ISO recipe for artisan fig cake

Posted by: hhauser

ISO recipe for artisan fig cake - 02/28/06 02:19 PM

I have searched everywhere for a recipe for a Spanish Artisan Fig Cake. It is basically just figs and almonds and they are pressed together. I buy one at a gourmet food shop but can't find a recipe. I'm not even sure if you bake or not. If you have one you wouldn't mind sharing I would greatly appreciate it.
Posted by: Torrales

Re: ISO recipe for artisan fig cake - 03/01/06 03:21 AM

I've found this recipe for fig cake. It has almonds, too. So, if it isn't exactly like the one you tasted, it has to be very similar. The recipe is in Spanish, no English version available, sorry.
Posted by: hhauser

Re: ISO recipe for artisan fig cake - 03/01/06 01:25 PM

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately I couldn't get the link to open. Do you know the website?
Posted by: Arturo

Re: ISO recipe for artisan fig cake - 03/01/06 09:44 PM

Here is the recipe.....


Ingredientes para 4 personas

1 kilo de higos frescos
Media cucharadita de canela
La ralladura de un limón
100 gramos de azúcar
50 gramos de almendras troceadas
1 dado de margarina.
1 vaso mediano de agua.

Modo de preparación

Prepara un recipiente apto para el fuego.

Pela y corta los higos en trozos muy pequeños y ponlos en el recipiente.

Añade el azúcar la canela y un poco de la ralladura de limón y el vaso de agua, pon a cocer todo a fuego lento durante 35 minutos.

Déjalo enfriar, cuando lo tengas frío vierte la pasta sobre un papel de aluminio engrasado con margarina.

Extiende la pasta todo lo que puedas, haciendo con ella una lámina.

Espolvorea sobre esta lámina la almendra picada y enróllalo como si fuera un brazo de gitano, deja enfriar en la nevera por espacio de unas 10 horas.

Pasado ese tiempo, saca de la nevera y espolvorea con el resto de la ralladura de limón.

Corta en rodajas y ya puedes servirlo a la mesa.
Posted by: Torrales

Re: ISO recipe for artisan fig cake - 03/02/06 04:05 AM

Uh? I swear that yesterday the link was working... and today isn't. confused

Anyway, Arturo (thanks!) copied it from the Google cache, I guess. That's the recipe in the link.