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#57634 - 08/27/00 06:56 PM Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)
I've been thinking of going to the US or the UK to work as a computer science engineer and to improve my English.

Having so many people from the US on the board, I guess you can help me with my questions.

About the US:

* How easy is it to get a computer related job there being a computer science engineer?
Nuria told me they don't care if your English is not perfect or if you don't have experience. Is it true?.

* Do I have to get a contract beforehand to get a working visa?. If so, for how long will I be entitled to work there?.

* Where should I go?. (apart from Sillicon Valley which is only for experts).

About the UK:

I went and lived there for 6 months so I think I have some knowledge about what does living in the UK implies.

(By the way, I lived in Norwich, Brighton and Bath).

Having said that:

* How easy is it to get a computer related job there being a computer science engineer?

* Where should I go?. Some people told me there were quite a lot of IT companies in the Bristol area.

Of course, I know I shouldn't go to London. Which are the cheapest areas to live in?

Also, I would like to live in a place where I can take English lessons. Therefore, it should be a city with several schools of English.


I think the most important things are salaries and cost of living.

Thank you for your help,


PS: I only want to work for 1 or 2 years. I'm sure I will miss Spain to much and I don't want to leave there forever.
The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57635 - 08/27/00 07:15 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Wendy E Offline

Registered: 07/27/00
Posts: 74
I used to work for a network engineer, so maybe I can help you.

* How easy is it to get a computer related job there being a computer science engineer?

Pretty easy - I'm sure you've heard, there are more jobs than people right now, and start-up ISPS and websites desperately need workers.

Nuria told me they don't care if your English is not perfect or if you don't have experience. Is it true?.

See above! These days, employers need a warm body and little else.

* Do I have to get a contract beforehand to get a working visa?. If so, for how long will I be entitled to work there?.

I don't know about immigration laws, but someplaces will hire you illegally, and thereby paying you less.

* Where should I go?. (apart from Sillicon Valley which is only for experts).

The US is a huge country. What appeals to you? Big cities are probably easier to live in, and definitely easier to find work in, especially if you can't get a visa and have to work under the table.

Good luck.

#57636 - 08/28/00 09:33 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Brian Goldthorp Offline

Registered: 07/06/00
Posts: 43
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Wouldn't it be easier to get a job in the UK than in the US since you have a European Union passport?

#57637 - 08/28/00 11:48 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Jen Offline

Registered: 08/01/00
Posts: 217
Loc: Chicago
Come to the US! There's so much to see and jobs are plentiful. Your English certainly is good enough to get a good job. Decide on what type of climate you could live in too.

#57638 - 08/28/00 03:44 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Diana Offline

Registered: 06/18/00
Posts: 506
Loc: Pennsylvania, USA
Antonio, check out this website on job prospects in the US (the Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2000-2001). It's quite interesting and up-to-date.

Good luck!

#57639 - 08/28/00 05:20 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Nuria Offline

Registered: 07/04/00
Posts: 263
Loc: NJ, USA
Hey Madridman, why don't you adopt Antonio so he can get his visa????

#57640 - 08/28/00 07:30 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)
First, thank you very much to all of you for your answers.

Brian, I know it's easier to go to the UK. We don't even need a passport, just our Spanish ID card (DNI). But computing development takes place mainly in the US. Also, El Boqueron said salaries are higher there and cost of living could be cheaper.

Do you have any suggestions as to where to go to live and work in the UK?. I heard Liverpool, Manchester, Cambridge or Oxford are cheaper than any of the cities I went to (I knew they were quite expensive).

Thank you,

The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57641 - 08/28/00 09:44 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
MadridMan Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
Loc: Madrid, Spain (was Columbus, O...
Antonio, I hearby adopt you as my son. Hahahaa.!! But seriously folks, many people tell ME "Oh, just GO to Spain and get your job" and many people may say, "Oh, just go to the US and get your job." I believe that it is MUCH MUCH easier to do this as someone FROM the US going to Spain than the other way around. Unless you want to pick vegetables, fruits, or do other farm work that pays very little, EVERY business will require you to have a valid work visa AND a social security number. NO reputable business, PARTICULARLY one which works in technologies, will hire ANYONE who does not have the proper paperwork because if caught the business could lose everything; reputation, fines, bad press, and no owner/manager would risk all these things.

