Women's style

Posted by: CJA

Women's style - 01/26/06 02:36 AM

I went to Madrid last summer and apparently my choice of clothing (although great for the states)wasn't the greatest for Madrid. I stuck out like a sore thumb. So my point to any ladies in Madrid currently or anyone actually, what is not considered a dead giveaway for being foreign?
I am going back in June for the summer, but would like to blend in a little better with the locals..
Posted by: Booklady

Re: Women's style - 01/26/06 10:06 AM

To look fantastic in Spain...

The key to women's fashion in Spain is twofold:
elegance and feminity. Value and Quality are the second set of characteristics.

First characteristic is femininity: slacks that fit the figure and shows the feminine contours. Same for skirts and dresses. Loose-fitting clothes while comfortable is not considered feminine.

Elegance is second. Note that the ensemble must match. Shoes, purses, scarves are all coordinated.

Value and quality are also important to most Spanish women. Good clothes are expensive, fabric, design, are costly. Spanish women coordinate their colors, so that a white silk blouse will look great with the black slacks or navy skirt!

Look confident in what you wear, and make sure what you wear is coordinated and fits your contours well, and you are bound to get a piropo!

I sound like the late Dame Barbara Cartland! eek
Posted by: willowbarcelona

Re: Women's style - 01/26/06 04:34 PM

Booklady is absolutely correct. I would suggest, as she does, that black or navy or brown are good color choices for daily sightseeing. In the evening women really enjoy looking, this is an old-fashioned word coming up: pretty.

Well groomed is the term that comes to mind when I think of the women in Barcelona, the city where I lived recently for 3 years. Even las ancianas (the very oldest ladies) are beautifully and elegantly dressed and coifed and shoe-ed, even, and sometimes even more so, when they are being pushed in wheelchairs by their attendants. Of course that is a different subject: the respect and love and care shown to the oldest in the Spanish population.

Most of all, Booklady's suggestion that the ensemble match and be coordinated and be feminine is the best advice I've ever heard for a woman of any age who is planning a lovely visit to Spain. And she is so correct in that you do not have to spend a lot of money to do this. If you follow her suggestions, you will be complimented and may even feel as if you are taken for, if not a native, certainly a person who frequently visits and feels comfortably at home there.
Posted by: Lynette

Re: Women's style - 01/29/06 12:09 AM

Here's how NOT to stick out like a sore thumb: do not wear sneakers. Do not wear shorts. Do not sport a fanny pack! All these things shout "tourist" in an unflattering manner. While the youth of Spain are sporting more revealing clothing, it would serve you well not to. Keep in mind that in many places that you may want to visit bare shoulders are considered unseemly. When you're going out for dinner or dancing later, dress smartly. Spaniards dress very well, even for the evening paseo. Women espcially look feminine and "dressed up" compared to American standards. Don that little black dress and high-heeled pumps for the evening! And in case I didn't stress it enough earlier: leave the fanny pack at home!!
Posted by: meencantaespana

Re: Women's style - 01/29/06 10:42 PM

i dont mean to ask rudely, but how old r u? this is an important factor too
Posted by: CJA

Re: Women's style - 01/30/06 02:27 AM

I'm 24 years old. I dress in a feminine conservative style; like skirts, dresses, clothes that look "classy". But I made the mistake of bringing jean capris and sandals(like flip flop sandals)as an addition to my wardrobe, which were a dead giveaway of being a foreigner.

I didn't know how hot a spanish summer was going to be, so I ended up wearing tanks, sandals, the jean capris....and I got SO much negative attention, when I would wear any one of those things.

Thanks everyone for the input. smile
Posted by: Puna

Re: Women's style - 01/31/06 03:31 PM

Buy a multi-coloured scarf or two when you first arrive in Spain. Works to dress up - or down almost any outfit - around your neck, as a belt, over your shoulders ....
And buy a pair of shoes (or 2 or 3 :hdspin: ) and a purse in that same first trip. Bring only the shoes you wear to and from the plane -
Posted by: meencantaespana

Re: Women's style - 01/31/06 04:45 PM

skirts are big there..since ur younger especially in madrid the younger ones wear a lot of mini skirts..they can be jean also..also i wore black and white capris and then black pants...polos are nice and fun tanktops arent such a dead giveaway..wear sandals just not flipflops
Posted by: mse924

Re: Women's style - 02/05/06 03:08 AM

cja, since you're close to my age (I'm 21) I'll offer my 2 cents worth.

I'm a pretty fashion-conscious person, and before I moved to Spain I was petrified that I would stick out like a sore thumb with my clothes (especially since I moved to Madrid to attend ICADE...which is a very "pijo" university). It's funny because the fashions I saw the girls wearing when I was there (Spring 2005) are the fashions that are popular here in the states now!

