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#6000 - 08/26/03 09:59 AM Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
We are a couple about 60. My husband is retiring at the end of October and we are leaving for Spain on November 4th for a 2 week vacation- we're also celebrating our 33 rd anniversary. My husband speaks Spanish and we have been looking forward to visiting Spain for some time. In my readings about Madrid, I have become somewhat confused by the large number of choices avavilable, and would like some help chosing a place to stay.

We are looking for a hotel (or hostel) centrally located near the sites and that is comforatble and friendly. We do not need anything fancy, and , in fact, have liked the smaller, locally run hotels when we have traveled elsewhere in Europe. We do not need the extreme low budget hostels, and want private bathrooms and elevators if the rooms are up a number of flights . From my reading, I thought that it might be fun to be in the Plaza de Santa Ana area heading east towards the Prado, but I'm open to suggestions. What is pretty important is that I am a light sleeper, and need a room that is quiet. When I read about hotels, there is often a comment that there is a lot of street noise, but this is November and I wonder if we will need open windows this late in the fall.. Any suggestions?

We are staying in Madrid 3 days and heading south to Andalucia- Seville, Arcos, Ronda, Grenada, and Malaga before heading back to Madrid for another 2 days. We will go to Seville by train, and after traveling around by car, return to Madrid by train from Malaga for the last couple of days. Any suggestions for this part of the trip would be appreciated as well.

Thanks, Madrid Man, for the wonderful forum, Margret

#6001 - 08/26/03 09:24 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
JA Offline
Full Member

Registered: 09/28/01
Posts: 116
Loc: usa
Hostel and hostal are two different things. The hostals in Madrid (that I found thanks to the M-Man's site) are very good and reasonable. So are the ones in Seville.

Have you got any of the traditional and trustworthy guides for Spain? I think they would make your trip so much better. By the way, driving in Sevilla is hell.

Good luck.


#6002 - 08/27/03 07:28 AM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
Thanks, JA. I think that I understand the difference between hotels and hostels. Based on what I have read, we could possible go with either. I have read extensively from books and web sites, but wanted more personalized suggestions. I havel searched through MMan's site about certain hotels( hostels), and just when I think I found one, someone said they had trouble sleeping. ( that's the trouble, I guess with such accounts- they are personal) I'm thinking about Carlos V, Hostel Macarena, BW Hotel Arosa ( a Karen Brown recommendation, but more expensive), or maybe even Danta Domingo or Hotel Opera ( also expensive). Any thoughts?

By the way, we are taking the train to Seville and back. Thanks again. Margret

#6003 - 08/27/03 09:26 AM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
gazpacho Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/23/00
Posts: 797
Loc: Macomb, MI U.S.

Just a suggestion. My wife and I travel to Madrid and we are in our mid-forties. We like to stay at an apartment when we go to Madrid. It has its own kitchen and laundry facilities, and the one we stay at is four floors up with a very good elevator. Four floors up attenuates, not eliminates, a lot of noise from the streets. The price is 90 Euros a night.
If you are interested, then read my previous post about Hospedaje Madrid .
The AVE train to Sevilla is the way to go. It is a very short and comfortable ride. I took it from Sevilla to Madrid last trip. Make sure you always have reservations for a seat when travelling in Europe. We found that out the hard way a couple of visits ago.
Have a nice trip.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

#6004 - 08/27/03 11:29 AM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
liz49 Offline
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Registered: 03/29/02
Posts: 118
Loc: Cleveland, OH
The Hotel Plaza Mayor may be just the place for you. I've stayed there twice and always found it to be friendly, well-located, and reasonably quiet. If you do a search under "Hotel Plaza Mayor" you'll find my other exuberant postings smile

There is an elevator, and as the name suggests you are centrally located just steps from the Plaza Mayor, close to Puerta del Sol and Plaza Santa Ana.

#6005 - 08/27/03 12:31 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
carlos11 Offline

Registered: 05/16/03
Posts: 90
Loc: Florida,USA
Please give me a run down on the snack shop in the Plaza Mayor hotel.Do they serve a good breakfast?etc:
Thanks carlos11

#6006 - 08/27/03 03:28 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
CathyM Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/20/01
Posts: 325
Loc: Hermosa Beach, California
What is your budget nightly for the room cost?

#6007 - 08/27/03 03:45 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
I was thinking about 100+ euros per night, but could go higher if necessary or needed. Since this trip is a bit of a spluge celebrating retirement and anniversary, I wanted someplace nice, but don't want to feel gypped ( ? sp). We especially want someplace that feels like we're in Madrid, and hate the large American-type hotels/motels. In addition, I am a very light sleeper.