I don't think there are many businesses (anymore) which will pay in cash and if they pay you in checks you need a social security number (or valid identification that HAS your SS#) in order to change these checks to cash.

Don't "just come" because you'll be sorry. Maybe the best way would be to find and marry some lovely woman from the US. And then, if you have bad luck, she'd want to live in Spain! Imagine the horror!! (sheesh!) People are getting married left and right and moving to Spain! ARGH!! WHATABOUTME?!!?!??!?!!!

Best of luck, Antonio. And by the way, if you can pretend to be 16 I'll adopt you.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#57642 - 08/29/00 07:49 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
El Boqueron Offline

Registered: 06/09/00
Posts: 421
Loc: UK
Hi Antonio - Liverpool and Manchester are relatively cheap, Oxford and Cambridge expensive. In general, the South of the UK is more expensive than the north, especially around London. Liverpool and Manchester both have airports with good connections to Spain (EasyJet fly Liverpool-Madrid everyday). I'm afraid I don't know much about getting work in the computer industry, though I'm always reading that there are shortages. However, it's likely that these are in London and the south!


#57643 - 08/29/00 10:31 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Junior Member

Registered: 05/22/00
Posts: 7
Loc: Madrid

I do not know it this will help you but there are Spanish consultants (I work for a big five consulting company in Madrid) that are moving to posts in the USA. They can do it temporarily (some months) but they can also ask to be transferred to the USA for a permanent post. What I am trying to say is that if you begin working in a multinational company as a consultant it doesn´t matter where you begin there are facilities to move wherever you want to, as long as you speak and write proper English.
Actually my sister is working in the USA as a web designer.

Enjoy Madrid´s night life with:
Enjoy Madrid with:

#57644 - 08/29/00 10:44 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
megia Offline

Registered: 06/07/00
Posts: 267
Loc: Sedona, Arizona

you do have the option of working on a contractual basis for design firms that develop special applications for other companies.

for instance, here in los angeles there is more work available than you can even begin to check out with independant, third-party vendors, that would contract you for a temporary "gig" (tarea). when the project is complete, you are done and have no further obligation. if you speak decent english (which i'm sure you do) and you have the skills, there may be no problem. there would literally be no way for the US governement to track you. then you move on to another contract gig.

the most difficult part about this whole thing would be getting here to california and finding a place to stay and having a VEHICLE. assume that unless you are in NYC, Chicago, Boston, or San Francisco, that you will certainly need decent transportation (a serious design flaw of the USA).

also, do not assume that competition is too tough in Silicon Valley. i go up there frequently and know that companies there are seeking people all the time. the only problem with Silicon Valley is that it is the most expensive place in the USA to live, with a bachelor apartment (smaller than madrid style) going for more than a $1000 a month. add car expense and it is sickening. the redeeming quality would be the high paying job you could get.

try the following for all types of info on computer jobs:
these sites will give you an idea of what types of pay rate you can ask for certain types of tech work. note the differences you can find in various locations of the USA.

good luck!!

#57645 - 08/29/00 07:44 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)
Madridman, would it be easier to get a working visa if you adopt me as your son?. If so, could you help me to get a job..., dad?

From the posts so far, I understand that I can't enter the USA as a tourist / student and then get a job before my visa ends. I have to get a job from Spain and then enter with a working visa. This makes things more complicated.

Also, I've seen that only big cities have good means of transportation. Otherwise, I should have a car.

By the way, real_megia, I don't want to work under the table. If I can't get a legal job there, I will try in the UK.

Another question for all of you. What about medical insurance?. In the UK is very easy because I have free insurance the same way I have it here in Spain (with the Seguridad Social). In case I manage to get a job, does the company provide medical insurance?.

Thanks again for your replies,

The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57646 - 08/29/00 07:56 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)
Hi El Boqueron,

I was told Liverpool and Manchester were cheaper than any of the cities I went to (I know they were expensive ones). Also, I know Liverpool has cheap Easyjet flights which is very important.

Is Liverpool a student city?. I was also told I could get a shared flat very cheap there?.

What about Reading?. Microsoft has their offices there so I guess there must be other computer companies.

And Swindom?. I heard there are also IT companies there. Are both (Reading and Swindom expensive)?.

Which are the cheapest cities in England?.

