Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday

Posted by: Californio

Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/18/02 11:42 PM

Could anyone please tell me where I could go for church service on Easter Sunday. We are staying near the Plaza de Espana. It would be most appreciated .
Posted by: Spainbound

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/18/02 11:52 PM

We will be in Madrid on Easter Sunday and had the same question. Look up Pick Madrid for the selection and also put in the postal code of the hotel where you are staying. This will give you all the Catholic churches in that area. Then click on the various churches listed and it will give you the time of the masses. Site is all in Spanish. Hope this helps.
Posted by: GranadaGirl

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/18/02 11:58 PM

Welcome to the board Californio!!

You can pretty much find a Catholic church on almost every corner in Madrid. Especially on Easter Sunday, you shouldn't have any problem finding a Mass to attend. They will have masses beginning every 1/2 hour or so. We attended Mass at a nice Church on Calle Arenal, about 1/2 way between the Royal Palace and Puerta del Sol. That's kind of far from where you'll be, but it's a choice, I think they had mass every hour on the hour.

If you're going to have time/transportation, consider going to Midnight Mass at El Escorial. I think it's been discussed here before, so you may want to try out the search function for that!

If you're looking for a Mass in English...I'm not sure, but I know they're there. Can anyone else help with that?

WOW, Spainbound, you beat me to the punch!! You replied just as I was replying! That's a great site you found, though, thanks for the info!

Buena suerte and have a great time, Californio!

Posted by: Californio

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/19/02 02:35 AM

Spainbound y Granadagirl, My wife thanks you, my daughter thanks you and I thank you for this muy importante piece of info.
Posted by: Eddie

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/19/02 05:56 AM

Don't expect to find an early Mass on Easter Sunday. 11:00 AM is pretty popular and it could be a 'High Mass.' I would say: 'ask your hotel concierge;' but that won't always work. I don't know if they celebrate Masses at la Almudena (the Cathedral at the east end of the Palacio Réal courtyard) but if so, that would be nice.

If you need an early Mass, ask a taxista to take you to la Capilla del Santo Niño del Remedio. First ask him/her if he/she knows where it is. It's near the Plaza de Opera. They used to have a 9:30 AM Mass on Easter Sunday
Posted by: Californio

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/19/02 11:43 PM

Thanks to you too, Eddie!!!
Posted by: Fernando

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/20/02 07:36 AM

By the way, almost every church in Spain is catholic and the masses are usually in the local languages (spanish almost everywhere, but also catalonian, galaecian, basque, valencian and other languages or dialects).

There are also some churches in which the language used is english, german or french (and even more). I know that there is one church where the language used is english in Nuñez de Balboa street. But I don't know if it is anglican, protestant or catholic.

Posted by: taravb

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/20/02 09:49 PM

Californio--Regarding the language of the mass...I don't know if you and your family are Spanish-speakers, but if you're not, don't let that stop you from attending a mass anywhere you choose. Many churches also post their mass times in the vestibule right inside the front doors.

If you're Catholic, you should be able to follow along just fine--the order of the mass is the same. Just stand up/sit down/kneel when everyone else does!

I sometimes (okay, not frequently!) go to Latin masses at a very traditional church here in the Twin Cities (they do the masses of the great composers, with full chorale and orchestra accompaniment--it's a great concert!), and I have also been to Spanish masses in Spain...all feel quite similar in that I can't understand much of what's being said (and if you've ever been to a pre-Vatican II mass, you'll feel right at home with that!). If you go to one of the older churches, be sure to bring a sweater--those old stone buildings can be cold and damp!
Posted by: Californio

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/24/02 01:35 PM

Thanks Fernando and Taravb. We shall be in Madrid on Good Friday. All our bags are packed and we are ready to go. ( Sounds like something lifted from a song ? )
Posted by: jmp110372

Re: Madrid: church service hours, Easter Sunday - 03/25/02 06:50 AM

There is a Roman Catholic Church that has Sunday Masses in English. It is located at Metro Pio XII. It is on the nine line. Once you get to Madrid check InMadrid Classifieds under religion services.

Went there last year (going to be there again this year) and it was very crowded on Easter. It is not that big so get there early, the mass starts at 11AM.
