Bullfight PC Game

Posted by: indioladino

Bullfight PC Game - 05/23/03 06:27 PM

Has anyone seen a PC Bullfight game? I heard it's being promoted by El Juli( Julian Lopez-Matador de Toros Is it for sale there in Madrid?
Would appreiate if anyone kndows anything about it.
Thanks The Ole Indioladino
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Bullfight PC Game - 05/23/03 06:54 PM

If you're looking for it, I hope it's downloadable from the 'net becuase I SERIOUSLY DOUBT you'll find it on your local computer store's shelves here in the USA --- ESPECIALLY there in California. The whole concept sounds oh-so-UN-politically-correct. (let's not start that old-and-tired debate again, please?) But at the same time, there in San Diego where you are, there are LOTS of Mexicans/Latinos who LOVE the bullfights and regularly cross-over the border to attend them in Tijuana.

But no, I've never in my life seen a PC (or Mac) game about bullfighting.

You see, non-"Americans", we here think it's okay to have computer/video games where you masacre 1,000s of human beings but it's definitely NOT okay to kill one animal with a long sword. Talk about screwed up logic. rolleyes

MadridMan who will probably regret writing the above - he REALLY should know better than to post such things after 2-beers ( St. Pauli Girl beer from Germany, I'll have you know!)
Posted by: OhMike

Re: Bullfight PC Game - 05/26/03 06:23 PM

We're going to have to worry more about the bullfight dying out as an art form and a tradition than we'll have to worry about cattle becoming extinct.

I was just in Madrid for the bullfights. I saw a corrida de toros a espadas on Friday and Sunday. Saturday I saw my first "rejoneada," which is bullfighting from horseback. I'll write more about the rejoneada at another time in the notestream I started on that subject earlier. For now let me say that from what I heard and read, the Feria de San Isidro has raised some questions about the quality of bullfighting in Spain today.

Apparently there has been an abundance of inappropriate bulls in the Feria, and the bullfighting has lacked the excitement and emotion that it needs to manifest itself as the art form it is intended to be.

Having said that, let me say that Saturday's rejoneada was pretty exciting and would have been so EVEN if the one bull hadn't crashed through the barrera gate into the callejon. You should have seen the monosabios and areneros jumping INTO the ring for safety.

On Sunday, an enormous and brave bull with horns as big as his disposition was bad came out for the 6th of the day. When the crowd saw the bull's size and behavior in the ring, it gave him an ovation. The bull thanked them by promptly hooking Antonio, who was apparently gored and had to be carried from the ring to the infirmary. Like Lazarus, he came back to fight his bull (it turned out the bull got mostly jacket), and if he hadn't missed with his first attempt to kill, would surely have cut an ear.

As it was, the crowd waved handkerchiefs like crazy trying to convince the President that Barrera's courage should be rewarded, but in the end Antonio had to settle for a circle around the ring.

If you had SEEN this bull, and if you had seen the courage and composure Barrera showed to come back from the infirmary to face this beast, you would agree with the crowd that this hombre, certainly on this day, was muy macho. -OhMike
Posted by: Antonio

Re: Bullfight PC Game - 05/27/03 04:52 PM

I'm afraid that Torero by GamePro is not available for download. PC Games nowadays are huge and it will be a 600 Mb download anyway!!.

However, you can read about it on the link above and even buy onlin the English version.