If you'd like some ideas of what the local women around your age are wearing, Zara is always a good place to start. They pride themselves on always having the up-to-the-minute fashions.

Also, basics that you can mix and match are always a good standby. Matching is key smile . And, contrary to what was said above, athletic shoes are acceptable...as long as they're not your dirty, beat up ones. Fun, colored ones (like Pumas) are always a good choice...
Posted by: misspom

Re: Women's style - 02/05/06 10:36 AM

I know I may catch some flak for this reply but I really feel I have to say this -
Before my first visit last summer I read the same things about how to dress in Spain, and I was actually quite surprised that the summer fashions are EXACTLY the same as they are in New York City. Keep in mind, it was late august and about 100 degrees - but almost all the young spanish women, in their 20's and 30's wore the same things and even at night I couldn't really see any difference. They wore flip flops, tank tops, capri pants and very low cut jeans with a bit of underwear sticking out, just like they do in nyc. I wasn't crazy about the hairstyles, either. I saw this all over - Madrid, Granada, Sevilla. In Barcelona which was cooler we did see a bit more accessorizing (and nicer shoes!) but still, in general, the look was internationally similar. Maybe the women dress differently as the weather cools down a bit but in my private opinion there isn't much of a difference.
Posted by: lizardbreath

Re: Women's style - 02/07/06 12:26 AM

I keep seeing this word "pijo" around. Is it slang? What does it mean?
Posted by: nevado

Re: Women's style - 02/07/06 01:29 AM

Pijo refers to "stuck-up" and usually a person who is rich or acts like they are rich. When Spaniards imitate a pijo/a they usually speak in a conceited tone. Pijada is one of my favorite words... (think of it as the stereotypical sorority girl way of acting).

My summer wardrobe consists of spaghetti- strapped tanks and skirts (in the heat, pants for me are out of the question unless they are loose-fitting linen). Fitted linen dresses are also cool and comfortable. I also wear leather sandals (camper) and also have some others with heels. Plastic shoes (flip flops) aren't really seen in the cities...the beach is a totally different story. Fashion tennis are also a good choice, especially if you are touring a lot. For socks I choose the very low ones.
Posted by: eduardo

Re: Women's style - 02/07/06 03:32 PM

I actually saw an espaņola once who was so color-coordinated that her tanga (thong) peeking out over her low-cut jeans matched her belt, matched her tank top, and matched her shoes!
Posted by: pim_on_tour

Re: Women's style - 02/07/06 05:16 PM


Well of course thongs are supposed to match everything else! Aren't they almost just as visible? No question about it! laugh
Posted by: meencantaespana

Re: Women's style - 02/07/06 10:33 PM

I'm pretty off topic but I think all the information you need is on here but when I was shopping in Spain you can buy pants with the thong inside the pants, liek connected so it's matched and that the thong is out and showing. ha gotta love it
Posted by: janel

Re: Women's style - 02/10/06 08:45 AM

I wanted to just highlight what nevado said about flip flops. Thats probably the reason you were getting looks. They are thought of as for the beach or around your house but NOT for the "calle". And I agree with misspom that for 20 and 30somethingss the fashions are not that different in NYC and Madrid. BUT, if it is considered casual in the US its maybe too casual here.
Ah, and remember, if the temp is around 70F, the locals may still be wearing long sleeves and if you are in a tank top people will be looking at you thinking.. When the sun goes down that girl is going to freeze!!
Posted by: mse924

Re: Women's style - 02/10/06 12:09 PM

Ah, and remember, if the temp is around 70F, the locals may still be wearing long sleeves and if you are in a tank top people will be looking at you thinking.. When the sun goes down that girl is going to freeze!!
Ha so very true. I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life, and when I moved to Madrid my first thought was "wow, it's so nice and mild here during the winter". The second week I was there, it "snowed" (really, just a few flakes...the temp was still in the upper 40's). All the madrilenos were in giant parkas and hats and scarves and I was walking around in a long sleeved shirt and light jacket. cool

And, re: what I posted before about clothes...I didn't mean to imply that EVERY spaniard was compeltely fashionable and that an American would be completely out of place. Since I attended ICADE and lived in the Argulles/Moncloa ara, I was kind of on the upper end as far as fashions I saw on a daily basis. Here in the states, I'm a pretty casual dresser, but in Madrid I just didn't feel comfortable going to class in jeans and a hoodie because I knew I stuck out like a sore thumb.

I think the moral of the story is just wear what you find comfortable. But try to stay away from those oversized t-shirts that say 'proud to be an American"... wink
Posted by: CJA

Re: Women's style - 02/25/06 07:12 PM

Thanks everyone for all the info. I decided to bring what I own, but save the flip flops for the beach.