what to wear in Spain?

Posted by: crabtfn

what to wear in Spain? - 03/21/01 02:43 PM

Hi my husband and I will be traveling throughout Spain for the first three weeks in May. What should we wear to not look like tourists? I have heard that shorts and tennis shoes are not worn over there. Do the women wear long dresses or short? Sandals are not very comfortable for a lot of walking.
My husband and I are hikers and have boots, but I am not sure if we plan to hike.
Posted by: taravb

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/21/01 05:10 PM

Leather shoes (something like Clarks or other walking shoe brands) are good--the thing that I have noticed most is the footwear. You're right about sneakers, though many young people wear them (often without socks--socks and Keds will mark you as an American faster than anything else except an American flag taped to your forehead!).

I wore lots of black or gray pants on a recent trip to Spain--when everything is black or gray, everything matches!
Posted by: tomas

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/21/01 06:00 PM

When I am in Spain, I wear Rockport walking shoes - even the wingtips are great because they are stylish enough for a nice restaurant. Khakis, especially the no-wrinkle type and a silk or cotton shirt.

No tshirts, sweatshirts or logowear and definitely no Nikes/sneakers unless I am exercising. The less I look like an American, the less likely I am to be pegged as an easy target for pickpocket, etc.


"Salud, amor y pesetas - y tiempo para gozarlos" http://home.att.net/~t.macentee
Posted by: Catalina

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/21/01 08:51 PM

I'm with taravb. Black and gray are perfect and really cut down on the number of clothes and accessories you need. In the Spring and Summer, I'd add a lighter color like taupe just to break up the black. The light in Spain is different and really bright colors seem to stand out more. You'll notice young female madrilenas wearing brighter colors in the summer but they're not in any danger of being mistaken for tourists... Black is great for blending in and as an added bonus, you can get dressed in the dark and everything will STILL match!
Posted by: Kimberley

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/22/01 10:59 AM

Alright girls (this is not a man-thing)

I have found that matte-jersey is *the best* fabric to wear while travelling. It doesn't wrinkle, packs very well (doesn't take up much room) and always looks nice. They make tops, pants, skirts, dresses usually in black but in some colors as well. It's super-comfy, too, as there usually aren't zippers or buttons, the pants just pull on and you're set! This type of stuff is fairly popular now and you can find it in many chain-stores (J Crew, Banana Republic, Anne Taylor, etc) and probably in department stores.

Have fun!
Posted by: taravb

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/22/01 10:10 PM

I found that wearing black made me feel (1) more cosmopolitan--like I am from NYC or somewhere other than the midwest and (2) DEFINITELY less conspicuous. And it's true, everything matches--and another advantage is being able to wash everything together in one laundry load or hotel bathtub. I agree with the recommendation for matte jersey--you can spend the money on stuff from Travelsmith (I bought a couple of classic things from there, but the prices can be high--though you may find good deals online) or just look around at some of the regular mall stores or outdoor stores. I have a pair of stretchy Liz Claiborne Sport gray pants--poly/rayon/lycra blend--that were fabulous in Spain--a stylish cut and impervious to wrinkles. I also had great luck with a pair of charcoal gray Dockers RECODE (their higher-end brand--but still only about $50) slacks. Add black or gray sweaters, white long-sleeve shirts, and a couple of scarves--and only ONE pair of black walking shoes. If you need more, buy them there (ooh, shoe-shopping--I just came back from Madrid with PURPLE shoes--probably no Spaniard would be caught dead in them, but still!). And definitely check out some of the Spanish clothing stores--Zara is always fun and there's one in nearly every mid-size town.
Posted by: salrowe

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/26/01 07:48 AM

Thanks folks for all the tips on clothing. I'm going to Spain in April for 9 days with a student group and was really undecided on what to take. How about skirt length. I like to wear them in the city but don't know what length is in style. The last thing I want to look like is a tourist even with a bunch of American teens trailing behind me.
Posted by: kbl

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/26/01 03:29 PM

Depends on your age - but long skirts (mid-calf) are comfortable and always "proper" as a those that are just at or above knee length. Younger Spanish women often wear VERRRRY short skirts. You'll see all different lengths - just like in the States.
Posted by: taravb

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/26/01 04:28 PM

More than length, I noticed that Spanish women tend to wear their skirts (all clothes, for that matter) with a bit less "ease" (the designing term, meaning the amount of extra fabric in the garment beyond your own body measurement--if your bust is a 36, you might add 2 inches of ease for a close, but not tight, fit) than American women. A bit more form-fitting, a bit more stretchy/clingy than ours.

