Train travel between Toledo and Cordoba

Posted by: GGB

Train travel between Toledo and Cordoba - 03/20/04 02:25 PM

We must travel on the 1st of July between Toldedo and Cordoba. According tot the RENFE site there is no direct train. I thought Toledo was on the line between Madrid and Sevilla. Help us out, please. What is the nearest station on the main line to Cordoba?
Posted by: Torrales

Re: Train travel between Toledo and Cordoba - 03/20/04 03:15 PM

No, it's not... yet. Currently, a connection from Toledo to the high speed line Madrid-Sevilla is being built, but it's not finished yet. I don't know the expected inauguration date, but I don't think it will be before July. You will have to go to Madrid and there take the AVE from Madrid to Cordoba.
Posted by: El Dougo

Re: Train travel between Toledo and Cordoba - 03/20/04 07:47 PM

I agree. I looked into this before. There is a bus from Toledo to Ciudad Real, where you could pick up a train to Cordoba, or you could take the train from Toledo to Aranjuez, then change to Ciudad Real, then change again to Cordoba; but your options are few. It's simpler just to go back to Madrid, even though you're backtracking. It is the "nearest station on the main line to Cordoba." These trains make stops only at major cities.

Oh, I guess there are more buses from Toledo to Ciudad Real, including a Monday-Friday 7:00 departure; 8:30 arrival in Ciudad Real. In Ciudad Real, I think you'd have to take a taxi from the bus to the train station. Then there are lots of trains from there to Cordoba. Mind you, I don't know if this web information is current. You could contact the bus line, AISA, at to find out. You can make reservations for the bus by calling 902 198 788, and reservations for the train at tiknet.
Here's the Toledo-Madrid-Cordoba train schedule. (There are no on-line schedules past June 12 now, but will probably be about the same). Or separately, Toledo-Madrid and Madrid-Cordoba. You might save a little time and a little money by going on the bus To Ciudad Real, but it would be very close.
Posted by: GGB

Re: Train travel between Toledo and Cordoba - 03/21/04 02:49 PM

Thank you very much for your advice. I gather that it would be better to travel by bus from Toledo to Cordoba, or not?