Since there are few posts concerning this region I thought I'd post on what an incredibly interesting city this was. They have a gorgeous cathedral which is a classic example of the blending of architectural styles often seen in these hugh buildings that take centuries to build. The city also has done a great job of excavating and opening the remains of an ancient Roman city that was discovered under the modern city when they were doing some digging for a parking complex I believe. We traveled secondary roads from Toledo to Zaragoza and saw incredibly diverse geography. The area around the Monestaria de Piedra was stunning as was the fields of poppies against the yellow grasses that were everywhere in late May. From Zaragoza we went on to the edge of the Pyrannes Mts. Huesca and many of the smaller villages were so different from other parts of Spain.Several towns we would park on the edge and walk in...the streets were just so narrow, you felt a car was an affront to the tranquility! The architecture is quite unique and along the mountain range are many castle/fortresses that became the last strongholds of Christianity from the invading Moors. It was a very historically rich area and seems to be a favorite area for the Spanish to visit rather than hoards of foreign tourists.