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#3302 - 01/04/02 10:25 AM Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
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Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Jes and I are hoping to get to Cordoba this summer and are investigating places to stay. (This will be a child-free holiday - yippee!)

Thanks to Puna for her information regarding Hostal/Hotel Maestre in Cordoba.

Unfortunately I can't get through to the Maestre although will keep trying. If we don't have any luck with their on-line form, we will have to pluck up courage and ring.

The other place we could be interested in in Hostal Lineros Hostal Lineros, Cordoba , but it doesn't seem to be listed in the Spanish Tourist board's lists and I know that Antonio won't let us stay in unregistered places rolleyes, and I know where he is coming from, but I wondered whether anyone had any information regarding this place and whether it is actually registered? It does look interesting.



[ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]

#3303 - 01/15/02 12:36 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
jmcarr Offline

Registered: 02/01/01
Posts: 68
Loc: Baltimore, MD, USA
Jo-Anne, were you ever able to reach Hostal Maestre via email? I ask because I have sent the booking information through the website and have not heard back. Was wondering if perhaps I should go ahead and call.


#3304 - 01/15/02 01:15 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...

I have now sent the on-line booking form twice and not had a response either time. The form seems to go OK, and I get a message up to say that I will hear from them soon - but nothing. frown frown

Please let me know how you get on, because I too need to get this sorted.



#3305 - 01/16/02 10:22 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
jmcarr Offline

Registered: 02/01/01
Posts: 68
Loc: Baltimore, MD, USA
I received a reply via email this morning. You might get a faster response if you t email your question directly to

#3306 - 01/16/02 11:48 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
ome Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 7
Loc: seville, spain
Check out

Hotel Lola in Cordoba, looks gorgeous, I heard good comments in other forums.

#3307 - 01/24/02 05:28 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Just an update.

Whilst the board was down, I heard via e-mail from both jmcarr and Olga.

The former said she had a response from Hotel Maestre in about a week. I still haven't heard anything and it's now over three weeks since I started trying. I have sent them the booking form from their web site twice and have now tried e-mailing directly with their address (jmcarr passed it on to me), but I have still heard nothing.

If I persuade my husband to ring them up (eek eek eek scary first attempt at Spanish telephone call), what can we expect in the way of a guarantee of a reservation? I like reserving via e-mail as I get a hard copy of their response to take with me, and obviously this wont happen with a phone call.

Olga very kindly did some research on Hostal Lineros, and has reassured me that it seems to be OK. So this will have to be second choice.

But we want to stay at Hotel Maestre really!!


[ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]

#3308 - 01/25/02 09:26 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Jo-anne, Try faxing them - that usually works. Once you have a fax back quoting price and availability it is absolutely necessary to fax back your confirmation (throughout Spain and possibly the US as well). I think I sent you the fax number - if not, let me know and I'll find it and email to you. Yhe fax from them and your confirming fax serve as a written guarantee as date and time are on the top - if your fax gives a confirmation received of your final "yes we will be there" - save that as well just in case. Let me know ... smile
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#3309 - 01/25/02 10:15 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...

Thanks - yes you did indeed give me the fax no. I had forgotton about that. I have a neighbour who has a fax machine so will ask her next week if I can use it if I haven't heard anything.

I must admit that using a fax had not occurred to me as I was sure I would get through via e-mail. And at least we don't have to think on our feet on the telephone if reception find our Spanish rubbish!

Nice one Puna!


#3310 - 02/01/02 02:06 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Still no reply from Maestre's on-line form, e-mail, or fax. How odd.

jmcarr is visiting Hotel Maestre next week and may try to ask them to e-mail me. If not, looks like that scary phonecall is in order! eek eek

Wonder why I'm so hooked on the idea at staying at the Maestre when there are so many other places to stay? Maybe it's the challenge?


#3311 - 02/02/02 11:13 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
It'll be interesting to find out what has happened to your communications attempts - no longer can we blame it on "lost in ether world" as your fax didn't generate a response either. Hope jmcarr has a super time - and is able to get you squared away with a comfirmed roof over your head!

