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#58456 - 11/29/00 12:39 PM Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
I just needed to say how much I LOVE coming in to work in the morning and seeing all those little light bulbs lit up. It just makes me so happy! What a great way to start the day!

I used to feel guilty about being on this thing at work all the time, until I realized most of you are doing the same thing. Weekend board is pretty quiet.

#58457 - 11/29/00 01:21 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I agree 100%, Nicole! I often leave late for work because I can't tear myself away from reading the postings while I was asleep. And yes, it seems about 90% of us are from the USA from my HITS statistics. The majority are on west coast time, almost as many on the east coast, then Central Time zone, almost NONE in Mountain Time, then finally from western Europe.

The MOST active hours of the day are from 8am-5pm Eastern Time, with a BIG BOOST of hits during the 11-1pm lunch hours, a drop at 5pm (commuting home, no doubt), then it goes back up at around 7pm until 10pm and then drops considerably.

It's really interesting/satisfying to see the number of hits increasing by about 30% monthly. The number of hits really dropped from last week's Thanksgiving Day through Sunday and then Monday and Tuesday EXPLODED with all those vacationers returning to their jobs and homes. I love checking in at the end (well, all day long actually) of the day, around midnight, and see at least one posting in all English-language forums. This has only happened a few times, but seeing all forums with posting from that day's date is very satisfying.

Nicole, don't let your boss/coworkers catch you on MadridMan's Spain Message Board! He/She might want to join in the fun! hehehe..

I know I've said this many times before, but I'm more fulfilled, more satisfied with MadridMan's Spain Message Board than MadridMan's Yankee Home Page as a whole! You people have become like family to me, knowing all your usernames, knowing your views on certain issues, knowing your experiences in Spain all help me/us to become closer. I was so happy to read New User alicetruck's posting in the "Hostels & Other Lodgings" forum today which read:
I was filled with joy when I cam across this site ... so many great places to stay in Madrid. The postings are so courteous and helpful .. it is fantastic to see such the internet being used so positively.
She's SO right!!

Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58458 - 11/29/00 02:01 PM Re: Morning Board
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
'Fess up - every morning I open "our" message board way before I look at work emails and check voice mails. All those lights can just keep blinking 'til I get through the really important light bulbs.

What did we ever do - who did we talk to that really understood (i.e. no glazed-over eyes) before we found MM. Don't you ever quit - unless, of course, it's to move to Madrid - especially if it's with your special lady friend.

Thank you for creating, maintaining and hosting what I refer to as "my lifeline to sanity"
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#58459 - 11/29/00 02:16 PM Re: Morning Board
mclarke Offline

Registered: 09/19/00
Posts: 179
Loc: Arlington, VA
I, too open MM's board before I begin work in the morning. It is very refreshing to read all comments from different topics. What I found very admirable is how members of this board can engage on sensitive discussions and still be polite to each other. This board has expanded my knowledge on topics ("Blacks in Spain, ETA)that I would not have otherwise encounter.
This board is so educational and informative.

Because of this board, I surprised my daughter of my so-called knowledge on Spain. When I visit Spain next month, all the information about Spain makes feel that I have been to Spain.

[This message has been edited by mclarke (edited 11-29-2000).]

#58460 - 11/29/00 02:16 PM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
Oh yeah. I am not going to lie. First thing, a cup of strong coffe and the mornings posts - forget wrok. I can't concentrate until I have satified my Spain addiction.

I also weirdly, and genuinely, feel really affectionate towards everyone on the board. it is an amzing forum. I was looking at the Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree and feeling irritated by all the juvenile comments the participants seem to make.

I love the sincerity in the responses on this board, and the true exchange of knowledge. With everyone's input on things to do, see and eat, my next trip to Sapin will be incredible!

And we get to marinate in our nostalgia together. Helps the ache a little bit (makes it worse sometime too, but somehow that's okay).

P.S. Mclarke, I have also really enjoyed those discussions. I thik it is awsome to be able to have civilized, educating discussion about sensitive issues like that. The more I travel , the more I see how connected those issues are- no matter which particular goup you are dicussing. I was just telling someone the other day, that it has helped me learn to discuss polemic topics in a healthier way. I have learned alot through the ETA thread.

[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited 11-29-2000).]

#58461 - 11/29/00 02:22 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
No need to worry, Puna. Even if I DO go to Madrid this board will continue and would probably even GROW with all the firsthand, everyday tidbits I could add for ALL to enjoy. PLUS, I have a "parachute" for MadridMan's Yankee Home Page should I walk in front of a bus someday. Heaven forbid! The website and message board will live on forever!!!

Saludos, MadridMan

P.S. no glazed-over eyes in this group, Puna. WE understand.

[This message has been edited by MadridMan (edited 11-29-2000).]
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58462 - 11/29/00 02:42 PM Re: Morning Board
rgf Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/20/00
Posts: 666
Loc: New York, New York
I'm on the board at work and at home; at least at work when students walk into my office and see all that red and yellow, they can think i'm doing research on spain, hehehehhe! At home i have NO GRAPHICS so i see it as text only! And i, too, feel part of this crazy familia of Spain-addicts. I like helping others with something i might know, and learning new things from you all. This really is a unique board! and now that the offensive MartyMoose has seemed to moose on out... OH NO!! hope he's not reading this!!

