Medical Travel Insurance

Posted by: arthurg

Medical Travel Insurance - 03/12/08 11:51 AM

My nephew and I will be traveling through Spain April 2-25. As a prudent older guy, I've generally purchased some kind of medical travel insurance before beginning a journey. I've just looked at the web site, and they offered 33 different options for purchasing a policy from various different insurance companies. It's a little bewildering as to which to choose. I just wondered if anyone has had any recent experience----either good or bad---with a travel insurance company. Thanks.
Posted by: EchoFox

Re: Medical Travel Insurance - 03/12/08 04:24 PM

I don't know how many times I have seen this type of note regarding the purchasing of medical travel insurance. Everyone does what they want to do, but I have been travelling back and forth to Spain now for over 20 years. I have taken ill one time with no problems. I think that travel insurance is a major rip off. If you were to take sick (not a major operation et al), then just inform your hotel staff and they will arrange for you to see a local doctor who will in all probablility prescribe a medication at the local pharmacy. Not really an issue, and I might add for a lot less that you would pay here in the States. I have never had any experience with a travel insurance company, and I have travelled all over Spain, by car, by bus, by rail and by air and never once had a problem. Enjoy yourself with your nephew and the money you save by not having to pay for travel insurance by yourselves a nice souvenir. Hasta Luego! smile