getting more & more worried about safety

Posted by: prez

getting more & more worried about safety - 06/12/02 04:13 PM

I'm always careful, keep valuables out of sight, etc., but I'm becoming worried it's not enough. Another site listed many instances of pretty violent attacks. I feel like I can protect against pickpockets, but not a group of attackers. Is this threat as serious as it sounds? Also, our camera (on strap) is not an inconspicuous one; should we not carry it? I'd hate to not use it but afraid to be targeted. Thanks.
Posted by: Asterault

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/12/02 04:22 PM

Uh, this is someone from Los Angeles worried about Spain? rolleyes
Posted by: Espe3

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/12/02 06:28 PM

Out of curiousity, which website listed all of these violent attacks? I've never had any trouble, and neither have my friends. However careful you are is probably more than fine. Spain is not such a dangerous place! :o Relax and enjoy!
Posted by: Chica

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 03:25 AM

ˇJolín! Paranoia reigns high on the internet these days! I´m with Espe...what website is announcing violent attacks?

Spain is a very very safe country....PARTICULARLY when you compare it to the likes of LA, Chicago, Washington DC and NYC.

Yes, there is violent crime here, as in most countries. But such crime comes in very very isolated cases.

Just answer these few questions and you will know how to act here:

1. Would you walk down the streets of LA (pick any large city) with your camera swinging two and fro from your neck and your video cam bumping against your thigh?

2. Would you walk down the streets of LA (pick any large city) with your wallet open counting the money that you have or reviewing the receipts of the money you spent?

3. Would you stand on the street corner of any large city with a huge map of the city looking utterly lost?

When you go on vacation, leave your fears at home, but by all means, bring your common sense! wink
Posted by: prez

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 10:25 AM

Ouch! You guys read me the riot act! The thread I was reading was a link from Frommer or Fodor's, I forget which. It made things seem pretty bad. I've done lots of traveling, too, and know (i think) how not to look like the doofus traveler. I was just becoming concerned that while you can be careful against potential pickpockets, I wasn't sure how to handle a couple of people in a more physical assault. By the way, not "L.A." but LA as in Louisiana
Posted by: Puna

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 11:01 AM

prez, based on instinct and many many trips to Spain - the earlier posters are correct. Especially if you are accustomed to traveling and know to use good old common sense - Spain is one of the safest countries you can visit. Violent crime is extremely rare - and you know the basics on avoiding pick-pockets. Go, enjoy - and let us know all about your vacation.
Posted by: CaliBasco

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 11:16 AM

Prez: I think they read you the riot act since they thought "LA" that you'd be used to the one that's about to blow when our Lakers come back to celebrate the sweep!

To speak to your paradigm, think about Mardi have fun, but you're careful (unless you're an idiot and plastered, which you don't seem to be). I think the points made about just using your common sense are valid.

And by the way, we've ALL stood on a street corner looking at a map. Don't anyone deny it!

Prez, welcome to the board!
Posted by: berkeley

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 11:40 AM

Let me just chime in & agree that it's really not a scary country. We just got back from 2 weeks in Madrid & Andalucia, our 1st trip to Spain, & never had any trouble whatsoever, not even when standing on the street looking at a map (which I agree is unavoidable). Just stay aware & you'll be fine! We had a blast!
Posted by: Espe3

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 01:52 PM

Prez, I never took into account where you were from. It didn't matter where, it was the anything the impression (and an incorrect one) that you were given by the other websites.

However, if you do get taken on, no matter it be one person, 2, 3 or more, and if you are in Spain, USA, Canada, China, Zimbabwe... my advice would be DON'T take them on! It could be more trouble than its worth, and money is not worth your life! It sounds like you are a fighter, and it doesn't matter if you have a black belt or an expert boxer, that's no match for a knife or a gun. Remember, best defense, Don't be there! If you ever get into a situation like that one, don't try to be a hero, do what you have to do to get the opportunity to RUN! And then get your butt as quickly as you can to a nice crowded place where you can get help or call the police. Please, doing anything else, no matter where you are, isn't going to get you anything, except maybe hurt or worse. And remember, CHOOSING to go to a foreign country, you are subject to their rules and laws, even if you're defending yourself, you don't know what that will mean if it turns serious. Yes, the American Embassy is there for help, but not to bail you out! Just because you're an American doesn't mean that the laws of the US apply to you when abroad.