#58463 - 11/29/00 06:06 PM Re: Morning Board
Leche Offline

Registered: 10/03/00
Posts: 257
Loc: Boise, Idaho
I too love the board and keep it up from 8am till 5pm MOUNTAIN time. yes, I'll represent for the northwesterner Spanophiles. Seems most other folks are east/west (especially) coasters.

does everyone here have computer jobs?


#58464 - 11/29/00 06:10 PM Re: Morning Board
alejandro Offline

Registered: 06/21/00
Posts: 71
Loc: Texas
I don't have a computer job and wish my job permitted me to check the board more frequently. But I will happily represent the southernmost part of the Central time zone whenever I can!

[This message has been edited by alejandro (edited 11-29-2000).]

#58465 - 11/29/00 07:09 PM Re: Morning Board
DavidB Offline

Registered: 09/25/00
Posts: 63
Loc: Adelaide, SA, Australia
Hi all

I agree with every-one.

After arriving at work and making my coffee, the next thing I do is open MadridMan and check on the postings. After that it's Fodors and then Eurotrip. But MM comes first.

I have, along with every-one else on this board, a love affair with Madrid and Spain and can't wait to get back there again. And this is from some-one who, ubtil 12 months ago didn't have any interest at all in going to Spain. A friend of mine married a Spanish Lady and is now living in Madrid, and wife and I were invited to the Wedding. We now talk constantly about our time in Spain and where we will be going to on our next trip.

For me, I catch most of the postings in the morning as they are being posted in the USA in the evening due to the time difference between USA and Australia. But it makes no difference at all.

I work in the Computer Industry - I manage a Computer Network Management Company (not mine unfortunately) so I have a permanent link to the Internet. Plus being in charge allows me a few little "Luxuries" such as getting onto MM when-ever I want to.

Finally, MM's site help me extensively with planning our first visit to Spain and is assisting again.

Keep up the good work every-one.


“Travel light and with an open mind and a smile”

#58466 - 11/29/00 07:41 PM Re: Morning Board
Diana Offline

Registered: 06/18/00
Posts: 506
Loc: Pennsylvania, USA
Here’s my typical day:

7:55: I’m in to work early. Quick - check the board. Leave it up to refresh later.
9:45: 15 minute break from classes - Quick, check the board.
11:00: Another teacher is using my classroom. I sneak into the computer lab to a computer not facing the door (all the red and yellow, you know.) Check the board.
12:45: After lunch break - you guessed it - check the board!
2:30 : Free period. Forget prepping for tomorrow. Gotta check the board.
4:30: At home. Kids ask, “What are you going to do, Mom?” I answer, “Check the board.”
7:30: Same as 4:30. Kids roll eyes.
10:00: Kids are in bed. Check the board peacefully. Wish there were more yellow bulbs lit up.

I can relate to Puna’s comment: “What did we ever do - who did we talk to that really understood.” My kids, madrileños los dos, are too busy with their new lives in America to listen to their madre pesada. My new friends here can’t relate. My parents - bless their hearts - are very patient with me (and they love Spain, too). My friends in Spain can relate 100%, but they’re soooo far away...

But you guys are great!!

#58467 - 11/29/00 07:50 PM Re: Morning Board
laduque Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/02/00
Posts: 596
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
I "ran" into MM's board about a year and a half ago, when he took his '99 trip. I was fascinated with every detail, and was saddened when he returned home and nothing new was posted. Occasionally, through the months, I would come back on hopefully to find something new...Imagine my surprise when I logged on in October, to find MM on his way to Spain again...I was happy to get to read another journal, but even more excited about the message board...I had to go back and read every post from before I got here.
Anyway, this message board has become a mild obsession for me. I read it everyday, religiously...anxiously awaiting all of your insights and discussions.
I can honestly say, I never thought I would use my computer to meet people, but you guys are the best!!!!!

#58468 - 11/29/00 08:07 PM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles

[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited 11-30-2000).]

#58469 - 11/30/00 06:32 AM Re: Morning Board
El Boqueron Offline

Registered: 06/09/00
Posts: 421
Loc: UK
I'm a "working" board member too (one of the European minority), and always start the day by checking the light bulbs. At the moment though I'm very busy, and with the ever increasing number of posts I don't have time to read everything like I used to. The board is a wonderful mixture of passion and love with knowledge and civility (like a Sevillana danced well). In part I think this reflects the "tone" set by MM throughout the site.

#58470 - 11/30/00 06:43 AM Re: Morning Board
nevado Offline

Registered: 06/11/00
Posts: 597
I too must admit I'm mildly obsessed with the board. Unfortunately, I'm way too busy at work to check the board While my husband prepares dinner I log on every night! (Unless I have a basketball game). Hey MM, why no mention of your friend here in Asia on the "hit list" ? I'm feeling a bit left out.

Why didn't my frowns work? And what's up with the weird spacing???

[This message has been edited by nevado (edited 11-30-2000).]

#58471 - 11/30/00 06:55 AM Re: Morning Board
rhonda Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/22/00
Posts: 29
Loc: Madrid, Spain
I also check this board at work in the's very informative and i enjoy reading all these things.
I live in madrid, so it gives me good tips about what to do on the weekends, places to stay, places to eat, etc(you guys know everything!) It's great! Gracias a todos!

