TEFL work -Madrid

Posted by: Donza

TEFL work -Madrid - 12/03/00 02:35 PM

I am coming to Madrid on the 9th January to hopefully get work as a Teacher of English to speakers of other languages. I have to arrange an interview when I arrive but was wondering of anyone knew of anywhere looking for teachers. I have my Trinity College TESOL certificate and 1 1/2 years teaching experience in Home Economics in Scotland. If anyone has any ideas where I can find out about work, please message me back.
Thanx Donza x
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: TEFL work -Madrid - 12/03/00 03:30 PM

Hi Donza!! You've come to the right place!! Expand the number of threads by using the pulldown bar from "SHOW TOPICS FROM THE LAST 30 DAYS" to "SHOW ALL TOPICS" and you'll get LOTS of helpful threads about teaching in Spain, jobs, visas, and everything you'll need. Good luck!

Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: Madrid Insider

Re: TEFL work -Madrid - 12/29/03 08:30 AM

When coming to Spain to live and work as a Teacher...

1. Timing: Choose the time of when you plan to come to Spain more wisely.
- If you plan on coming to Madrid to take a teacher training and / or language course and continuing on afterwards for example you should take into consideration which months people in Spain offer the new contracts, interview for new teachers, and do the most job hiring.
There are definately some noticeable differences and you wouldn't want to come to Spain and be stuck taking your preparation courses while most of the people are doing their interviewing / hiring and then find that most of the better jobs are already taken by the time you have finished your training and can begin your search.
You would do far better picking some slower work month(s) to do your preparation / training courses leading into the good work month(s) so that as soon as you finished your preparation / training courses you could be in the prime position to begin your job interviewing / search.

2. Bring Enough Money: (Spain is more expensive than you think).
- No matter where you plan to go in Spain to try and live and find work bring enough money to support yourself with for 3 months to a year.
Spain is different from where you are coming from. You will waste money just getting used to your new environment and getting used to how things are done in Spain. (This requires some disposible income).
It also takes a while before things will start comingtogether for you in Spain.
It takes time for you to get enough hours / money or a good enough contract.
You will want to have enough money saved up before coming to Spain to afford the luxury of turning down the jobs that will take you out of the way, or will force you to run around, or pay less, etc.
There are enough work offers (in Madrid for example) that if you had enough money and savings to live off that you could put together an ideal work schedule within the course of 3 month's to a year only accepting the classes that you liked.

WARNING: If you do not come to Spain with enough money saved up to live off of and support yourself for 3 months to one year you will be forced to accept any work / jobs that come your way, which means, running around all over Spain chasing hours, lower pay, fewer hours, less stability, etc. which all leads to finding it harder to make ends meet and is a formula from frustration and disaster.