illegal or legal

Posted by: pamela

illegal or legal - 03/21/01 03:12 PM

Dear MadridMan and anyone else who can help me,
I am about to graduate with a Masters in International Studies (with a focus on Latin America) but I want to move to Madrid. I know that Spain is a big trading parter with Latin America and there are many NGO's (Non-Govt. Organizations) in Spain that seek to promote relations with the South. Do you know offhand if such types of organizations would be interested in hiring an American (albeit a fluent one), or would I just have to take the common route teaching English? I also teach part-time so I think I would be qualified for that, but I was hoping for something that would perhaps provide me with a work visa.
Also I have friends in Madrid with whom I could live, and they teach illegally there. Is there a legal way to teach there, or is that simply unlikely?
HELP! I must go to Madrid...