Thanks for your reply,

The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57647 - 08/30/00 11:23 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Jen Offline

Registered: 08/01/00
Posts: 217
Loc: Chicago
Health insurance is a major problem here. Not only is it expensive, but many companies do not provide comprehensive coverage for their employees. Health care in the US is really in a state of crisis. Although it may be difficult, I say you give the US a try, if only for the experience! You already know what it's like in the UK. If it doesn't work out for you in the US, you can always give it a try in the UK. Good luck to you.

#57648 - 08/30/00 11:30 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Eddie Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/05/00
Posts: 1713
Loc: Phila., PA, USA
Hey, Antonio:
If you really want to go where things are happening in Computing, look into the Irish Republic. The economic revival is called the 'Celtic Tiger' (Tigre Celta,if you wish). Many U.S. Companies have established Silicon Valley-like compounds, even in the Industrial parks around Shannon airport and all over the Irish Republic.
If you are really interested, you might get some info on (newsnet)Soc.Culture.Irish message board. I visit Ireland quite often (my last visit was in May '00)and have seen explosive growth in the DP Industry there - They would probably rather hire a UE Citizen (Ireland is part of the European Union), especially a Spaniard because of the common Celtic heritage and a common religion, than the people from India who make up a large part of the Computer Professional Immigrants there.
Let me know what you think.

[This message has been edited by Eddie (edited 08-31-2000).]

#57649 - 08/30/00 03:27 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Antonio - I know of at least one US company (Fidelity Investments) that has a part of it's technology segment headquartered in Ireland. Whether this is true for other companies - I have no idea. What would be the possibility of you finding a job with multi-national or US based company in Madrid then transfering within the company after a year or two? This seems the best way from every angle - they even pay to move you.

Earlier comments about health insurance in the US were right on. If you are not covered by your employer (coverage usually kicks in after the first 1-3 months of employment)and forced to get your own coverage you discover health insurance is prohibitively expensive. A huge number of Americans (middle class) are going without coverage as a result. If you were to find a job in the US (legally as you stated)- would your Spanish health insurance be transferable at least for a couple of months?

[This message has been edited by Puna (edited 08-30-2000).]
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#57650 - 08/30/00 04:05 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
connie Offline

Registered: 07/05/00
Posts: 153
Living in the US without health insurance is something you can do as a US citizen, but not if you come from Europe and hold a US visa. Apart from the fact that it is recommendable in view of the HUGE health costs here, it is obligatory, at least for certain types of visa.
In general, health insurance from EC countries is not transferrable to the US unless there is a special agreement on social security between your home country and the US, but these agreements normally do not concern people willing to integrate in the job market of another country, but the case of people sent over temporarily by their company. And they do not always provide for full coverage.
What you can always do is to get a travel health insurance for a couple of months which covers all health expenses abroad. That is most likely to be cheaper than getting insurance in the US (also because of the strong dollar and the weak euro) unless your employer provides for health benefits.

#57651 - 08/30/00 06:06 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
CCG Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 07/31/00
Posts: 12
Loc: USA
Antonio, I am no expert on any of these matters (especially immigration and visas), but I can offer impressions about living in the USA.

Individual health insurance (such as Blue Cross) is available for $1,500 to $1,800 per year (more if you have dependents). Employers often offer health insurance as a benefit (especially true of larger companies); I pay $20/month for mine.

English classes are often available for free or very little cost at local libraries. These sometimes are geared more for people who need lots of help or for Americans who speak English but can't read, but basically they pair you with a volunteer tutor who can work with you at any level. I volunteered for 10 years and mostly just encouraged conversation about "American" culture, idioms, and slang. My point is that you don't necessarily need to be in a large city to have access to help with English.

About friend's brother is making $80,000/yr just a few years after getting a computer science degree. I have no idea if this is common. My understanding is that he is involved in software development for a major financial company (something about preventing fraud). He lives in New Jersey.

Any major city on the northern east coast (DC and north) will have a higher cost of living than average for the US (mainly due to rent). This is especially true of NY and Boston. Within the city of Boston I saw rents of more than $1,000 a month for one bedroom apartments. I know it is possible to get a 2 bedroom apartment (unfurnished) in some towns right outside of Boston (e.g., Everett, but probably not Cambridge) for about $700 a month and split the rent with a roommate. The subway lines connect the closest towns to central Boston and commuter trains are available for towns a bit farther away.

