Super Secret, Best Freebee in Summer

Posted by: Martín de Madrid

Super Secret, Best Freebee in Summer - 01/24/03 04:36 PM

In the month of August, the pueblo of Hoyo de Manzanares, just north of Madrid, holds wonderful entertainment in the Plaza, twice per week (now on Saturdays and Sundays -- it changes, so check), starting at dusk. Saturdays they will have a current big-ticket motion picture, shown by a marvelous traveling projection truck, with a 1950's era projector, decked out like a Cadillac circa 1957 on an acid chrome trip). The other night they have first-rate cultural entertainment from all over. Once we saw a top Russian Cossack dance troupe, another time a ballet company, another, great flamenco. The locals pick up their chairs at a door near the corner of the plaza (actually our apartment's front door was the next door on the floor, so we got the best space in line!), and take them across the street to the plaza, where a large stage with lights is set up, and for movies a white cloth. EVERYONE comes, the kids get noisy in the back, niños run about, play on the stage before and after (Spainsh children are spoiled to a fault, nothing is too outrageous!), and the mountain sky is asparkle with a million stars. There is no charge, and I think it is the best entertainment to be had anywhere near Madrid. Bring a shawl, sweater or jacket, Hoyo is in the mountains and gets quite chilly after dark, even in August.

To get to Hoyo de Manzanares, go to the Moncloa Bus Terminal (Metro lines 9 and 6, I think) and take the 161 bus to Hoyo (a couple of Euros), when you arrive, the Plaza is behind the large stone building (Centro Cultural) to your front and left behind the parking lot as you get off the bus (the parking lot is behind the bus stop shelter). Just ask anyone, it is less than half a block away. If you get their early, there are several restaurants and bars nearby, or walk around the pueblo. It is tiny and beautiful.

The twin peaks behind the plaza are the "Picazzos," and you can clearly see the "Tortuga" with its shell and head sticking out to their right. Hoyo is wonderful, we lived there for over a year, had THE BEST landlords, they are still our good friends, like family, and we hated to move (but had to, needed a larger place, and Hoyo didn't have anything for us at the time). Now we live in Colmenar Viejo, the next town east, larger, but nice, and visit about once a month. Once you experince it, you will love it too.
Posted by: Martín de Madrid

Re: Super Secret, Best Freebee in Summer - 01/24/03 04:46 PM


Be sure to double check when the buses return to Madrid, the weekend schedule is different, with fewer buses. You might want to stay the night and return the next morning, or arrange other transportation, like a taxi (Hoyo does have a taxi, but I think only one, so get it reserved in advance). Otherwise, things might go til later than the bus runs (or Metro in the city for that matter).

Second, be sure to take some kind of small pillow on which to sit. The chairs are HARD, and a few hours on them will numb your backside!

Third, forgive the misspellings. I am just too lazy to proofread or get my dictionary down. Believe it or not I are uh college student!