Madrid: To go or not to go

Posted by: Bab

Madrid: To go or not to go - 10/28/04 05:42 AM

Dear All

By "accident" I just found this site and, after reading a few messages I knew that was exactly what I was looking for.

I am a portuguese working andliving in Holland for already 6 years but, to tell you the truth I am a bit tired of the cold weather, cold people and bad food.

At this point I am not ready yet to go back to Portugal and, since I have a Spanish boyfriend (living in Spain) I have decided that is now the right time to move on, and thats when the nerves start making the difference...

Now I have an appartment, a great job I love but no social life at all (the job takes it all) and I am moving to a country that I have no doubts I will love but I am afraid of not finding a job and being dependent.

Could somebody give me some advice?

Would somebody also know a place where would be needing a personal assistant with 13 years experience (as secretary, direction secretary, account manager and now personal assistant for 3 years as well)?
I and now 33 years old and speak spanish (but not write very well), english, portuguese and a bit of dutch.
Posted by: filbert

Re: Madrid: To go or not to go - 10/28/04 02:01 PM

I think a lot of us, knowing how hard it is to find work in Madrid, are a little scared to give you advice. Your boyfriend lives in Madrid I take it? If you can get accommodation part of the battle is won. Maybe you need to talk to other Portuguese resident in Madrid to get a clearer picture. Can you take a long holiday and do some research in Madrid first? I think that would be a sensible first step...
Alternatively see if your current company (or others in Holland) have a potential market for their services etc in Madrid? Or try and persuade them to move to Spain and take advantage of lower costs??? Ok, so this is probably not viable, but I'm just trying to show you there may be other ways of approaching this problem
good luck in whatever you decide
Posted by: Bab

Re: Madrid: To go or not to go - 10/29/04 02:55 AM

Hi Filbert
Thanks for your advice. Indeed my company has a subsidiary in Madrid and that is part of the boyfriend works there. We would not have a problem with that but it is against company policy and, besides that, the position I have currently in the company gives me access to very sensitive information and does not allow me to go to any subsidiary.

I know Madrid quite well and have been there a few times. I think it is a beautiful city and specially loved the spirit of the people.

The scary thing for me is really the job issue. I have always been able to take care of myself and am just afraid of not being able of doing that anymore
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Madrid: To go or not to go - 10/29/04 03:41 AM

It's pretty difficult to find an equivalent job in here, unless you can find an specific position where they valorate a lot your background and experience. A few years ago, I met a guy from The Netherlands who had came here with the Erasmus program, and he planned to stay here, as an architect, when he finished his career, because he liked the country a lot.

But, after seeing the work market, he cancelled the program and went back to Holland. There, they were offered positions for interesting projects, and you could select which you'd work at, even before ending your career. Here, after ending, you had to work in scarce ugly projects with no possible selection since you had to take it or leave it, badly paid, for years.

I say, come with a job, even if you have to come here for the interviews, or face the fact that you'll probably be underemployed and underpaid. But I was shy to say this because if you are very specialized and your work very demanded, you might be lucky. I would be very prudent, ... as far as your feelings allow you to. smile
Posted by: Bab

Re: Madrid: To go or not to go - 11/02/04 10:11 AM

Hi Ignacio

I must say that I am quite impressed with the response to my message. I have never tried "chatting" or this kind of sites and I am now very happy I did it this time. It is very good to talk with people that, although you do not know, have interest for my situation and even try to help. THANKS!
I know that if I would like to move from this company for another job in Holland I would not have any problems. There is enough offers around here and, because I am here for sometime, I have also a few contacts that could help. In Spain I know things are different...and not for better.
Thanks again for your input, it was very much appreciated
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Madrid: To go or not to go - 11/02/04 05:22 PM
