Madrid: Good Friday activities?

Posted by: Lorissa

Madrid: Good Friday activities? - 03/13/05 02:37 PM

I am a Spanish teacher from Michigan and I will be taking my first group of HS students to Spain in less than 2 weeks. We will arrive in Madrid on Good Friday at 2:30pm. I would like my students to see the parade, but I don't know where to go or when it begins. I'm very clueless on the whole Semana Santa thing as I have never been in Spain in the spring.

Can anyone tell me what time the parade is and where we should go to see it. Also, is there anything else on Good Friday that would interest a group of 15/16 year old americans? Age-appropriate clubs and other nightlife?
Posted by: Meg

Re: Madrid: Good Friday activities? - 03/15/05 05:13 AM

There are several processions on Good Friday. They all follow different routes depending on where the churches are located, but most pass through the center of town (carrera San Jerónimo, Sol, Calle Mayor, Plaza Mayor, etc.), so if you head to the center you should be able to see several of them. On that day they start between 7 and 8 in the evening, but I don't know exactly what time they'll be walking through the center. You can see the official schedule and information at Munimadrid if you click on "Semana Santa".
Posted by: Lorissa

Re: Madrid: Good Friday activities? - 03/15/05 09:45 PM

Wow! Thanks for the lead on the website, it's got great information. I am so happy to see how late the processions start and how many will be around town. You made my day, thanks for reponding.