Things I wish I knew then...

Posted by: boston

Things I wish I knew then... - 04/10/01 10:21 PM

Hey! I am going to be studying in Madrid for a full year starting in September. I realize that many of you have already spent some time studying abroad in Spain. Undoubtedly, there are certain things that you wished you knew going into the semester, which you would eventually have to learn the hard way. So, what advice would you give me? What are the things that you wish you knew then? Any advice will be taken to heart. Thanks!
Posted by: expressdance

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/10/01 11:16 PM

I know I'm not giving advice right now, because I will also be completing my study abroad in Spain next year, but I just want to give props to all the people from Boston here. Welcome!!! smile
Posted by: Majesty318

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 10:12 AM

1) Pack light and don't bring your best clothes. Take diverse clothes in that you want options for clubbing, dressy dinners, casual days, sightseeing, etc. But do not bring too many of each thing b/c between wearing things for a week straight while traveling or spilling stuff on your clothes, once you get back to the States you will never want to see them again. Then you can leave the junky clothes there and have room for souvenirs.
2) Don't bring toiletries with you except the trial sizes which are great for traveling. They have everything we do there, except anit-perspirant. Definitely bring that.
3) Try all the food, and don't necessarily ask what it is first. You might not like everything but your señora will appreciate you trying it, and you will probably end up liking more than you thought you would.
4) Get an intercambio: a Spanish student where the 2 of you get together and speak English for part of the time and Spanish for part of the time.

If I think of more tips I will post them!
Posted by: Bocata King

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 02:34 PM

Get the Intercambio! I can't emphasize that enough. Not only will they help you with your Spanish, they will be an easy way to make friends with at least one local. It really gives you the opportunity to meet a Spanish student, and usually their whole circle of friends, and basically just get integrated into the life much quicker.

Have fun.
Posted by: roses

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 06:46 PM

where can you find an intercambio? is there a web site or something?
Posted by: kk49827

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 06:54 PM

All of those were great suggestions. Packing light is the biggest. Take all your basic stuff. Anything you could need is always there.
Making friends is also key thing to do. A Spanish student can introduce you to people and take you places that will make your experience so much better.
Just try to blend in with the Spaniards and see everything you can in your time there. When I was there I tried to do everything and there are still so many places I want to see.

Good luck!
Posted by: taravb

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 09:45 PM

I just want to agree with what's been said re: meeting Spanish people! DO IT!! Don't be one of those people hanging out with a crowd you could just as easily meet at your local mall. You might enjoy making new American friends, but REMEMBER WHERE YOU ARE!! Not to pick on American friends, because of course they are wonderful...but they are also the easy, default group of pals. Don't do the easy thing...if you make friends with another nice American student, work together to find Spanish friends!

My friend Gloria (as American as apple pie, and likely to say things like, "mi pelo es muy frizzy" when attempting to speak Spanish) and I went out nearly every night in Salamanca with a large group of Spanish friends. We could maintain our comfort level by not being the only Americanas in the crowd, but could also have great talks with our new friends. You'll never really know Spain if all it is for you is a group of people in Penn State sweatshirts complaining about how you can't get good Chinese food in Salamanca (yes, I met them there in March of this year, really!).

It took a good kick from my mother back during my Salamanca semester to get me out of my narrow focus. She told me (via phone from America--I didn't take her along or anything!) to go out, have a few beers, and meet some Spanish people (the beers were to get me over my "stage fright" about speaking Spanish!). She was right. So here's your kick, ahead of time, so that you don't forget!

Posted by: Wolf

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/11/01 11:39 PM


Apparently your Momma knew how potent Spanish beer is. After downing about three of those beauties, I'm ready to enter the bull ring.

One night I even made friends with a big ugly cat with one eye, half an ear missing, and a tail that looked like it had been run over by a train, after downing four of them.

I spent my night in the bathroom with my head in the facility. If it hadn't been for my wife, who sat by my side and kept me from drowning, this story would never have been told laugh

Yes! Spanish beer is a good ice breaker!

The next night, we returned to the same outdoor bar/restaurant. I was surprised at how many friends I made the night before, and didn't even remember.

Someone told me I was doing the flamenco that fateful night. My wife said it didn't resemble it in the least

Wolf wink
Posted by: boston

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/12/01 11:23 AM

Hey! Thanks, you guys!

Expressdance: Yeah, props to Boston! Which University are you studying abroad through?

Majesty: Great suggestions! Thank you very much! Your suggestions were more helpful than I had even anticipated receiving!

Lomo and kk: Thanks. I will definitely make a full effort to meet and hang out with native Spanish students!