Thanks, Margret

#6008 - 08/27/03 04:05 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
eduardo Offline

Registered: 04/16/02
Posts: 107
Loc: Madrid
I'm thinking of booking myself and my senior citizen parents in the Hostal Arias in Sevilla,

Hosta Arias Home Page

I know the reviews in the past have been good, but anybody have any recent experience with them?


#6009 - 08/27/03 10:37 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
JA Offline
Full Member

Registered: 09/28/01
Posts: 116
Loc: usa
Justretired, I am also retired. Have you checked the Bancotel deals? You have to be a bit corageous the first time but I have used them in Madrid, Seville and Portugal and they have always worked well. They are truly a great deal but you have to have a little confidence and not worry too much. In essence you pay for the coupons here and they mail them to the hotel. You have to use your c/c so you are covered if they were to fail. One time they were late in Seville but they eventually arrived and everything was ok. Good hostals can be quite competitive with the discounts offered by Bancotel. Also a quick call to the hotel will let you know that Bancotel made the reservation for you.

Good luck,


#6010 - 08/29/03 02:33 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
Thank you all for your suggetsions. We are still trying to sort it out hotels in Madrid, and hope to start booking this weekend. We had hoped to stay at the Parador in Granada ( for a big splurge), but as indicated in every book weritten about the area, it was booked months ago. Any alternate suggestions? Is it better to be on the grounds of Alhambra, or are some of the small hotels nearby nicer? Karen Brown recommends the America or the Alhambra Palace, but the former is quite small and may be booked, and the latter sounds large and inpersonal. Any thoughts?

Again, thanks for everyone's help! Margret

#6011 - 08/29/03 04:32 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
CathyM Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/20/01
Posts: 325
Loc: Hermosa Beach, California

Wanted to reply to you with complete information but your time is running out so here goes a quick rundown.

* Sevilla
I would definately stay in the Juderia (Santa cruz area).

Las Casa de Juderia is more than your budget but a nice splurge.

Casa de Juderia

However, I stayed at the Alcantara over Semana Santa and it was nice. Excellent location, good price, new and clean. The design is more IKEA type modern but it's a good place.

Hotel Alcantara

* Arcos
El Convento - excellent little place. Our balcony was larger than our room and overlooked the valley. Friendly staff - same owners as restaurant of same name - a must.
No website but email:

Hotel Don Miguel - across from the parador with the same views and half the price. I requested a room with a balcony and view and was literally hanging off the gorge! If I recall the price was about 50 euros including breakfast.

Hotel Don Miguel

I stayed one night at the Hotel Principe 11.
Principe 11
It was in a great location. Clean room but nothing fancy. I'd stay there again.

Another place in Madrid has my curiosity and looks great but I've never stayed there:

En Busca del tempo

* Granada
Stayed at the hotel Anacapri:

It was nice and central. It is pretty quiet at night on the hill where the Alhambra is. I almost booked at the Hotel America and was glad I didn't. I'm not into the wild nightlife scene but it's nice to be able to walk to cafes, etc..

Alhambra hint: if it is possible (time of year) DO make an extra trip and visit at night. Incredible experience and not alot of people know this is possible.

I do alot of research on hotels using

web page

It's not a booking service but has alot of links directly to the hotels and information on them. I've never had a problem booking through the internet using these links.

I don't usually have trouble sleeping at night, but I do bring a travel size sound machine that plays soothing sounds (waves, surf, rain, etc....). If there is any noise outside it's masked by the sound of the machine.

Hope this helps. Keep us updated! laugh

#6012 - 08/29/03 04:59 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
Hi Cath,

#6013 - 08/29/03 05:21 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
Hi Cathy,

I'll try again. ( My hand slipped and somehow, the last message got posted).
Thanks so much for your extended answer; it was very helpful. I gather you have liked the apartment experience. Except with a vacation with our children, we have never stayed in one. Did you find yourself isolated at all, or do these apartment complexes tend to have desk consierge help? Restaurants or breakfast areas? I had looked at Suite Prado, but I think it is in a different category.

We have planned to stay at the Juderia in Seville- the cost is just fine, and we have friends who have stayed there and loved it. In Arcos, we have been trying to decide between El Convento and Cortijo Fain, a farmhouse on the outskirts of town. It's hard to know if being outside town is good or bad. In our travels, we have sometimes liked ot stay at rural B&Bs that have dinner at night. After a day of touring, it's sometimes nice to relax over a nice mea and collapsel. But, it's hard to know if this woudl be too limiting.

