Granada Alhambra tickets - internet site

Posted by: CathyM

Granada Alhambra tickets - internet site - 08/30/01 11:35 PM

I just wanted to share a tip I found on another BB. There's a website for the BBV bank that makes it possible to order Alhambra tickets on-line and pick up in a prepaid line in Granada.

It's in spanish but is pretty easy to follow. I had read some postings that sometimes it was inconvenient to go to the BBV banks once you're in Spain - waiting in long lines and also in some cases computer problems.

I ordered tickets for day and evening visits and received a print out of my booking locators that I need to bring with me to the ticket line. So now I don't have to worry about wasting my precious vacation time. laugh

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: CathyM ]