Tara: Thanks for the kick! smile

Wolf: Hahahahahaha... I hope to carry on your drunken awarkward Flamenco

-Matt (Boston)
Posted by: expressdance

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/12/01 01:40 PM

Yeah Wolf, I must admit, your story definitely rules. I've taken flamenco courses, and I can definitely say that its really tough even when you're not drunk! Boston, I attend the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. I'd say we have a really lame excuse for a Spain exchange program here. Anyone who is advanced only has the opportunity to spend the semester in Oviedo. I personally wanted more of an urban feel, and I decided to look into programs for Sevilla. I finally decided on a semester long program with CEA, and it looks really great! What university are you at in Boston?
Posted by: boston

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/12/01 03:52 PM

First off, in my last message, I meant to write "awkward", and not "awarkward"... Though I doubt anyone really cares about a type-o that much... Anyway, Express, I attend Boston University, and will be going through them. They offer an advanced studies/internship program in Madrid. It looks to be chill, but still intensive enough to offer amazing opportunities. So that's where I'll be. Have a great time, and best of luck!
Posted by: CaliBasco

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/12/01 04:38 PM

Boston- Donh wurry ahbowt tiepoes in yur postes. I think we're all VERY forgiving here... smile

My advice on travel (and travel study...) to Spain is two-fold: Pack your bags just how you want them, zip them up, unzip them and halve your load. The second item is budgetary: Whereas you halve your luggage, look at your budget and DOUBLE it. This hasn't failed me yet. ¡Qué lo pases a pipa allá!
Posted by: Wolf

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/12/01 08:24 PM


Typos are not only acceptable, they are required! It will become more apparent as you continue training for Spain.

I'm referring to the mandatory "12 oz. arm curls," consisting of tipping a few beers here in the States, before you go, so you don't find yourself in a position where you have a tired arm when you reach the main event laugh

I'm not certain but I think that may be part of International Law.... rolleyes

Posted by: avrv

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/14/01 03:14 AM

HI all. Ill also be going to Madrid for next year. Ill give you some tips out of my experience. Socially, if you want to feel integrated, then avoid the places that cater to foreigners and tourists. For example, these is a huge disco in Madrid called Teatro Kapital. Its really amazing, and I recommend you go at least once if not more. But dont make it your usual destination on the weekends. First off, its too expensive. I have paid over $20 cover there before. 2nd it doesnt really have a 'spanish feel'. I dont know how to describe it, but id say most of the people there are north europeans and americans, the music is mainly english and american dance, etc. Still it is an intense place. Like some others said, find a spanish friend or someone who knows the city, and try to get integrated in their group of friends. They will take you out for our 'typical' weekend night, just make sure you can keep up! Also, many of you studying there may have classes in the ciudad universitaria, and this is a great place to meet people. there are many bars, pubs, cafes around where many spanish students mix with internationals. spend a lot of time there even if your program doesnt have its location there.

For men, if you plan on going out to clubs and discos, make sure you bring nice shoes and a nice outfit or two. On average they are quite a bit stricter in regards to dresscodes at spanish clubs than in the US. Women dont need to worry as much. Pack light, the saying goes, lay out what you think you will barely need, and take half. If you really need something, you can buy it, prices are favorable for people with American $$$. But if there is some toiletry you cannot do without, and you are in doubt as to whether you will find it there, I recommend bringing enough for your entire stay. BRING COMFORTABLE SHOES. You will walk more in this year than in all your years prior, combined. Also, depending on how much you want to try to blend in, bring clothes that arent too flashy, and leave behind the jeans and t-shirts. Also, no shorts, no matter how hot it is, unless you're on an excursion. Generally in southern european and latin countries, the only women who wear shorts are prostitutes (believe it or not this is why there is the opinion that American women are 'easy'). I recommend only 1 pair. If you dont smoke before you leave, dont start there. You will come back to the states hooked, and smokes cost about 3x as much here. No trip to Spain is complete with seeing a soccer game. You will really be impressed with the atmosphere. Also, if you can stand it, see a bullfight. Remember, the bull is killed, and if the matador is especially good they will cut off its ears and maybe its tail and give them to him; many people dont know this going in, and come out feeling sick. When you go travelling around spain, try to eat the dishes the local areas are famous for. for example, in Avila the lamb is a local treat, in Toledo you can have some of the best partridge (i really recommend this). As to safety, I recommend you keep all your important information in a very safe place. Personally when I am travelling I like to keep it all on me, believe it or not. This is because, while there is a lot of theft in Spain, there is very little violent crime, and if you wear a passport necklace under your shirt or even under your pants (you can do it) the only way people will get at it is by stripping you, in other words, they wont get it. Well I have a lot more I could say but it feels like i wrote a book already, so Ill stop here. I hope this helps.
Posted by: sheba

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/15/01 01:11 PM

avrv--what great tips! only now i'm thinking, if women don't wear jeans, t-shirts, or shorts over there, what the heck are they wearing? personally, i would feel incredibly uncomfortable wearing skirts all the time, especially because i have giant leg tattoos. oh well, the dreaded capris, here i come.
Posted by: avrv

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/15/01 01:28 PM

Well sheba, all I can say is, by and large if you want to blend in, better to dress up than down. You're right, most women wont wear skirts but pants...capris and full length (and usually very tight ones). Im sure if you had the guts to get a huge tattoo on your leg you'll do fine in capris laugh
Posted by: Majesty318

Re: Things I wish I knew then... - 04/16/01 09:14 PM

I saw tons of student-age españolas wearing jeans. Granted, tighter than is typical in the States but Sheba I think you should plan to bring jeans with you. In the cold weather you don't want to be wearing skirts. Maybe just bring a few extra black or tan pants that can be dressed up, if you don't think too many jeans is a good idea.