#58472 - 11/30/00 08:51 AM Re: Morning Board
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
I'm in Spain and also at work and although a relative newcomer to the board, it hasn't taken me long to get into the routine of checking the posts first thing either!

As Rhonda says, we residents can also learn a lot from the info shared here and hopefully we can also give something back by using our local knowledge.
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#58473 - 11/30/00 11:03 AM Re: Morning Board
Jen Offline

Registered: 08/01/00
Posts: 217
Loc: Chicago
As you all know, I am a faithful reader/sometimes participant to this awesome board! I looovvveee Spain but unfortunately, can't add too much input about Madrid itself, but I do share the passion. This board and everyone's enthusiasm is a great way to keep Spain on the mind. Thanks to you, MM and everyone around the globe!

#58474 - 11/30/00 11:03 AM Re: Morning Board
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
I think we're all neurotic, in a nice, sane sort of way...I've never been into drugs and booze, but I'm happily addicted to checking the board daily!

I'm with Nicole in thinking that usually you get a BBS with a bunch of nuts...I don't see anything but honest opinions and great commentary and interchange of ideas here. Thanks to all of you who take the time to thoughtfully participate!!! You make this board WORTH checking 1-2 (okay about 8) times a day!
Ongi etorri!

#58475 - 11/30/00 02:50 PM Re: Morning Board
Jaime Offline

Registered: 08/19/00
Posts: 147
This is honestly the best travelboard I have ever seen and I've used alot of them. I guess its because the posters are all very friendly and the topics are always active. I don't know how MadridMan can hold a job because he always responds ro everything so quickly. Hats off to MadridMan! I like to check back during the day when I'm stuck at home with my daughter. I also use it as a quick get away from studying. I'm proud to be a junkie right along with the rest of ya.

#58476 - 12/12/00 03:22 AM Re: Morning Board
MunchiMike Offline

Registered: 12/11/00
Posts: 69
Loc: San Francisco, California, U.S...
Ahoy MadridMan, did you catch that comment by Rhonda!?!?!?!!! DUDE< YOU HAVE DONE IT!! f'r crisakes the freekin locals chech your site for tips!! there is nothing higher my friend, wish you could retire on it ; along with the rest of us...I come clean on the general chat page, already posted my heart on the flagpole...I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!....Rev. Mike

#58477 - 12/12/00 03:23 AM Re: Morning Board
MunchiMike Offline

Registered: 12/11/00
Posts: 69
Loc: San Francisco, California, U.S...
And Nicole, I especially LOVE YOU!! God Bless You!! ( I don't usually say that--I'm not that kind of priest)......Rev.

#58478 - 12/12/00 11:39 AM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
Umm. you're startin to scare me there Rev.

#58479 - 12/12/00 03:05 PM Re: Morning Board
esq Offline

Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 55
Loc: miami,fl
Rev MunchiMike what church do you preach in? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!

#58480 - 12/12/00 07:36 PM Re: Morning Board
Kurt Offline

Registered: 08/02/00
Posts: 184
Loc: Chicago, IL. USA
Right now, I'd say its the Church of the All-Spain Bulletin Board. Rev, you're everywhere! Check out any topic and you'll find that The Rev has been there recently, sharing his memories of Spain in his youth and beyond and just generally psychin' up the place! You go, Rev!!!

Peace to all........

#58481 - 12/12/00 08:26 PM Re: Morning Board
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
Hey, Rev...

We all love Nicole, mostly for her culinary tastes...
Ongi etorri!

#58482 - 12/12/00 08:35 PM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
Ahw man...

#58483 - 12/13/00 05:52 AM Re: Morning Board
MunchiMike Offline

Registered: 12/11/00
Posts: 69
Loc: San Francisco, California, U.S...
Good mornin' everyone, I've been here; just on the other side of the screen, scanning my portfolio, and hadn't realized how time has flown; like we all wish we could, y'know, just fly away,...Firstly Nicole; didn't mean to alarm you or anything, I am partial to Sagi's though! Next, I don't "preach",...I don't say god really in THAT way exactly either; I don't Really use the word Jesus, or anyone else for that matter, though I may quote anyone as pertinently as appropriate, so Dylan and Krishnamurti could easily be in a sentence with Nietsche and Nefertiti, for all it matters to my polyparapsychotheosophatherapistic premises. I was ordained in Berkeley in '89 after doing some 13 yrs. of off and on training at the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I'm too Sagit to stay on that track to tightly and my skills are way too diverse for the kind of psychic devotion that's needed to be REALLY CLEAR...ALL THE TIME..."on A Clear Day" Barbara Streisand type thing, 'member the movie?....meanwhile My youth in Spain had already formulated my value system, and so even Australia (13yrs.) was like being a fish outa water. Let's Face it people,...not being in SPAIN is like being a fish OUT OF WATER!!...we're all just flappin' and slappin' around da place and it just ain't gitin us what we really need; or at least the child within feels that way!..or at least I'll just say yhay for myself and y'all can jes' make up yer own minds on that.......Have pity on me, I've suffered a longer absense than most of you and any of us who know that ache know what I'm talking about, just kiddin' but you know what I mean I'll!! bet!With all this Sagittarius stuff flying around,my yule log is pretty well lit Baby, so bring it on! Any of you in S.F. are sure welcome to stop by for a cerveza here at the SouthBeachArtZone. We're a block from the PacBallPark. I've spent 21/2 years converting this warehouse with art installations and will have pix soon.Meanwhile I work here still on the marble and granite mosaic floor and the marble and tile mosaic bathroom. I listen to "Sketches of Spain" by Miles Davis...usually just track 5, then I listen to the echoes the rest of the day. Have I gotten off the point here? Thank you for being so grand, you deserve SPAIN!!!...Rev. Mike

#58484 - 12/13/00 12:10 PM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
Poor Rev. I feel your pain. it has been a few years for me, and the ache only gets worse as time goes by.

