Street gambling in Barcelona

Posted by: michelle_s

Street gambling in Barcelona - 08/07/07 06:35 AM

I was in Barcelona in December of last year and I stood and watched some of the gambling games they play on la ramblas. I'd been told they were a con but I noticed some people having a go and I was just curious really how they work the fraud, is it just a sleight of hand or is it more complicated by that? Has anyone ever been stung by these?
Posted by: jom

Re: Street gambling in Barcelona - 08/09/07 10:38 AM

It is an absolute ripoff. The crowd is made up off friends that will win - and other indsiders that will encourage you.

There will also be "muscle" there to allow the money guy to escape if you get hostile about being cheated - and they will just outright cheat, you have ZERO chance of EVER winning.

Don't be stupid.
Posted by: sallyanne

Re: Street gambling in Barcelona - 08/09/07 11:14 AM

There was a report on Telediario (TVEI) about this last night, saying that they sometimes use fake money.
Posted by: Bill from NYC

Re: Street gambling in Barcelona - 08/10/07 10:30 AM

It is called Three Card Monty and most of the ones who get stung are just greedly males. The people you saw having a go at this game are usually involued in it. They are easy to spot because they are wining.

When I visited Barcelona, they even had women involved in the scam and they played off the machos of their male victims.

This might sound mean or cruel, but somehow I really do not feel sorry for their victims, because their victims are just being greedy.

Who goes on a vacation to gamble with a stranger?
