Madrid Airport Taxis: No to prepaid trips

Posted by: MadridMan

Madrid Airport Taxis: No to prepaid trips - 10/22/06 07:55 PM

Just read in that the 2004 plan by Madrid Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón to institute a prepaid, set-price for taxis taking passengers from Madrid Barajas Airport into the city has been choked. rolleyes The measure was supposed to curb abusive, over-charging, dishonest taxi drivers but the Taxi Drivers Association apparently DID NOT approve, putting the breaks on the would-be measure. mad Sometimes the best ideas can never be realized. Ugh. rolleyes

El sistema prepago iba a consistir en que los viajeros que optaban por tomar un taxi en el aeropuerto de Barajas compraran un ticket por adelantado en unas máquinas expendedoras. El objetivo del Ayuntamiento era prevenir los timos que sufren algunos clientes, sobre todo extranjeros, que se ven obligados a abonar cantidades abusivas por carreras del aeropuerto a la capital o a otras localidades de la región. La idea, que anunció el alcalde Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, recién estrenado su mandato en 2003 no cuajó en el sector y las dos asociaciones mayoritarias del gremio de taxistas mostraron su oposición frontal al proyecto. A pesar de ello el área del Movilidad del Ayuntamiento, que lidera Pedro Calvo, elaboró un minucioso estudio sobre las posibles rutas y los precios medios de los recorridos.
Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: Rob in Madrid

Re: Madrid Airport Taxis: No to prepaid trips - 10/23/06 04:31 AM

the problem is when your new to the city and don't know where to catch a taxi and you get approached by a legite taxi driver but he takes you in to the city and doesn't turn on the meter. If your a businessman than its a 50 euros trip (40 if not). This verse perhaps 25 on the meter.

Another problem is lot of taxi drivers will refuse to take you if they don't feel like driving that far. One guy had to wave down 4 taxis till he got one that would take him. Us as well we had a guy refuse to drive us to Tres Cantos. Which doesn't make sense becuase its an expensive 30 euros plus run. Usually its the other way around they don't want short trips. At least I would think that.