That's not to say that they are all in skin-tight clothes...just that theirs seem to reveal a bit more about the figure beneath than we are used to.

So if you're going for a long skirt, you might find one with a tighter fit in the hips and a narrower width at the hem...and for short skirts, a bit tighter (and shorter, if you have the nerve!).

But really, I hate to rain on everyone's parade here...the sad fact for those of us trying to blend in is that Spaniards (like Americans or anyone for that matter) have excellent radar for spotting foreigners. Walk into a shop, and you can be pretty sure that you're going to be pegged as a foreigner before you open your mouth to speak! I remember hanging out with a group of (all Spanish) friends, wearing clothes and makeup purchased in Spain, and having a newcomer to the group ask "quien es la americana?" before I said word one! Blending in is more than looking the part--but it's still fun to try! I tend to think that the most fun way is to shop there, at least a bit. I always try to wear a new Spanish outfit home on the plane...and I HAVE had American flight attendants take me for Spanish, but Spanish ones would probably still know I was an imposter!
Posted by: Nicole

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/26/01 06:55 PM

you are so funny!
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/28/01 12:57 PM

(in my best gurgling/salivating Homer Simpson sound effect)Aaaaaaaoooghhhh.... (end sound effect) Spanish women in skirts/dresses with little "ease".... PLEASE! You're making me CRAZY!!!
Posted by: taravb

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/28/01 08:28 PM

And don't get me started on the pants Spanish men wear, MM...

Posted by: mel-knee

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/29/01 10:46 AM

When I studied in Sevilla, a lot of the American girls tried very hard (always unsuccessfully)to blend in. Those tight clothes looked pretty uncomfortable!

Personally, I've got light hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. At 5'8", you would've thought I was an amazon by the myriad of comments I got on my height! No clothes or makeup on this earth would've helped me pass for a sevillana, so I didn't bother.

And I was never targeted by pickpockets. Men in tight pants--well, that's another matter.
Posted by: taravb

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 03/29/01 04:32 PM

Hi, mel-knee--
I thought I could pass for Spanish--I have dark hair and green eyes, with freckles--I THOUGHT I looked a lot like the Spanish exchange student we had when I was in high school (sort of northern Spanish, with those freckles!). It was so frustrating to me to "look American" the whole time I studied in Salamanca--even with Spanish friends, a doting and wonderful Spanish boyfriend (wonder what ever became of Arturo, anyway?), and all the "right" clothes and makeup. I hung out at all-Spanish bars, listed to Spanish music, didn't chew gum (another giveaway, I am told), and even carried my boyfriend's Fortuna cigarettes in my purse (though I didn't smoke them--ick!). I never could figure out what it was that gave me away.

Even with all the attempts at blending in, it was amazing to me that, THREE YEARS after I studied in Salamanca, I walked back into a shop on the Rua Mayor and the shopkeeper said, "You've been here before...you had longer hair, right? And you're American...."

Pathetic! I guess I was just born in the wrong place...oh well!

But still, my advice to travelers is to have fun trying! We won't get it right, but we'll feel better for having made the effort.
Posted by: mclarke

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/06/01 03:51 PM

I just read an article today - 4/06/01 from the Washingtpn Post "How Not to Dress for European Trip. http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/travel/euro/front.htm
Very informative!
Posted by: expressdance

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/06/01 05:37 PM

I love hearing all the comments about peoples study abroad experiences! I have to say I'm a bit worried about that myself. I'm 5'11, I have medium brown hair, blue eyes and an average skin tone. I guess theres no real chance of my fitting in. But I'll do the best I can!
Posted by: la maestra

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/06/01 09:35 PM

Other than because of the challenge, I don't understand the need to appear Spanish! There is nothing intrinsically wrong with being American! French or Italian women would never attempt to conceal their national origen...why should we? I used to get a kick out of letting people know that I was an American who spoke Spanish! If anything, the world thinks we can't speak anything but English, and I felt I was doing my part to set things straight. Once a bus driver stopped the bus and had everyone turn around to look at me as he announced "Miren...una americana que sabe hablar espaņol!"

