La Corralada, Madrid

Posted by: Sofia

La Corralada, Madrid - 09/29/04 02:21 PM

I would like to inquire about restaurante La Corralada located in Madrid at Calle Villanueva 21. I ate there several years ago after a trip to Sevilla, where our local sevillano friends said that La Corralada was the best restaurant in Madrid.

La Corralada had delicious homemade soups and beef dishes. The art deco was beautiful, all with a corralada theme.

Can anyone tell me more about this restaurant? I find only short blurbs of information on the internet:

"LA CORRALADA. Cocina madrileña. Especialidad cocido montañes, y pimientos rellenos de carne, dorada al horno. Cierra domingos y festivos. Precio 3.000 pesetas. Villanueva, 21. Tel 91 576 41 09"
Posted by: pim

Re: La Corralada, Madrid - 09/30/04 03:55 AM

I had never heard about this restaurant before confused This is what the guide says about it:

"Comida casera buena, bonita y moderada.

Realmente se come como en casa. La decoración ayuda a conseguir un ambiente bastante acogedor. En el techo se pueden ver llamativos grabados. El servicio es bastante bueno y es conveniente reservar mesa.

A destacar :
Bueno para turistas rolleyes , aceptan tarjetas , local climatizado, buen precio"

If needed, I can translate it later...