Living , studying and working in Madrid

Posted by: Alexander

Living , studying and working in Madrid - 08/24/02 07:49 PM

Hi everybody!

I would like to get some information about Madrid, please.
I am Brazilian, but I got the European Passport. I am also a Portuguese citizen. I have plans to live in Madrid next year ( March 2003 )...I already speak Spanish, but I would like to improve it and take DELE exam in the future.
I've already been to Madrid, but I really do not know much about accomodation and job facilities.
I am an English teacher...I have already had some experience in the USA. Could you please tell me if I can find cheap accomodation in Madrid? I believe it's important to be a good location (central) or even in a city close to the capital.

Do you think I can get a job and pay for my room and course over there???

Please I need more information about this great city that is Madrid!

Thanks a lot,