#58485 - 12/13/00 01:42 PM Re: Morning Board
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
I have not the time to check MM in the morning and I shouldn't either (it goes against company policy). But at home I can take a look and read your posts. It is really beautiful for me to read this posts, even when I don't agree with some topics, but to read the wonders of Spain from the lips of a foreigner is so pretty. You make me feel very proud of my country and sometime very sad because it is so far away.
Thanks MM and thanks all the members!

#58486 - 12/13/00 03:12 PM Re: Morning Board
esq Offline

Registered: 08/31/00
Posts: 55
Loc: miami,fl
Gee! Sorry I asked!

#58487 - 12/13/00 05:35 PM Re: Morning Board
MunchiMike Offline

Registered: 12/11/00
Posts: 69
Loc: San Francisco, California, U.S...
Thanks Nicole. It pretty much goes without saying that most of us here should start going to 'Spainaholics Anonymous"....Hello everyone, my name is Mike and I'm a Spainaholic.........I can see it now, and esq. Be careful what you ask for cuz you're probably going to get it,...anyway, how can anyone finish a thought in ten words or less??......Rev. Mike

#58488 - 01/08/01 01:29 PM Re: Morning Board
Sol Offline

Registered: 01/08/01
Posts: 45
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to this board, but I was reading the post and had to go get Miles Davis - Sketches of Spain, track 5. Am listening to it now. I do see what you mean. This whole posting thingie is new to me. Hope I can do it without too many errors. Wife and I will be leaving for Spain in about six weeks. I'll start another thread on that subject later

#58489 - 01/17/01 09:29 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Aaahh.. My home away from home. I too love this board and my growing "extended/virtual family". BUT, if I have to suggest one more time to use the friggin' SEARCH feature to answer commonly asked questions I'm going to pull my friggin' hair out!! ARGH!! What do you suggest I do to make this clear? On the Welcome Page I give instructions/suggestions, but I'm sure people breeze right through that and immediately click on ENTER without noticing.

[posted "the day after"] Whew... deeeeep breath. Please forgive my anxiety last night. I feel much better today.

[This message has been edited by MadridMan (edited 01-18-2001).]
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58490 - 01/18/01 08:08 AM Re: Morning Board
Xena Offline

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 54
Loc: Bucharest
It's true I link to the board at work. I am a programmer, so I am allways working on the computer. And in the last few days I am trying to quit smoking so every time I need a cigarette I go to this board and read it. I think I am replacing one dependency with another. Unfortunately I have been in Madrid for only ten days and I don't have even half of the information than most of you have. But I am doing my best and I like most of the topics and of the people here. And I surely love Spain.

#58491 - 01/19/01 08:49 AM Re: Morning Board
esperanza Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 01/06/01
Posts: 775
Loc: New York City
I just HAD to respond...after reading what you all have been saying. I found this website about 3 weeks ago and I am SO hooked! I am just like Diana, constantly checking and savoring every comment about Madrid and Spain in general! Although I haven't been able to get back to Madrid in 6 years (BOO! HOO!)because of my small children, I am obsessed with Spain. I am so lucky to be a Spanish teacher here in NYC and to be able to teach about Spain every day! My own children think I am crazy...they roll their eyes whenever my husband(also Spain-obsessed!) and I talk about Spain with that "Far-away" look in our eyes. I am THRILLED to see that there are so many of us who LOVE Spain as much as we do!
Luckily, this summer we are finally returning to Spain to vacation! I will be spending most of the time in Galicia visiting family and friends, but we hope to spend some time in and around Madrid!! I am praying that my 2 girls( ages 11 and 6) will be "turned on" to Spain too!
Anyway, I am so grateful for this message board...I love it! Thank you all!

#58492 - 01/19/01 09:44 AM Re: Morning Board
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
MadridMan, do you know if there are any good restaurants in Madrid or hostals in the centre?

DON'T REACH FOR THE PILLS!! I'm only joking! I'll do a search........
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#58493 - 01/19/01 11:00 AM Re: Morning Board
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
Xena- Unlike nicotine, this board is a healthy addiction! Good luck in getting off the smokes!
Ongi etorri!

#58494 - 01/19/01 01:33 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Anchovy Front, HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! You made me laugh out loud. Now go help SOL in looking for British Expat groups/organizations on the Costa del Sol.. Or, Do A Search. hehehehe... Haha.. (I'm much more relaxed today... It's Friday!!)

I too am addicted to this board! As I said WAAAAY above, you people are like family to me. (sad, isn't it? hehehe...)

Happy Friday/Weekend! Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58495 - 01/19/01 01:46 PM Re: Morning Board
Sol Offline

Registered: 01/08/01
Posts: 45
Not sad at all!

