madrid in may?

Posted by: morena

madrid in may? - 11/05/04 11:13 PM

hello there! i'm new to this forum. I'm a female, and am going to Madrid in May to dance flamenco. I want to bring enough clothes for two weeks, and am not sure how the weather normally is that time of year. we intend to go to lots of tablaos in the evenings, as well as attend our classes during the daytime. should we be bringing more summer clothes? and what about purses, *i won't even ask about fanny packs as that's not my style, and i've read about some people's misfortunes wearing them aside from that!* should i be bringing a small wallet with me? a small purse? lots of my pants don't have pockets *EEK* any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thank you all kindly and thanks MadridMan for your fabulous site!

sincerely - Morena!
Posted by: deibid

Re: madrid in may? - 11/08/04 04:20 AM

Hello! and first of all, wellcome.
May weather is normally mild, with 50% of glorious sunny warm days (70-80ºF) and 50% of rainy days, with huge thunderstorms.
If you plan to spend the first week of may, take into account that it can be a bit cold (50º).
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: madrid in may? - 11/08/04 04:45 AM

I would say May is almost summer. You can have some cool days, but most will be Spring/early summer ones.

I would bring summer clothes and a couple of pullovers and a raincoat just in case.

Most girls use purse, specially when going out, and specially if trousers don't have pockets. In this case, a small wallet wouldn't help much unless you'd be wearing a jacket and put in in the interior pocket. For security measures, there is plenty on info on the board about ways to carry money (unnoticed) on you.

Many girls use to carry a small wallet into their pocket, but this is not a very good place to carry it for a tourist, since if you are identified like a possible tourist, your purse is in special danger, specially in touristic areas.