Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea?

Posted by: WillTravel

Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea? - 06/16/05 04:31 AM

I typically take public transport to/from airports. I'll be traveling with my 14-year-old daughter in August. But I've read that the Madrid metro is particularly bad re pickpockets and even forcible robberies (in which case a moneybelt wouldn't help). It's hard for me to gauge the risk; I think that it must be pretty safe, but then there are the horror stories. Obviously losing our passports to/from the airport would be rather disastrous for our trip. So would getting our bags snatched. So what are the experts' opinions on the transport options we should take? Any times of day that are worse than others and would tip the decision against taking the metro?

We'll be traveling light so I don't see climbing up and down stairs as an issue. My only other concern is that I read that the metro is exceedingly hot. Will we suffocate if we take the metro in August to/from the airport? wink
Posted by: Amleth

Re: Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea? - 06/16/05 05:18 AM

Hi WillTravel.

Madrid's subway is one of the safest (thousands of security cameras and guards, local police, etc), cleanest (4 hours stop everyday in order to clean it), cheapest (1 - 1,10 Euros) and most relibele means of public transport in the world (accurate, hi-tech screens and tv sets, automatic machines, etc). You may have problems just as in any other city, though. But it all depends on your common sense as a tourist.

Madrid\'s Subway Official Web Site

The police is warning that it's quite usual to find immigrants (All ages. Romania, Albania, Morocco, etc.) pickpocketing tourists. South american immigrants carry out illegal activities too, but they're of minor importance such as playing music for money.

They're renewing the old lines (the new ones have air conditioning)and extending the network so you might have some access problems. Madrid can be really hot in August, just as NYC, for example.

Posted by: Chica

Re: Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea? - 06/16/05 05:22 AM

Hi WillTravel --

While there have been comments on this message boards, and I am sure others, about the pickpockets in Madrid... on the metro and in the city center, I can assure you that it is not exclusive to Madrid, nor is it so wild and rampant as some of the posts will have you believe.

I have lived here for the past four years and have yet to experience an incident of pickpocketing or robbery (knock on wood)... and I use public transport all the time, including the infamous bus 27 which is notorious for its crafty passengers.

Regarding the metro to and from the airport. If you are thinking about taking it from the airport when you first arrive in Madrid (from Vancouver) you might want to consider another option....if anything...for the jet lag. Itīs a distance from the international terminal, and depending on your ultimate destination, you may have to change lines once or twice. But that's just my opinion! wink

The airport line in Madrid is new and modern with closed circuit TV and airconditioning. However you might have to connect with an older line (such as line 1) which does not have airconditioning. Given that you plan to be here in August, I think ridership on the metro will be much lighter since half of Madrid will be at the beach and the other half will be in the mountains on vacation!
Posted by: WillTravel

Re: Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea? - 06/17/05 04:21 AM

Thanks for the encouragement.
We will have a long trip. We're going to the Seattle airport the night before and staying at an airport hotel. Then the next morning we're getting up early and flying to Newark, and then we have a 4.5 hour layover before our flight to Madrid. That's the longest stretch of travel I've ever done all at once, so I will consider the possibility of indulging ourselves a bit when we arrive. But in general, I managed public transit fine in Paris and Rome and many other cities - it sounds like I can do fine in Madrid.
Posted by: ellenoregon

Re: Madrid: Taking metro from Barajas airport to Gran Via stop - good idea? - 07/11/05 07:19 PM

I took the Metro upon arrival in Madrid with my 15 year old son. He was tired from jet lag and nearly broke into tears at the thought of negotiating the subway, after I expressed my anxiety about pickpockets. We did it anyway, and experienced no problems as far as crime. However, it does involve two transfers to get most places downtown, and although the signs are clear their meaning is not. You'll have to lug the suitcases up and down stairs. But lots of people use the Metro to get to the airport so you'll be surrounded by other travellers. Another consideration is the possibility of terrible traffic on the roads if you go with a taxi. I found it a good way to get a first whiff of the city atmosphere and went back by Metro as well.