The cost of living is typically much less in the midwest and in the south, but I have no idea how easy it is to get a computer-related job there. In New Orleans, you can rent a studio apartment or one bedroom house (unfurnished) for about $400-$500 in the city and $350 in the suburbs and have access to bus routes if you don't have a car. New Orleans is old by US standards, so the city is not that spread out.

real_megia is right about transportation, most US cities do not offer good public transportation (I would add DC to the list, but I think it is an expensive place to live). In some other cities, you can get a bus if you live within city limits (i.e., not the suburbs), but they often are inconvenient and don't run all night. It seems the newer the city, the more spread out everything is, and more people depend on having a car.

You can get a used car in fair condition for about $2,000 (my friend bought one for $300 and is still driving it 3 years later; he was lucky), but then you have to pay for gas and liability insurance (about $500/yr on an old car?). This is what most people end up doing in cities without good public transportation.

Besides cost of living, there are cultural differences among regions of the US. I grew up in the south, and when I moved to Boston people seemed rude. I eventually learned that they are simply more direct and also less likely to engage in conversation with strangers (maybe a result of being crowded so close together, a way to maintain personal space?). I recently moved back to the south and had to get used to greeting everyone on the street and having conversations with every waitress. Plus, they tend to call you "baby" or "honey" (I even heard one "precious"). These terms are meant to establish a congenial interaction and are in no way sexual. I don't mind this now that I'm used to it, but I think most of my Boston friends would be put off by it.

Two notes about contract are unlikely to have health insurance provided, and you can end up paying more in taxes (although you can deduct some of your health insurance costs and business expenses) because you pay 15% of your adjusted income (after deductions) to social security (if you are not contract labor, your employer pays 7.5% and you pay 7.5%). This is in addition to income tax.

Oh dear, my posts have a way of rambling on. I hope this helps a little.

#57652 - 08/30/00 10:25 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)
Hi Eddie,

I was about to post a new question about Ireland (I forgot to ask about it). I know Microsoft's central European offices are in Dublin and there is where they translate all their software from English into Spanish. But I didn't know there were such a "movement" in Ireland.

I know very little about that country. I have some friends who have been there to study English and work as au-pairs). Most of them go to Dublin. Could you please post or e-mail me more details about Ireland?.

Ireland is part of Euroland and with the current Euro weakness this is also an advantage. An, being a EU citizen, it's very easy to go a live there. But I would like to know more about cities (Dublin, Shannon...) and cost of living in Ireland. Is it cheaper than England?. Is it true that Irish are more friendly than English people? (this is what Spaniards say)

Thank you again for all your kind replies,

The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57653 - 08/31/00 07:20 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
El Boqueron Offline

Registered: 06/09/00
Posts: 421
Loc: UK
Hi Antonio.

Liverpool and Manchester both have big student populations, and rents are pretty reasonable.

Swindon and Reading are both on the "M4 Corridor" west of London (access to Heathrow), and both are somewhat expensive (Reading more so, I believe). The whole area has essentially no unemployment, and many companies of all types are located there.

The cheapest cities (where there is a possibility of finding work) are generally in the North - Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle. Try also Nottingam, Leicester, Birmingham in the Midlands.

Here's a place you might start looking for an
IT job,

!Buena suerte!

#57654 - 08/31/00 10:27 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
megia Offline

Registered: 06/07/00
Posts: 267
Loc: Sedona, Arizona

just to point out, in case other spaniards ever want to try this, contract work in the USA is not illegal. it is not "under the table."

when performing contract labor you are on the honors system to REPORT your earnings to the government, wherby you are taxed accordingly. but trust me, there is no way for the government to KNOW that you were ever paid a dime, and therefore it is up to you to report it.

solo FYI (for your information).


#57655 - 08/31/00 12:06 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Jen Offline

Registered: 08/01/00
Posts: 217
Loc: Chicago
That's a great idea that Eddie had! Although I can not offer you such details like that, I can offer you encouragement. I have also heard that there is an incredible economic boom( also , I witnessed it this summer) there. They are importing workers like crazy. It is an incredibly beautiful country and the people are extremely friendly, as a whole. Although I think it would be great for you to come and see the US, considering your skills and the need there, it seems like a great match. Also, it is a bit cheaper than England. Although similar, the food is better than England's, as far as I'm concerned.

[This message has been edited by Jen (edited 08-31-2000).]