Puna (who is hoping and praying Maestra is as nice as it used to be!) wink
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#3312 - 02/08/02 11:37 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
jmcarr Offline

Registered: 02/01/01
Posts: 68
Loc: Baltimore, MD, USA
Reporting from Cordoba:

While staying at Hostal Maestre, I gave the fellow at the front desk (his name escapes me at the moment) a copy of your email with email address. He said that he thought the days were okay, but would check and then email you. He´s the only person that I saw manning the desk, and the phone seemed to ring constantly. Gave directions, ordered taxis, recommended tabernas, etc. Very popular hotel/hostal.

I was pleased with the room (a double with bath), especially after a disappointing overnight stay at Hostal Plaza d´Ort in Madrid.

If Maestre is full, you might want to check out Hotel Albucasis or Hostal Los Milagros: I stopped in both to look at their patios and ending up taking a peak at the rooms as well. Very nice, and a bit closer to the Mezquita.


#3313 - 02/09/02 09:15 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Ground control to JM Carr in Cordoba!

Thank you for your help in passing on the info to Hotel Maestre. Not heard anything yet, but I will give it a few more days.

Isn't it brilliant that someone from Baltimore can help someone in Holmfirth, UK, to find a room in Spain whilst on their travels? I love it.

I will certainly look into the other two places you mentioned, they sound good. Perhaps they could be better?

Hope the rest of your trip goes well, and look forward to hearing more on your return.

Many thanks.


#3314 - 02/09/02 11:15 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Puna Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 07/07/00
Posts: 1437
Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Jennifer -

Am really glad to hear your positive feed-back on Maestra as I have been touting them as a super hostal & hotel in Cordoba! laugh

Are you in the hotel or hostal side? As I stayed in the hostal a couple of years ago - would love to hear feedback on current status of hotel and/or hostal.
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#3315 - 02/13/02 10:34 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
jmcarr Offline

Registered: 02/01/01
Posts: 68
Loc: Baltimore, MD, USA
When I made my reservation, I requested the hostal, based on price. The room I was given, however, was the bedroom to the left just inside the front door of the hotel. Nice double, with full bath, TV (which of course, I never actually had the time to turn on :p ) and telephone. Extremely reasonably priced at 21 euros per night. The patio was lovely, and the weather was warm enough to sit out in the early evening. I'd be willing to stay there again, although I would like to try Hostal Milagros or Hotel Albucasis as well.

[ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: jmcarr ]

#3316 - 02/13/02 01:23 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Hello Jennifer

Sounds like it worked out well for you.

I STILL haven't heard anything from Hotel Maestre . Do you think it would be worth my while persevering and sending another fax? rolleyes Or do you think they are fed up of me pestering them?

I have also faxed Hotel Albucasis on your recommendation, but not heard from them either (only did it a couple of days ago though).

Just as a matter of interest, how do you think we would manage if we telephoned Maestre, bearing in mind that our Spanish is fairly limited? We'll be OK at asking the questions, but not necessarily understanding the answers - especially with no gesticulations available from either party! wink



[ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]

#3317 - 02/14/02 06:39 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
jmcarr Offline

Registered: 02/01/01
Posts: 68
Loc: Baltimore, MD, USA
I'd try Hotel Maestre one more time before giving up. It is a very nice hotel and very conveniently located, in terms of public transportation (on the #3 busline which runs to the train station) and proximity to the Mezquita and Plaza Tendillas. Hotel Albucasis was just reopening after being closed for the month of January, so they may just be getting back up to speed.

The fellow at the front desk did speak English -- our conversations alternated between English and Spanish, and I heard a group of Japanese students ask for (and receive) assistance in fractured English.


[ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: jmcarr ]

#3318 - 02/14/02 01:26 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...

Have now re-sent e-mail and am sitting with everything crossed. eek I've used the tools facility to ask recipient to acknlowledge receipt of message.

