Be Careful Out There (Madrid)

Posted by: ChrisR

Be Careful Out There (Madrid) - 12/09/03 11:44 AM

Just a reminder after a particularly busy morning dealing with people who had things stolen over the long weekend. Most of the problems in Madrid were reported on the Metro and at restaurants. Please make sure to be extra attentive with your personal belongings while eating! Also, don't put everyone's possessions in the same handbag. If possible leave your passport in your hotel room (if you think it's secure) and keep a photocopy of your passports biographic data page with you. I haven't had anyone tell me they have been asked for their orginal passport. I know if I have had to show a photo ID when using a credit card, my US drivers license was enough!
Posted by: Fernando

Re: Be Careful Out There (Madrid) - 12/09/03 11:47 AM

Hotels are very secure places to leave your passport. It is very rare to be stolen in a hotel (though I wouldn't leave money, cameras and such appealing things). Besides, you may rent a secure box in the hotel.