Again, don't sweat it, have a good trip!
Posted by: prez

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/13/02 05:05 PM

ok everyone, I'm reassured...thanks for all the advice. I'll let you know how my trip goes. I'm really looking forward to it.
Posted by: Mama Chula

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/14/02 12:59 AM

When I went to Spain this past spring, I was very nervous about being pickpocketed, etc. I was very careful with the way I carried my purse and wearing my no nonsense "don't mess with me" look on my face, everything turned out fine. No one bothered me, as a matter of fact no one even spoke to me - coulda been that nasty look on my face, que no? laugh

But my initial worries were not unfounded as my son and just about every single one of his friends in the Education Abroad Program he is in was a crime victim. I kid you not. Early after his arrival in Madrid, he and his girlfriend were mugged at hook point by two men. It was very late and they were near the Palace where they later learned they should not have been at that hour (3:00 AM). It was fairly deserted and the only cars around were taxis (whose drivers are not very helpful in these cases!) The muggers were not very happy that my son had no money or credit cards on him so they took his brand new jacket and his cell phone. Fortunately, they completely ignored his girlfriend who was carrying all her wordly posessions in her tiny handbag which she carried concealed under her jacket. It wasn't until they ran off that the dimwits realized that they had forgotten to get her purse and they gave chase. Fortunately the kids ran right into the police who rode around with them trying (unsuccessfully) to find the guys who had held them up.

Most of their friends have been pick pocketed -one had his wallted lifted out of his back pocket (dumb!) just three days after arriving thereby having to go without an ATM card for two months. eek A few others were held up at knife point. They gave up their money and the muggers went away happy leaving their victims thoroughly P!$$&d. mad
In spite of this, my son maintains that Madrid, Spain in general really, is very safe and he refuses to believe any different. He says one just needs to be careful as in any big city now days. He made a mistake, learned from it, and went on. He has had no other problems and has been there for 9 months.

There, that was my dos centavos worth on the matter. Have a wonderful trip Prez!
Mama Chula
Posted by: Fernando

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/14/02 09:12 AM

By the way: I'm 24, I have lived my whole life here in Madrid, and I have never had any problem (have never been pickpocketed, robbed, etc). Perhaps the problem is that, grown here, I have acquired a natural way of protect myself, and that the criminals choose their targets between tourists (because they are more vulnerable).

Have you seen in all the previous posts any violent crime? The most of the times are pickpocketings or robberings with knifes... but it is very very rare to see a rob with fire guns.

My advice: Enjoy your trip!

Posted by: ERT

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/16/02 07:02 PM

We can´t avoid the fact that the insecurity in Spain as in other Europeans countries have raised a lot in the past 3 or 4 years, and you should also have to agree that most of the insecurity problems We are having in Spain is due to many immigrants and that 99% steals and pickpocketing are made by NorthAfricans (Moroccoans and Algerians).
Posted by: Booklady

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/16/02 08:43 PM

One can be a victim of crime anywhere in the world, true there are more chances of being victimized if you happen to enter a "high crime" area. Finding the "high crime" areas is what a wise traveler needs to do before going abroad. Every country has these areas and locals usually know that after such and such a time it is unsafe to be about in certain areas of any city. I also ask the hotel concierge, the chambermaids, the waitresses, the police, for the high crime areas of their city and I have found that they have been very honest and realistic in their advice.

To label Spain as unsafe is ludicrous. True, if you are in a "high crime" area by yourself during the early morning hours you are in greater likelyhood of being victimized. This can happen in my home town as well.