Thanks for the tip about Hotel Don Miguel- it sounds perfect. I also like the desription of Anacapri- I hadn't come across this hotel. The location sounds great. I wasn't sure what you meant by a wild nighttime scene- we're pretty much the same as you. We like to be able to walk around, have a cafe, etc., but late night partying is for the kids. Are some of the hotels in the middle of the "party scene?"

We Will be in Granada around the 15th of November- is this still OK for night time trips to the Alhambra. Also, did you have the hotel get your tickets to the Alhambra for you? If not, how did you get them?

I'm getting one of those travel sound machines. It's a great idea.

Again, thanks, Margret

#6014 - 08/29/03 11:18 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
ToniG Offline

Registered: 01/08/02
Posts: 34
Loc: Seattle, WA USA
We stayed at the Cortijo Fain in 2001. We liked the rooms and cozy fireplace. But bear in mind that it is a different experience than ARcos. We stayed there after a day of bicycling and then walking around Arcos and it was definitely relaxing. I would recommend the Cortijo Fain, to large congenial groups--we had fun there.

#6015 - 08/31/03 12:25 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
nj Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/31/03
Posts: 18
Loc: Northern ireland
You could try the Hotel Green El Prado , it has a central location (near plaza Santa Anna)and has really comfortable and quiet rooms.We've just spent 4 days in madrid and we stayed there and the hotel was perfect.Rough guides or Lonely Planet would probably say that the hotel lacks character,which means that the hotel is spotlessly clean.For a fine budget meal go to la Finca De Susana at calle Arlaban near the hotel -but you've got to go early!Hope you enjoy this fantastic city!

#6016 - 09/01/03 01:06 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
kelar419 Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 03/22/02
Posts: 541
Loc: Texas
About Granada, I dont know how high up the hill, the hotel you mentioned is...but be aware that if it is something actually on the grounds of the Alhambra (like the parador, or alhambra palace), or too far up, you will have quite a walk too and from. The path up to the Alhambra is gorgeous, but definitely a hike! There are little buses (cheap, I think only 75 cent) that shuttle people back and forth, but then you have to deal with waiting for them, etc.

As far as tickets to the Alhambra, definitely go for a night visit if you get the chance. You can buy tickets from any travel agency in Granada, and some banks, you cant buy them up at the Alhambra though, so get them a day in advance if you can! smile

I studied in Granada last semester, you will love the city!!! If you want to avoid areas where there is a lot of night life...avoid anything around Plaza Einstein, calle Pedro Antonio, or around Plaza Real.
Kelly laugh
"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente."

#6017 - 09/02/03 11:03 AM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
CathyM Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/20/01
Posts: 325
Loc: Hermosa Beach, California
I gather you have liked the apartment experience. Except with a vacation with our children, we have never stayed in one. Did you find yourself isolated at all, or do these apartment complexes tend to have desk consierge help?
The hotels in Madrid I listed are really not apartment complexes. Principe 11 was basically a room with a small little area for a kitchen and a dorm size refrigerator. Nothing fancy. It was close to the Plaza Santa Ana, in the heart of it all.

As for Granada, the Alhambra and the hotels located are pretty isolated. Although I'm not into the wild party scene, it is nice to be able to easily walk to a cafe, tapas bar or listen to some music versus having to rely on a taxi or shuttle.

Sorry I wasn't clear earlier - trying to post too much in too little time wink .

Let me know if you need anything else. Spain is the best. laugh

#6018 - 09/02/03 12:17 PM Re: Madrid/Sevilla+ hotel suggestions?
justretired Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/26/03
Posts: 14
Loc: Massachusetts
Thanks everyone for all your help. We sent off resevations over the weekend. I pretty much picked most of the places we are staying based on all my readings and lots of your help. My husband really liked the idea of a hostel in Madrid ( so he can speak Spanish, I suspect), and he chose Hostel la Macarena because he has a colleague who really enjoyed her stay there. We are staying at the other following places: Casa de la Juderia (Seville), El Convento ( Arcos), the Paradors in Ronda and Malaga, and America in Granada. In the end, we decided to stay near the Alhambra and take the shuttle into town for other sightseeing besides the Alhambra and for meals and tapas, etc. We just thought it would be quieter. It's funny- we have never thought as much about noise ( well, maybe in Florence!) as we have in planning this trip. So many books and comments about the noise sensatized me, I think. In any case, again, thanks. I'll be on the forum shortly looking for suggestions on where to eat and what to do- it's amazing that so many of you share your ideas so freely. Madrid Man, you have created a wonderful service!


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