#58496 - 01/19/01 03:31 PM Re: Morning Board
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
We (all 800 or so) couldn't ask for a nicer family!
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#58497 - 01/23/01 01:28 PM Re: Morning Board
Moni215 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 12/13/00
Posts: 24
Loc: Washington, DC
I to am addictd to this message board. I check it almost 3-4 times a day. I can never get enough of it. I guess the message makes me feel closer to Spain.

I had the opportunity to visit Madrid, Spain this past July (I wish I would have known about this web site b4 my visit)I was there for 3 weeks. I went with the International Studies Association program, they sponsored a trip for Guidance Counselors and Teachers to go and learn Spanish. To say that I had a great time would be an understatement. My experience in Spain is one that I will remember for a lifetime. I had the BEST BEST time. The experience that I was able to gain outside of the classroom went way beyond the textbooks. I had the chance to vist Toledo, Cordoba, Grenada, Sevilla, as well as wet my feet in the Mediterranean Sea while on the Costa del Sol.

The trip was magnificant and I am greatful that I could fully appreciate it.
I never took Spanish in high school, although i did study French. so when I arrived in Spain, I was totally lost, because I just assumed that most people would speak English. Big mistake?
I quickly adjusted and learned enough to eat, catch the metro, and get around, and shop.
I enjoyed the culture and the laid back attitude of the people. It seemed as if people were really enjoying life, and living it to the fullest. People were actually "just chillin".
My friends and I quicky adapted to Madrid, especially the night life. We would, at times leave on the last metro train, and come back home when the train would open up the next morning. And yes, I always felt safe.
Anyway, I know that I am going on and on, but thats how i get when i get on the subject of Spain. One other thing, I also met my Spanish love while clubing, he speaks no english, and me, I just learned while there in July, so imagine that.
Well, I'll talk about that at another day and time. Thanks for letting me talk about Espana.

#58498 - 01/24/01 05:42 PM Re: Morning Board
CaliBasco Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/17/00
Posts: 1495
Loc: Idaho
MM, is it true you wanted to create a "Spanophile Kibbutz" on the outskirts of Getafe with all the other board members?

If we could all get residency I'm sure all 900 of us would be there!!!
Ongi etorri!

#58499 - 01/24/01 09:12 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Yeah. It's true. BUT, the paper-pushing bureaucrats in Spain didn't see "the need" for such a society. A true shame. We could have been wired, interactive, and a writhing MOSH PIT of positive propaganda for their beautiful country! Sheeesh! We don't get to have ANY fun. Hmph!
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58500 - 01/25/01 05:50 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I'm SO proud of the MMMBMembers!!!!! Today, for the first time (ever??), we had postings in EVERY SINGLE English language forum!!!! Congratulations, Group!!!! WOW!

And, everyone give a warm welcome to gsobotta, MMMBMember #900!! Welcome to the group, gsobotta! We're a passionate group of those who love Spain or are trying to better educate ourselves about her. AND, in MOST cases, TRYING WITH DESPERATION to find a way to get back again, at least for a little taste if not a 4-course meal! So welcome. Enjoy. And share your dreams and memories of Spain with us all, those who appreciate them.

Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58501 - 01/30/01 08:33 PM Re: Morning Board
Tracy Moral Offline

Registered: 05/12/00
Posts: 65
Loc: NJ, USA
Ok...had to add something here...
Though most of you have no clue who I am, and though I generally don't post or read (gulp!) these message boards as much as I wish I had time for, I LOVE the idea that so many people lured by Spain and Madrid can come together under such a great forum.

I am so glad, too, that Madridman put all this together...for as some of you might remember,back in the old days there used to be just the guestbook!

COME VISIT!!! The Expatriate Cafe at
The BEST resource for non-EU nationals wanting to teach English in Spain.

#58502 - 02/02/01 09:33 AM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
So sorry to all those who tried to access this morning from about 6:30am - 9:00am eastern (East Coast time USA). Obviously, my web server was down (ARGH!!). This drives me nuts when it happens, but it does happen from time to time. The server is in New Jersey and sometimes they have weather-related problems which could cause this. Sorry!! Have a nice weekend, all! It's snowing here in Ohio.

Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58503 - 02/02/01 02:55 PM Re: Morning Board
Kurt Offline

Registered: 08/02/00
Posts: 184
Loc: Chicago, IL. USA
....and its +5(f) here in Chicago! Have a nice day, everyone! (especially to ilovemadrid and Puna, safe in Hawaii, drinking Mai Tais on the beach right now, no doubt!)

#58504 - 02/02/01 02:58 PM Re: Morning Board
Kurt Offline

Registered: 08/02/00
Posts: 184
Loc: Chicago, IL. USA
Wait a minute! You're not in Hawaii at all, Puna! (save maybe in thought!) Have a nice weekend in Boston

#58505 - 03/02/01 05:09 PM Re: Morning Board
Wolf Offline

Registered: 01/25/01
Posts: 1235
Loc: Rockford, IL/Milton, WI, USA
It don't get better than this each morning. A few cups of cafe con leche and the boards. Then my mind wanders off to Spain...

