When do people sleep?

Posted by: karenwishart

When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 12:11 AM

So we've heard that breakfast starts late and that clubs don't get going to the wee hours of the morning and stay opened til dawn.So when do people sleep and when do they go to work? Is there a rush hour in and out of the cities like we have?
Posted by: Miguelito

Re: When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 02:47 AM

The shops usually work from 10:00 to 20:00 or 22:00, mostly of the jobs I think are from 9:00 to 18:00 or 19:00, depends on how long is the lunch break. In some jobs there is flexibility with the time to get in/out as people work more hours than they have to.
I think that people who has to wake up every day al 7:00 or 8:00 cannot go out by night everyday but it's not so hard if you only sleep 4 or 5 hours one day if you sleep the rest of the days. In some places you can see the same people everyday, I don't know when they work... in others is different people each day. As you get older is more difficult to go out and work the next day.
There are rush hours, it depends on the road, if you get up very early you can avoid them........
Posted by: nevado

Re: When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 04:53 AM

I read that Spanish people on average get one hour less sleep than other European countries and that Madrid gets one hour less sleep than the rest of Spain. ¡Viva la siesta!
Posted by: karenwishart

Re: When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 12:20 PM

Thanks for comments.I love it! Ditto on the viva la siesta!
Posted by: Antonio

Re: When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 05:05 PM

I guess there will be people who do it, but most people (at least, all my friends) don't go out during weekdays. We only go out on Fridays and Saturdays nights when we don't have to get up early.
Posted by: karenwishart

Re: When do people sleep? - 03/14/01 09:53 PM

So if we go to Casa Patas at 23hr on a Monday in late June(that's our only opportunity while in Madrid)will there hopefully be some Madrilenas out.

[ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: MadridMan ]