At least you've given me the inspiration to keep trying! rolleyes


#3319 - 02/15/02 11:48 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Have just received fax reply from Hotel Albucasis. (Not a peep from Maestre still.) They have quoted me 72 Euros, although the Tourespana site says it should be 54 in the low (summer) season.

I dont have a fax, or the language to dispute this, so do you think this is a reasonable price? Am tempted just to accept it anyway. laugh


#3320 - 02/15/02 12:08 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
MadridMan Offline

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Registered: 05/06/00
Posts: 9080
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Jo-Anne, can I assume the information about Hotel Albucasis on the reviews is correct in that their phone/fax number is still 957-478-625?

Do me a favor: Give me the exact URL where you found the rates on the Tourespana site and I'll give the hotel a call on Sunday about the rate difference. (now let's not have EVERYONE else asking me to do the same, okay? Thanks. I have a good long-distance rate plan to Spain) Also, did you want a "cama matrimonia"? Did you want breakfast? (it's extra)

Why not send me an email with this information including your wanted dates and also send me another first thing Sunday morning as a reminder and I'll call them for you and email you back with the details - I can even MAKE the reservation for you if you'd like -- unless they want a credit card number to do so.

Have a good weekend, everyone!! Saludos, MadridMan smile

[ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]
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#3321 - 02/15/02 12:20 PM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Wow! What an offer!

Yes, the fax number is the same, and the Turespana page with the prices on is as follows: Hotel Albucasis

I'll send you an e-mail too.

Jes says we do want a cama de matrimonio! rolleyes rolleyes


[NOTE: "Accomodation rates quoted are those for 2001.

The new Tourist Portal will soon be coming online with all the relevant updates.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused."]

[ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: Antonio ]

#3322 - 02/16/02 09:06 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Thanks for that edit Antonio, and for letting me know how to get the correct URL myself (by opening the page in a new window). I have just seen these prices quoted by InterHotel for Hotel Albucasis, and they make 72 euros seem like a good deal! InterHotel rates for Albucasis eek eek


#3323 - 02/20/02 07:14 AM Re: Córdoba: Hostal Lineros/Hostal/Hotel Maestre & Hotel Albucasis
Jo-Anne Offline
Executive Member

Registered: 06/06/00
Posts: 798
Loc: Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Eng...
Right everyone, here is the latest update! laugh

Jes and I spent some time last night working out a script to use when we rang Hotel Albucasis and put it into practice this morning. We had also worked out what responses we might have expected so that we wouldn't be caught off guard.

So, with some trepidation (would we have to revert to English and somehow feel cheated out of achieving this first time Spanish language phone call rolleyes ?) we picked up the phone this morning and did it.

Jes did all the talking, and I did all the paper-passing, pointing, pen weilding. However, it all went extremely smoothly. The lady he spoke to seemed very nice, and told us that the 72 Euros quoted was correct and that the Tourespana rates weren't (probably because they are last years rates and also as MM pointed out to me, they may have reasons to have changed the boundaries of their high and low seasons depending upon last years business).

So, we are now happily awaiting our fax confirmation (should have heard Jes reeling off credit card no and fax no - impressive! I will look upon him with renewed wonderment now!)

MM asked me about the chances of the staff speaking English. This I do not know, because we didn't give them a chance!

We have still heard zero from Hotel Maestre which seems really bizarre, especially as they had had a personal request from Jennifer to check the dates and get in touch with us.

Another message board member very kindly sent me some information on Hotel Selu where they had happily stayed last year and also recommending checking out Spain-hotels web site which is a booking agent. They have an incredible deal on the 4* Hotel El Conquistador - less that 50% of the advertised cost (and actually works not much more than Hotel Albucasis and includes breakfast!!).

There is so much now in this thread about Hotel Albucasis that I think MM needs to add it to the subject line! wink wink laugh cool

All for now.

A happy Jo

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