Trip Planning - Weather

Posted by: ebetancourt

Trip Planning - Weather - 05/28/04 11:59 PM

The weather web site is my favorite place to get weather. I have recently found the neatest feature. You can get several years of weather history for a particular time. I wanted to check on Sevilla in October and November, got the summary history, temps, winds, humidity but also got the details for like 7 years. The feature is apparently only turned on when their current conditions are turned on. This afternoon I got the information, tonight it is available for Madrid and Granada but not Sevilla. Note that you need to use the Spanish spelling of the city name (or airport code if you know it, e.g., mad for Madrid). Go the city, and in the section called current conditions, click on trip planner. Enter the date range and up comes the 1996-2003 history. I was reminded that November, 1997 was a lousy time to be in Spain. frown

Posted by: AJ_dup1

Re: Trip Planning - Weather - 05/31/04 11:05 AM

Thanks for posting that, it was quite helpful!
Posted by: ebetancourt

Re: Trip Planning - Weather - 07/05/04 11:37 PM

Ok, I posted that and now they seem to have quit doing the "travel" thing. It is still possible to get weather back to 1996. My problem is that I have examined October from 1996 to 2003, and it is going to rain if I go on my trip then. But how does it rain in Sevilla then? Is it an all day thing, or sporadic showers every day? They will say it rained here today, but I spent a lot of time outdoors on horseback anyway. Had to get off for a few minutes this afternoon, but overall a great day. If I sound paranoid, please understand I went back to Spain for the first time in a long time in November 1997, and the south of Spain had 100 year floods, it was on Television every night. We stayed in Segovia, Avila and Salamanca, and saw rain at least every other day. My memories of Salamanca include torrents of rain at the Plaza Mayor. October is my best shot, but I am planning on a "horsey" trip and riding in the rain is not a favorite pastime. Help!

Posted by: ebetancourt

Re: Trip Planning - Weather - 07/11/04 09:58 PM

Not removed, simply moved. If you look at a city there is an option to look at a date in history. When you go to that date, several options exist, including trip planner. Unfortunately, it says it rained on a particular day, not that it was showers in the afternoon, or an all day rain, or... So I am still looking for a metter idea of what to expect around Sevilla in October,

ernie, who appears to be having a conversation mostly with himself.