I can smell the lavender in the gardens at Aranjuez, touch the rough wooden wall of the bull ring at Chinchon, and smell the freshly baked bread in the bakery just twenty steps away from the apartment where we stay in Pinto when we visit Madrid. I can see the sparkle in the eyes of the woman who runs the bakery. She is smiling at my wife, neither knowing each others language, but communicating like women can, with hand motions, and signs, that tell each other what they mean. I can see us wandering through the farmers market in Pinto, and someone who knows us runs up, and hugs us as if we were long lost members of the family who have finally come home. I can see the tears in their eyes, and ours, as we renew the old acquaintances that mean so much.

I can see the children playing futbol in the square each evening as we walk to our favorite sidewalk cafe. I can see the owners dog, Perla, as she scampers towards my wife and I, remembering us from visits in the past. She always remembers us, and loves sitting on my wifes lap, where she gets petted and pampered like a child.

I remember my Mother who died less than a year ago. Her name was Pearl. Is it a coincidence that the dog has the same name, and cares so much? Or isn't it?

Then I ask God for his blessing, and hope that he grants me at least one more trip to Spain. We plan on going this coming September. If I should die before then, I have asked my wife to have me cremated, and a bit of my ashes carried to Spain, to be scattered over a special hillside we carry in our hearts. That way I can be there forever, and look out over the Bay of Biscay, and always be a part of Spain.

If this sounds corny, rest assured, each word comes from my heart. Its a special place, with special people, and I do thank God each day for the ties that I have to the country, the culture, and the people.

Anyway... thats what this board means to me.


#58506 - 03/02/01 11:42 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Wow, Wolfgang81. I'm truly touched. <sniff!> No kidding. We're all sincerely happy to have someone like you with us here everyday - someone who TRULY loves Spain. And I'm proud you think so much of the message board and that you hold it so highly in your life. Thank you.

Saludos, MadridMan <sniff!>
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58507 - 03/03/01 12:31 PM Re: Morning Board
Catalina Offline

Registered: 02/28/01
Posts: 32
Loc: Madison ,WI, USA
Ha! I get to read the message board many, many times, all day long - and it's part of my job! I'm a high school Spanish teacher in a school where we have a modified "block schedule". This means that 2 days a week my Spanish classes are 90 min. long. Keeping a teenager's attention for 90 min. is daunting. My upper level classes get to log onto MadridMAn for the last 30 min. of the period and they LOVE the message board. They've learned more about Spanish culture in the 4 months that we've been doing this than from all the books and lectures. They're prevented by the school district from joining a "chat room" or message board on school computers but they enjoy reading what y'all write. I'm VERY appreciative of your literate and often eloquent language and the totally inoffensive nature of the message board. There aren't many sites that I can send them to without concern for offensive language and/or content. Thanks to all of you for making my job easier and more enjoyable!

[This message has been edited by Catalina (edited 03-03-2001).]

#58508 - 06/22/01 08:06 AM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I have decided to resurrect this old thread which spanned nearly 7 months because, well, I'm feeling greatful to have you all here with me every morning (and mid-morning, afternoon, mid-afternoon, evening, and late-night when I can't sleep), keeping me company with your/our discussions about the place we all love so dearly.

Almost nothing warms my heart more than to see there are many others in this big world whom share my passions, concerns, hopes, dreams, and memories.

So. "Morning Board!" You're a great bunch of warm and helpful people, many of whom I consider friends. Thank you. smile Thank you all laugh (you can all roll your eyes now rolleyes wink )

Greatfully yours, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58509 - 06/22/01 08:20 AM Re: Morning Board
Wolf Offline

Registered: 01/25/01
Posts: 1235
Loc: Rockford, IL/Milton, WI, USA
rolleyes laugh

Wolf (Who only rolls his eyes for special events since it takes a lot of work, and that's a four letter word, ain't it?)

#58510 - 06/22/01 08:37 AM Re: Morning Board
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
rolleyes laugh Anchovy (Who is always rolling his eyes, because he pulls people's legs unmercifully and dreams of one day being a master at it like CaliBasco)
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#58511 - 06/22/01 09:37 AM Re: Morning Board
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
From Jo-Anne
(Who loves visiting every day, but still wishes she had come up with a more original member name rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes )

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Jo-Anne ]

#58512 - 06/22/01 10:03 AM Re: Morning Board
Kurt Offline

Registered: 08/02/00
Posts: 184
Loc: Chicago, IL. USA
cool wink laugh smile :p rolleyes cool
From Kurt (who actually is not "curt" to anyone, but trys to be quite congenial!)

Hvae a great day everyone! Its Friday and the Cubs are STILL in First Place! laugh

#58513 - 06/22/01 10:21 AM Re: Morning Board
SusiLaGallega Offline

Registered: 03/07/01
Posts: 82
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hi MadridMan!
I'm sooo glad you chose to resurrect this great thread - otherwise I probably would have missed it!
I agree with ALL the above posts and must say that I too am at work when I check the message board. To say that I check it about 10 times a day is not an exaggeration! And when I find that there aren't any new posts since last I checked, I go digging into the archives and read the threads from before I discovered your website and became a junior member (NOW a member - WOOHOO!!! laugh ). I especially liked the thread "Spy/Watch MadridMan's Cleaning Crew!" That was some hilarious stuff! I LOVE IT!!! Never a dull moment, MadridMan!!! wink laugh smile
I too feel like I am part of a huge Spainlovers family here and cannot picture a day at work without the message board to keep me from being robot-like, and miserable! In all honesty, I look forward to coming to work because of the board and all the GREAT members that make it what it is! laugh
Thanks to you MadridMan, and to all of you who contribute your two cents and share your thoughts on "nuestra querida España"!!


