Posts: 662
Loc: Brussels
Right, Martine, I'm sure most Belgian people also have a healthy sense of humour, and I know we do here! laugh
Also, there must be a different attitude towards "boob jobs" eek ; here sometimes certain celebrities are interviewed on TV solely on account of theirs!!! rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes
And topless suntanning is a pretty widespread thing everywhere; beaches, pools,.... cool

#61968 - 03/07/03 09:20 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Hola Martine,

Yes, we Americans take our breasts seriously! rolleyes

Regarding breast reductions for men or women, generally, plastic surgeons do more than liposuction, they also reshape the breast so that it returns to its old perky self, and that may mean moving your nipple a few inches higher. The force of gravity is cruel to men and women with pendulous breasts. That's why liposuction alone would not be advisible, you can visualize what would happen to your breast, it would look like a ballon without air, a sad thing! eek

Anchovy, I have news for you,a little furry squirrel told me that Mrs. Anchovy is on to you and she's got a specially designed bag for you to wear. Sorry! frown

Yes MadridMan, some men do need breast reduction too! Of course not you! wink
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61969 - 03/08/03 01:59 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
mencey Offline
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Registered: 08/13/00
Posts: 330
Loc: Omaha, Nebraska
This has got to be one of the funniest topics I've seen on the MM board. Thanks guys, now if you'll excuse me...I think I wet myself.
Heut ist mein tag

#61970 - 03/08/03 09:19 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium
Hey Booklady, reading all this, do you realise how much power we have? wink

Anchovy,we are coming to Spain this summer... I think I'll also make my husband wear a paper bag! laugh laugh

#61971 - 03/08/03 10:21 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.

Do you think that the larger the breasts the more power we have? I wonder if men world-wide would take women politicians seriously if they were a 38DDD instead of a 38A.

If this were true, then, I propose that we should all get our breasts augmented, and run the world, the way it should be run!

¡Viva Las Mamarias!
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61972 - 03/08/03 10:55 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium

#61973 - 03/08/03 01:54 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
No no no rolleyes

You've all got it wrong!

Mrs. A has Mr. A's head covered with a paper bag so he doesn't scare the children and animals! eek


#61974 - 03/08/03 02:54 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Jo, don't tell me that! eek

In my mind, I visualized Sr. Anchovy as a Roger Moore look-alike! rolleyes
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61975 - 03/09/03 04:35 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
Take no notice of Jo, Booklady. Keep that 007 image in your mind. The name's Front.... Anchovy Front rolleyes
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#61976 - 03/09/03 08:22 AM Re: Romantic Interlude!
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium
Mr Front, to see at what you write, you must be American too.

#61977 - 03/14/03 03:38 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
Finally, a thread I "can" sink my teeth I can you know what I mean.

This is all too funny...and I echo Martine in that sentiment. And all this time I thought that mencey was a woman! :p

My opinion on breast augmentation? Just "seno"!
Ongi etorri!

#61978 - 03/14/03 05:32 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
laugh laugh laugh

Cali writes: "just seno" it took me a while, but it hit me! laugh laugh
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

#61979 - 03/22/03 07:24 PM Re: Romantic Interlude!
Martín de Madrid Offline

Registered: 08/18/00
Posts: 225
Loc: Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, España
Interesting topic! As a professional figure painter, I have noticed many differences between the attitudes of both the culture and individuals here and in the US towards nudity. It is my experience that it IS true that Europeans are much more relaxed about showing their bodies, about not judging others by their clothing, wallet, body shape, whatever, than most in the US (especially in SoCal!). Models here are much, much easier to work with, will take an erotic pose without embarassment, and in general are just much easier to work with than models from the US generally. The nude is everywhere here: statues, paintings, on the beaches. . . this is one reason I live here, and NOT in the US. laugh US prudishness is viewed as being the immature phenomena it is (forgive my spelling, I am forgetting my English!).

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