These days when I travel in Spain I am carrying a backpack with the name of the tour group on it and am followed by a group of VERY American teenagers! I try to dress like a teacher on a casual day (not like the kids, but not like I'm working in the office either!) I couldn't possibly hide my nationality, but I want to promote the idea that we American females have our own distinctive sense of style wink
Posted by: expressdance

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/06/01 09:48 PM

I definitely agree about American Women having their own distinct style and so on. I'm in no way trying to conceal my own identity really, but there is something about trying to fit in when you're trying to immerse yourself in someone elses culture. Besides, it will be fun to develop a little more of a European flavor for the short time I am there.
Posted by: la maestra

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/07/01 12:47 AM

I looked at the site mentioned on how not to look like a tourist, and if that is the "American" look, then I can surely see why one would want to fit in better. Yikes!

For what it's worth...back when I studied in Spain I was 5'6" with long dark hair and brown eyes. At the end of the year, even with Spanish clothes and Spanish friends, no one thought I was Spanish. Some asked if I was South American, and others thought I might be Polish or Russian, but Spanish...never. There is a walk I could never master, and there are always little subtle things, like the way one holds a cup, perhaps, that will give one away as a non-Spaniard. But I always felt I fit in anyway! A lot of what the European style is, I think, is attitude. I think (this is the motherly old teacher talking now!) that when you return from Spain most people here in the States will notice that something about you has changed. The European style...and the attitude that goes with it...will follow you home! smile
Posted by: mabella

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/07/01 09:54 AM

Mclark, that was a great site, I checked out the other articles and they have lots of info. Thanks! smile
Posted by: perfecta

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/07/01 06:34 PM

Everytime I have traveled to Spain with students I am very specific about the clothes I want them to take along. We are from a very rural area and my poor students are 'culture shocked' not only with the foreign country/culture experience but also in the urban/rural experience. They have no idea how to dress to visit the Prado nor would their parents. Top that with Americans in general are so much more casual. 'Dress Down Fridays' flopped here when employers found out we defined 'dressed down' as spandex. Time magazine quoted employers as being shocked by people showing up to work in clothes better suited for washing the car! So my poor rural babies need to be told 'what' is appropriate for our Spain trip in June. I insist the girls wear sun dresses, skirts/skorts, and tell them tennis shoes are JUST TOO WARM! My trip always includes a 'home stay' week with a Spanish family and I tell the girls to keep their short-shorts for when they are chasing around with the native teenages..that is if that appears to be what they are wearing. Many Spanish teens wear (tight) (black) pants and jeans but we are just not acclimatedfor this type of clothing in 40+ C temperatures.

I wear the same as my girls and no one ever guesses me for an american...not a Spaniard either but usually French or German...someone from 'out of town'.

Mostly I want to eliminate the 'raucous' behavior so common amoungst american teens and often changing their appearance alters these undesirable behaviors as well.

Also,the sad fact is,many americans become the 'targets' of foreign violence due to our country's politics and I see no point in flaunting our status and provoking a posible 'situation' especially when I am responsible for other people's children.
Posted by: terrapin

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/09/01 06:11 AM

Im with you, MadridMan. The women here are enough to make a man go blind. So if you want to blend in girls, I'd recommend some skin tight pants like the locals. Couldn't hurt. Im gonna go take a cold shower now.
Posted by: billy ski

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/09/01 11:48 AM

Mcclarke: It is nice to see you back in action and many Thanks for the Wash. Post site as I used it for help in another trip.Hope all is well with you and your daughter.Regards Ski
Posted by: sheba

Re: what to wear in Spain? - 04/29/01 06:07 PM

I'm sorry, but I just can't see wearing tight pants in 80 degree heat and I know I'm going to sound crass here, but there are all kinds of gynecological reasons why that isn't going to work for most women.

McClarke: That is a very funny picture. It looks like most of the people at the Mall of America on a good day laugh. And strangely enough, the alternative looks like office casual here.

I wonder about the jean thing too. Would it be too hot to wear jeans in Madrid during May/June/July and how cool is cool when people are saying Madrid has cool nights that would require jeans?