I have found Spain to be a very safe place. Mainly because I take the same precautions there as I do here in Florida, in England, the Bahamas, Mexico, anywhere I go. The first thing I do is find out which areas are the most dangerous and not hang around there by myself,I would go there in a large group. I don't carry all my worldly goods in an easily accessible area, I don't wear expensive jewelry that may attract undesirable attention in areas that are prone to theft, like the RR stations, Metro and a crowded area, like the Puerta del Sol.

I have found that some of the websites that sponsor escorted trips tend to scare the traveler into joining them by sharing anecdotal crime stories, which may be true, but what it does not tell you is of all the tourists who visit Spain every year and who do not get mugged or victimized.

As the MM members above mentioned be an aware traveler and you will be safe in Spain. Enjoy your trip!
Posted by: taravb

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/16/02 09:45 PM

Hey, prez, the LA (Los Angeles or Louisiana?) confusion reminded me of my brother-in-law's family, all of whom claim to also be from "L.A." In their cases, though, it's "Lower Alabama." Go figure!
Posted by: tcc

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/17/02 04:55 PM

Hi Prez - I'm the paranoid person who posted the thread entitled "The Low down on Barcelona." Like you, I was worried about security in Spain prior to our trip. I'm happy to report that my husband and I traveled to seven cities/towns in Spain and experienced no true incidents of petty or violent crime. However, in Barcelona, we were warned by the hotel staff about playing it safe in and around Las Ramblas. They told us not to carry any large bags or even fanny packs, if we could manage, and to leave valuables (passport, money, jewelry, traveler's checks, etc.) in the hotel safe, which in that hotel was gratis. We carried a little cash in a hidden pocket and any credit cards and ID (not passports) in money belts worn under our clothes. My husband slipped our small digital camera into his front pocket where it wasn't noticeable and I carried maps under my sweater. It sounds like a lot of trouble, and perhaps it was "overkill," but we never had any problems and felt relatively safe. Of all the places we visited (Madrid, Seville, Granada, Cordoba, Barcelona, Sitges and Montserrat) Madrid and Barcelona were the most crowded with what seemed like the most potential for petty crime. We did not hear of anyone encountering any violent crime, nor did we even see any pickpocketing. However, my advice would be use common sense, do what you would do when walking around in any crowded, busy city. By and large, Spain seems safe, and the people are, for the most part, very friendly and accommodating.

So, don't worry too much and have a great time on your trip!

Posted by: karenwishart

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/19/02 12:33 PM

I just want to add...I used some of those other websites when planning a recent trip to Mexico and it was unbelievable the crap that some people put on these sites to scare everyone. I'm not sure if they are people with small lives who should just become cheap fiction writers or they are trying to preserve their favorite places from being discovered or over touristed. All I know is, unless you are totally oblivious to your surroundings or are visiting a genuine hotspot, travel anywhere is and should be one of the most fun, interesting, gratifying AND safe thing to do in life.
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 06/19/02 12:45 PM

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times "Those with bad luck or no common sense tend to have the loudest voices". I'm convinced that for every 1 very loud "I got mugged!" or "Spain is not safe!" cry, there are about 100 other stories of "I didn't have any problems at all" or "Huh! I felt perfect safe." stories which go untold.

I heard the same "hold on to your wallet!" and "don't walk down the streets at night!" stories before going to Perú (Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Arequipa, Nazca) over Christmas/New Years 2000/2001 . But during the trip I felt totally safe during the day and night and never did have (or see!) a single problem.
Posted by: tonyt

Re: getting more & more worried about safety - 07/25/02 03:53 AM

The old proverb "be prepared for the worst but hope for the best" still holds.

My wife's and my experience during our 10 days in Madrid and Andalucia (Sevilla, Cordoba, Granada) and 8 days in Catalonia (mostly in Barcelona) have been very trouble free and safe. The only scam we saw and avoided was in Madrid (the map extended and hands under the paper pickpocket trick).

Barcelona was particularly reassuring in the light of the many adverse reports in the Net. The police presence was most palpable (on horseback, cars and motorcycles). The loiterers in the plazas were all interogated. No one approached us unsolicited and we were able to go about enjoying the sights feely.