#57656 - 09/01/00 12:50 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Rubia66 Offline

Registered: 08/09/00
Posts: 41
Loc: Webb City, Missouri USA
If Antonio wants to work around/ with computers, he should consider Austin, Texas. Dell computers has it's headquarters there, and there is a hiring firm for there as well, with most positions in Dallas. The computer, and data information in Austin is amazing. Cost of living isn't too bad, and the city is soooo, wonderful! It's no Madrid, but the people are friendly, and well educated, and the nightlife is sililar to that of Spain's. There is even a great tapas bar there. Jeez, I don't even live in Austin, perhaps I should work for their division of tourism!

[This message has been edited by Rubia66 (edited 09-01-2000).]

#57657 - 09/01/00 09:29 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Eddie Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/05/00
Posts: 1713
Loc: Phila., PA, USA
I think you will find the cost of living in Ireland generally less than the UK, although the economic 'boom' has been causing it to go up.

Shannon is not what you would call a 'City,' per se - Limerick, Ireland's second largest city, is the closest 'large city' to Shannon airport. But in the area between Limerick City (Limerick is also a County) & Shannon airport is where the 'Celtic Tiger' is seen in all the new Industrial Parks. Limerick also has an excellent University that draws students from all over. The three cities I would expect DP job opportunities to be the best are Dublin, Ireland's Capital, Limerick and Galway. Galway is on the west coast and at least one major multinational Computer Manufacturer/Software developer has its European headquarters there.

I have heard of some hooliganism and racial attacks in Ireland - Limerick, called 'stab city;' Dublin, some neighborhoods to avoid; and Galway, known as a pretty tough place; and like everywhere, there are drugs. I've not experienced any of those, likely because I am Irish and much of the violence (except drug-related) is directed against obviously non-Irish people. You shouldn't encounter any of that - just get yourself a Donegal tweed jacket & cap and look Irish.

If you want to see what kind of countryside you will find in Ireland, take a trip to Pontevedra - that's where the Celts came from who settled parts of Ireland more than 2,000 years ago.

#57658 - 09/02/00 04:55 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
CCG Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 07/31/00
Posts: 12
Loc: USA
Rubia66 is right about Austin. It is one of my favorite cities in the US! It is in the "hill country" in central Texas (forget any notions you may have of Texas being all flat with sand and cactus). It has a fantastic music scene (all types, and including stuff in Spanish, like by Tish Hinojosa) and one of the best selections of restaurants outside of the major cities known for good food (NY, SF, New Orleans). I have family there who tell me that it has grown alot in the last 10 years, which brings on more traffic problems and jacks up real estate values, but it is still a lower cost of living than places like NY and it has a thriving computer industry (sometimes called Silicon Gulch, a play on Silicon Valley).

#57659 - 09/03/00 01:06 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
steveaqui Offline

Registered: 09/01/00
Posts: 76
Loc: Inglaterra

Britain of course offers the easiest option being part of the EEC and thus not presenting much in the way of burocracy problems. I am not convinced that as many people say Britain has a greater cost of living. Leaving aside petrol and cigarettes I would say that pretty much everything else is reasonably priced and comparable with Spain. Of course most people refer to London as being expensive and that’s generally true. I live in the north west of England and it’s a very reasonable place to live in terms of cost.

It has, as has been pointed out, a very attractive feature for those wishing to travel to Spain and that is the cheap airline easyjet from Liverpool. You can be back in Madrid within 2 hours for about £30.

There is always a high demand for computer literate people; however, I would say that life in the work place would be very difficult in the absence of high ability at written and spoken English. I can speak Spanish reasonably well but I don’t think I would be brave enough to attempt to do technical work in Spain.

Anyway good luck.

#57660 - 09/03/00 06:24 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)

After living in England for 6 months I can tell you that cost of living there is much higher than in Spain.

Of course, this depends on the cities. As I said, I went to Norwich, Brighton and Bath and all of them were expensive compared to Spain.

As for traveling, I know there are extremely cheap fares, especially to London (Easyjet, Go...).

As for the technical English is easier than the "normal" language. In fact, most of the books we use as bibliography during our courses at the university are in English. I guess the problem will be the pronunciation. I know the technical terms in English but I don't know how to pronounce some of them.


Eddie, I would like to giver special thanks to you. I didn't know about the "booming" computing business in Ireland. Two days ago I had two Irish girls at my hostal and they confirmed it.

