What do non EU citizens do?

Posted by: alchemistrip

What do non EU citizens do? - 07/15/03 05:27 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm a 27 year old non EU citizen who desperately wants to work (bar tending, teaching English, writing etc) and holiday in Spain. Unfortunately, I've been told that I need a proper job offer and work permit first. Does Spain not offer holiday work visas etc? Is it difficult to get a job a job offer and proper work permit at the moment?

Would appreciate all the help I can get so will be looking forward to you feedback. Thanks!
Posted by: neoman

Re: What do non EU citizens do? - 07/19/03 09:46 AM

there is a lot you can do, but it isnīt easy, but it is worth it. I love spain, I have been here for a year now. I would be happy to guide you a little, as best I can.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: What do non EU citizens do? - 08/06/03 03:09 PM


If you're not an EU citizen it is much more difficult to get a job in Spain, but it can be done.

And yes, if you want to live in Spain legally, you do need a job offer before you arrive.

But if you really want to live in Spain, you can teach English without any working papers. I don't recommend it, but many people do it and are able to get by.

In the meanwhile, you could check out companies whilst in Spain (the chances of getting a job before coming to Spain are slim, as companies want to meet all prospective employees).

There's also an Amnesty programme every year and a half that legalises foreigners who are in Spain illegally. A Canadian friend of mine did this and now she is a legal resident.

Any more questions, please ask
Posted by: Espe3

Re: What do non EU citizens do? - 08/06/03 04:21 PM

Endrigo- that program doesn't always run a year and a half! Laws are changing to make it more difficult and they are trying to get rid of illegals- so it may or may not be a possibility for a non EU citizen.

As far as holiday visas- to work for a holiday period- well, yes, but really those are only offered to students. I would try doing it through an agency, although they do charge a fee- its worth and you make the money back. I had a friend who did it through CEA and they got her a job in the US (she is Spanish) and since it was a summer job in a park- her job had housing for a small fee that they could live at if they choose that option. It wasn't mandatory. I had another friend who did the same thing a year before- he opted out of the housing option and found a place with some other people going.

At least you'll have a job and spend the summer at the least- it would give you a good idea of how things work and if you want to try to extend it. If you do an internship who knows what it opportunities it could lead to!?

Good luck!
Posted by: kelar419

Re: What do non EU citizens do? - 08/06/03 08:44 PM

Hi, Im also an Non EU citizen (American), college student. Im hoping to find paid (at least something!) work in Spain next summer. Iv been doing lots of research, and although it is hard to get hired before going to Spain, I do think it may be possible. Like was said before, I think an agency is the best way to go, especially for short term. Do a search on the internet, and I think you will be happy with what you find.
Anybody else have good advice?
Kelly smile