Finding work in Spain

Posted by: hannahinspain 2003

Finding work in Spain - 11/10/04 08:06 AM

I came to Spain, Costa del Sol, 5 years ago. I know how difficult it is finding a job. mad But as I said in my reply to Beckys, Wemploy are the way to go. They cover nearly all areas of employment and are so helpful, professional and friendly that if they canīt find you a will! laugh
All my friends got their jobs through Wemploy including my bloke so have a look at their website
P.S. I Seriously recomend learning Spanish to anyone who is looking to move to Spain, finding a job is much easier!
Posted by: Puna

Re: Finding work in Spain - 11/10/04 08:30 AM

The basic requirement for anyone looking to work legally in Spain is to be an EU citizen! Like many others, I have taken numerous looks at the website - and it appears to be reasonably comprehensive for the Costa del Sol area - but the first and most difficult requirement for people is the lack of EU citizenship - ergo - not having the right to work.

Why not suggest to the folks @ the agency/website that they figure out how to assist non-EU folks in getting legal work? Perhaps they could form an internal pool of specialized works under their certification to legally work - then "sub-let" these folks to local firms. When the required time to request/fill for legal working papers was met, individuals could start the process with everyone's help - and prior profits.

This concept is merely taking the employment agency a step further than it's current status. I should imagine their business (from those wanting to relocate) would double!