Sierra de Gredos region

Posted by: karenwishart

Sierra de Gredos region - 05/10/03 09:21 AM

Does anyone have some information on hiking,lodging in this area? We would like to travel from Toledo northwest through these mountains, then east to Madrid.
Posted by: Jana

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/10/03 10:18 AM

I don't have any information about that area specifically. However, there is a great site for finding rural accomodations called It's great for finding casas rurales in out of the way locations.
Posted by: Jana

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/10/03 10:24 AM

I don't have any information about that area specifically. However, there is a great site for finding rural accomodations called It's great for finding casas rurales in out of the way locations.
Posted by: fmiketheman

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/10/03 11:34 AM

hello everybody
i love the sierras espanoles.
especially the sierra de gredos.very sunny area but very cold half of the year.its a great place for walking but theres not much do with can rock climb though.yu can also fish in the waters around arenas de san pedro.this natural paradise near very nice quaint very spanish(being castilian)towns and villages where you can also stay.of course you can also see and should not miss avila(the capital of the provence).

have fun in spain
Posted by: jlramos

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/10/03 01:21 PM

Great, GREAT area! I go there almost every summer and we stay at the Parador de Gredos. A little pricey but really cool. I also recommend a drive though the Comarca de la Vera villages (Garganta la Olla, El Losar, Jarandilla, El Guijo).
Posted by: Miguelito

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/12/03 02:59 AM

frown !! I've lost all I wrote.
Tell me how much you like to walk, and I can help you better.
I only know very well the Park of the Gredos Circus which is really beautiful, it's a walk of 3 hours (6 including return) to the circus from the parking:
But you can sleep there and go the next day up to the Almanzor or to the 5 lakes (really beautiful)
It's possible to come here also from Navalperal de Tormes.

I have found here a list of towns and lodges
There's also a refugee in the circus, beside the lake, although I've always slept directly under the sky (tents are forbiden)
Posted by: Espe3

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/13/03 09:19 AM

You can do trekking. Half hiking half mountain climbing- start at the picnic area just outside and hike to the lagoon nested in the mountain range(the aformentioned 'Circus' Miguelito mentioned- its called that because of the lagoon and other pools around it). There is a refuge there- but is often full- you'll see people camping just outside (like we did) no its not really permitted, but the guardia civil will come and warn you to pick up your tent before giving you a ticket. Just ask the other campers when they get there if they've come or not, they usually only go every couple of days. The next morning- refreshed from a nights sleep (careful, there are wild horses that come to the lagoon to drink at night, but they won't bother you- and sheep and mountain goats! smile ) climb your way to the sumit! VERY cool, very worth the trek! While you're heading to the top you can leave your pack at the refuge. Then continue all the way back to the picnic area the next day. Its hard to recall, but I think it was 15Km? round trip.

ALso, there is what is called Nieve perpetua- Perpetual Snow! In the summer its not much, but you still see it. Very cool. (when I went it was a rather large patch, but just a patch, still it was neat knowing there's always SOME of it there year round.) ALso, don't bathe inthe lagoon... @ people from my group did, but they didn't warn us until later, they were fine... but apparently its not recommended because its sedintary water- so it could have all sorts of bacterias and extra friends you wouldn't want to pick up! :p
Posted by: karenwishart

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/13/03 01:12 PM

thanks all for so much info on this area. That website is a great tip also. I'll need many trips to Spain to stay in all the places I've found!!Hopefully this has been mentioned in the Hotel forum as well.
Posted by: pim

Re: Sierra de Gredos region - 05/14/03 10:23 AM

Hi Karen,

About lodging, if you're not looking to stay in an "albergue', the "parador', or go camping; please, do check out the following neat places, I did an extensive research back in December (for my birthday), and I'd recommend: (hotel rural, Avila), (hotel rural, Segovia), (casa rural, Avila), (posada rural, Avila), (posada rural, Avila), and (casa rural, Toledo).

Also, Casa Bermeja in Toledo, the Posada de la Triste Condesa, the Hotel Palacio de Los Velada, both in Avila; and the Hotel Hosterķa Ayala Berganza, in Segovia.