#58514 - 06/22/01 11:55 AM Re: Morning Board
la maestra Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 03/03/01
Posts: 373
Loc: Tucson, Arizona
Anchovy, to quote Mister Rogers..." I like you just the way you are!" smile

#58515 - 06/22/01 01:15 PM Re: Morning Board
Anchovy Front Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 10/19/00
Posts: 661
Loc: Southern Spain
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!

#58516 - 06/22/01 02:15 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
la maestra, I'm not at all sure Anchovy Front knows who Mister Rogers is. Remember, A.F. is a Brit and Mister Rogers is a PBS (Public Broadcasting System) on our "American" TV and doubt it's syndicated abroad as the "real" networks have done quite/too effectively, but... I could be wrong. eek

But... back to the topic; I really appreciate your input and am ever-so-happy to have made a home for me AND for all of you. smile Thanks for participating in the online world of Spain right here on MadridMan's Spain Message Board.

Have a GREAT weekend! Saludos, MadridMan
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58517 - 06/22/01 02:32 PM Re: Morning Board
la maestra Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 03/03/01
Posts: 373
Loc: Tucson, Arizona
MM...of course, you're right! Sorry,
Anchovy! I was trying to send a "warm fuzzy" your way and it apparently didn't make it though customs smile

#58518 - 06/22/01 02:38 PM Re: Morning Board
Nic Offline

Registered: 03/30/01
Posts: 64
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA
I agree with Susi! I log onto this board 10 times a day from work, looking for lightbulbs. (Nic-who isn't a guy, but a Nicole, also wishes she would have picked a better name, but didn't know what the heck she was doing, or what a chat board was.)

#58519 - 06/22/01 03:16 PM Re: Morning Board
Pookita Offline

Registered: 04/11/01
Posts: 57
Loc: FL, USA
I agree with EVERYONE!! My days are so much better since I found this board and joined the MadridMan Family.

Pookita (who still wonders why MM snickered at her name in one of her early posts) rolleyes

#58520 - 06/22/01 06:47 PM Re: Morning Board
Tia Offline

Registered: 02/18/01
Posts: 170
I´m working on the computer, too, but unfortunately I can´t check the board at my work so I have to wait till I get home frown . I really enjoy reading the posts from all of you. My friends say that I spend too much time in front of the computer, but you are irresistible. wink Have a nice weekend, everyone!
By the way, Anchovy, are you nearly related to El Boqueron? A twin brother, perhaps? laugh (Just kidding)

#58521 - 06/23/01 11:34 AM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
I have actually started to get up a little earlier, to check the board, since [officially] I can't at work (although I have taken to sneaking into my co-workers office and taking a peak every once in a while. It is the first thing I do when I come home. My boyfriend actually appears to be a little jealous, though I tell him we are all 'just friends' wink

I love sharing Spain with you guys!!

#58522 - 07/09/01 06:51 AM Re: Morning Board
karenwishart Offline

Registered: 12/23/00
Posts: 280
Loc: York,PA,USA
Good morning all my friends who helped make the last 2 weeks such a wonderful experience. I,too will always treasure my mornings on this site and if I don't get going, I'll be late for my 1st day back!

#58523 - 01/05/02 08:46 PM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
After seeing the traffic on the message board today (posting in ALL Forums today except for the "Favorite Places" forum -- which is ODD!) I thought I'd dig out this old thread and express once again my thanks for your participation on our message board, dedicated to our love and curiosity with Spain.

Thank you all for giving me SO MUCH daily pleasure with your interaction, your questions, and your expression of passion towards the country we love with all the passion of a 10,000 gitanos on a Saturday night, having an impromptu flamenco show for only family and friends.

(really, i'm not looking for KUDOS/Thanks from anyone. Just had a few beers with my oh-so-"American" pizza and was feeling my love and gratitude for you all for helping, allowing ME to have Spain surround me everyday of my life)

Feeling melancholy, missing Spain, and having reverse culture-shock upon returning from Madrid,


[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58524 - 01/05/02 09:02 PM Re: Morning Board
Fernando Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/05/01
Posts: 1551
Loc: Madrid, Spain
I know you don't want answers but I'm bored and I have been catched by the board all the day.

When this thread was firstly posted I was new to the board. Now I've the member degree, you know what? This is addictive! God, I can't stop posting! Having that bulbs lighted is loosing me!

This has become one of my favourite hobbies wink

Thanks again MadridMan.


#58525 - 01/05/02 09:34 PM Re: Morning Board
Jaime Offline

Registered: 08/19/00
Posts: 147
Hola Madridman!

I'm glad your trip to spain was so much fun and that the party was a success. It is my goal to go one of these years!

On the same token, I just wanted to say thanks for such a great board. Spain isn't a reality for me again anytime in the near future with my excessive student loans..yikes!..but coming to the board every week and reading all the great travelogues and descriptions makes my heart sing. I can't go now but its a great mini vacation to come to this board every week.

Muchisimas Gracias!