So, I think I would probably go for Ireland. The only problem is that there aren't such cheap flight from Madrid to Dublin. Maybe I should fly to London and then go to Dublin if I want to get really cheap fares.

Anyway, I appreciate all the answers people have posted here. However, I won't go abroad at least until the next year so I still have plenty of time to decide what to do.

Thank you very much,


[This message has been edited by Antonio (edited 09-03-2000).]
The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57661 - 09/04/00 05:39 AM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Eddie Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/05/00
Posts: 1713
Loc: Phila., PA, USA
"Two days ago I had two Irish girls at my hostal..." How lucky for you, Antonio!

The timing of the flights isn't very good but you can get to Shannon on Virgin Express (via BRU & LGW). I think it would require an overnight stay at either Brussels or London. ( )
Of the two, I would choose Brussels because the airport is closer to town. I don't know about Dublin - there may be a better connection. But I always fly into and out of Shannon.

#57662 - 09/04/00 04:05 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Crann Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/10/00
Posts: 11
Loc: Liverpool, England
Antonio, York is another city in the UK where there has been a big rise in IT-related jobs but, like Reading and Cambridge, the cost of living there reflects the boom in well-paid jobs. But it's a beautiful place.

It's cheap to live in Liverpool and you would have a good time but I have asked around and I don't think there are many jobs in your field here.

If you do decide to go to Ireland, a cheap way to get there might be to fly to Liverpool and then from Liverpool to Belfast in the north east of Ireland, also with easyJet. The buses and trains in Ireland aren't expensive (although drink, rent and food is).

Another jobs site is
It's the Guardian newspaper's site.

#57663 - 09/04/00 06:44 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Antonio Offline

Executive Member

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 1176
Loc: Madrid (Spain)

Those girls told me they will send me some information by e-mail about Ireland.

I knew about Virgin Express flying to Shannon from Brussels or London Gatwick. However, the cheapest Virgin fare to Brussels is 8900 pesetas whereas Easyjet cheapest fare to London is only 4250 pesetas. Therefore, it should be cheaper to fly to London and then Dublin / Shannon.

I think the problem is that there is no cheap airline going directly from Madrid to Ireland. This makes the trip less convenient but, as a student, I'm on a budget so I wouldn't mind to stopover in Brussels or London. However, if I have to spend a night there, then I will waste all the money I was trying to save by flying with Virgin.

Since I won't go abroad until the next year I hope Easyjet or Go establish new routes from Madrid to Ireland.



Thanks for suggestion York. I will bear in mind this city.

I knew The Guardian jobs site. People told me about it last year when I was in England.
The best tips from your favourite hostal in Madrid.
Hostal Chelo at

#57664 - 09/04/00 10:11 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
sheba Offline

Registered: 08/20/00
Posts: 118
Loc: Minneapolis, MN USA

I think everyone had some really good suggestions but I thought I'd add my two cents about the midwest in America. I know that in Minnesota (where I live)there are tons of jobs in the technical trade and that there is a pretty good transportation system. Of course, it is also pretty cold up here in winters but it would be a stunning and exciting change from Spain.

The education system here is amazing too, so that base is covered.

I also thought that the suggestions for Austin were great and it made me think about all of the hispanic immigrants coming into the Midwest.

I am certain that with the immigration explosion of hispanic peoples here in even smaller cities that there is a need for a bilingual technically skilled person. That is to say, you would probably be paid more in a situation where you have more than just your technical skills to offer.

Just a thought.

#57665 - 09/15/00 03:00 PM Re: Should Antonio go to the US / UK?
Mike B Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 09/15/00
Posts: 1
Loc: Edimburgo
Antonio, I recommend Edinburgh in Scotland as a place for a thriving, cosmopolitan lifestyle, and a real shortage of skilled IT staff. It is not the cheapest place to live, but the quality of life is excellent, and I have known many people who came here on a temporary basis who decided to stay permanently. I have never known anyone express a dislike for living here.

Getting IT work is very easy depending on your skillset. There is also much work for those who have native fluency in languages other than English. To get short term (lucrative!) contract work there are a number of agencies that are very successful.

The largest computer services and hardware company in the world has just advertised a significant number of becas for two years IT postgraduate university study for such native speakers.

If you want more information, drop me an e-mail (¡prefiero que me escribes en español porque necesito practicar!). I have worked in the computer industry for over 20 years and I should be able to give you enough leads to get you going.

Mike B

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