Jaime smile

#58526 - 01/05/02 09:36 PM Re: Morning Board
JJP Offline

Registered: 11/29/01
Posts: 208
Loc: ca.eeuu
I stumbled upon this great website a month ago, after typing "MADRID" into Google. I was desperately looking for pictures and text for my second jaunt (in four months - yee-haw) to España; specifically to Madrid this time around.

I had always been skeptical and leery of meeting people on the Internet. Maybe I was just being uppity, but now I know what a great experience this can be. Thanks, again (I'm afraid of your ego eek ), Madrid Man.

I've made a few good Spanish email friends. This technology is great - meeting and establishing friendships from almost ten thousand miles away!

Once again, I agree with Fernando - this is addictive. Thanks everyone (and yes, definitely you MM wink ). Thanks for the opportunity to intact with rational, friendly, and generally like-minded people from afar!

I also spend more time here than I should - no complaints from me, though...

#58527 - 01/06/02 04:06 AM Re: Morning Board
Bocata King Offline

Registered: 02/03/01
Posts: 72
Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
I am also one of those people that checks the boards about three times a day, but hardly ever posts, but you guys all make me feel a little less strange for being so obsessed with a country not my own. I am glad I am not alone in this.


#58528 - 01/09/02 02:45 PM Re: Morning Board
vieve Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 12/12/01
Posts: 12
Loc: Hartford
there is a huge discrepency between the number of posts i've got and the number of times i check in here each day... i'm a receptionist who has NOTHING better to do all day than play around on the internet... so looking for new posts and reading through old posts is one of the few things that keeps me awake and entertained! although it's been 2 years since i've been to Spain, i'm VERY VERY excited to say that i'm going back this coming Sunday for a week... and this time it's not for school... it's to look for jobs smile
so... i'm glad that this thread has gotten resurrected yet again... giving me the chance to say hi smile

question: everyone seems to know each other so well... it's kind of intimidating when you're still kinda new... did it just take time to get really involved in the board?

have great days and nights!


#58529 - 01/09/02 03:36 PM Re: Morning Board
Nicole Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/24/00
Posts: 583
Loc: Los Angeles
Good luck Vieve! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

#58530 - 01/09/02 04:09 PM Re: Morning Board
Tia Offline

Registered: 02/18/01
Posts: 170
What a luxurious job you have, Vieve! Access to the MMboard all day long - I´m not envious at all rolleyes.

Have a great trip and don´t forget to tell us all about it! Tia smile

#58531 - 01/09/02 05:16 PM Re: Morning Board
pim Offline

Registered: 11/07/01
Posts: 662
Loc: Brussels
Hi Vieve!

I'm a recepcionist too!!! I too have access to the internet all day, however I'm extremely busy with work.
I'm also trying to switch jobs(again!) frown

Feel free to get in touch with me while you're here if you need anything; maybe I can give you some "Madrid-style-job-hunting-tips" wink


#58532 - 01/10/02 09:20 AM Re: Morning Board
vieve Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 12/12/01
Posts: 12
Loc: Hartford

I would appreciate ANY tips you're offering!
I think that I'm pretty prepared to come and start searching for jobs... but there may be some details that I've neglected... I have 2 sets of resumes, both of which are written in English and in Spanish, 2 sets of business cards, a cover letter written in both languages, passport-sized photos to go along w/ the resumes, and a rented cell phone so that I can be reached... does that sound like a good start???

thanks sooo much smile
do you have access to IM?


#58533 - 01/10/02 09:48 AM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Morning Board!!! Thanks again for making the message board what it is! smile

(side note: vieve, be sure to check the "Working In Spain" forum)
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58534 - 01/10/02 09:50 AM Re: Morning Board
churrocaliente Offline

Registered: 10/29/01
Posts: 159
Loc: Miami Beach, FL
So much friendship, goodwill, sharing, warmth and common interests! The ONLY thing missing from this board is a fresh batch of churros!!!

(who also checks every morning from work, since she is a writer stuck in her own window-less office and has constant internet access)
Meridian: A Spain Travel Memoir

#58535 - 03/23/03 01:20 AM Re: Morning Board
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
I happened upon this year-old thread and thought it could bring us just a little bit of happiness in our lives and love for our fellow-man. We need it these days.
Visit for Barcelona information, Transportation, Lodging, & much MUCH more!

Curious about what could POSSIBLY be inside the brain of MadridMan? Visit MadridMan's Madrid Blog

#58536 - 03/23/03 12:27 PM Re: Morning Board
martine Offline

Registered: 10/23/02
Posts: 44
Loc: Belgium
I am glad you digged this old tread (from before I joined)up.

Had a good time reading some of the posts.

Now I finally know that Mr Anchovy is not American, but British. smile

I can't logg in at work. I am too busy teaching then. I can only check this board in the late afternoon, when my working day is over, and that is exactly when you in the US have to begin! laugh laugh (sorry laugh )

#58537 - 03/23/03 01:31 PM Re: Morning Board
Booklady Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 08/19/01
Posts: 1664
Loc: U.S.A.
Thank you MadridMan, you're right we need to be reminded how blessed we are. Among our blessings is you, your board, and the friends we make on this board. smile

This board provides fellowship for many of us, and we have made many good friends over the years, even though we may not know each other personally. smile

I tune in at least once a day, and feel out of touch if I am unable to come in and see what's new at MadridMan's. laugh
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)

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