El Escorial by taxi?

Posted by: sel

El Escorial by taxi? - 05/24/02 10:04 PM

I am trying to figure out how much it would cost to take a taxi for three to see El Valle de Los Caidos (Valley of the Dead)from San Lorenzo de El Escorial. AND if it is a hassle to get a taxi back to San Lorenzo when we are done. I tried the telephone numbers listed on the El Escorial website, but had no luck. The bus is a bit late in the day. frown

Does anyone know anything about this or have numbers that I might try?

Less than two weeks until we go!!!! eek
Posted by: Espe3

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/24/02 10:51 PM

Are you nuts? Why do you want to take a taxi? Would you consider taking the bus?
Posted by: sel

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/24/02 11:06 PM

I was told that taking a taxi was an option because it is only 15 minutes away. The bus does not go to El Valle de Los Caidos until 3:15 and returns at 5:30. The last bus on Saturday is at 5:30 (IF the posted schedule is correct) although I would guess that returning by train is still an option. I want to get back to Madrid so we can take a nap before going to the 9:00 show at Casa Patas. I am traveling without my husband and with two of my kids. YES, I may be nuts for trying to plan 6 weeks in Spain, but.....

Fear and frustration are beginning taking their toll. This world of the unknown takes on a different dimension when you are with kids.

I just want to know if using a taxi is REALLY an option before I get there. confused
Posted by: Eddie

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 05:16 AM

sel writes:
... how much it would cost to take a taxi for three to see El Valle de Los Caidos (Valley of the Dead)from San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
That's Valley of the Fallen!
By taking taxis to/from El Valle de los Caidos you would probably wipe out any saving you accrued taking public transportation from Madrid to El Escorial (and back) and you make a pretty good case for taking one of those daytrip tour buses that take you to both sites.
Posted by: cubatex

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 09:46 AM


The last time I was in Madrid (1992), my wife, two kids and I took a city tour with Pullmantur, Plaza de Oriente, 8, near the Palacio Real.

This folks at the time advertised a trip to Escorial and Valle de los Caidos, and perhaps they are still around. If I were you, I would consider a tour group. We traveled with my two sons through out the 90s in Europe (ages ranging from 2 to 8) and we found tour groups were a good way to get places with kids.

Besides, as I was told by a hotel manager in Madrid once, in Spain, kids rule. I found this to be true.
Posted by: sel

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 10:26 AM

My apologies, I meant Valley of the Fallen.

I wish I could find out some specifics about the day trips. I checked the websites listed on a different thread, but they just confirmed that there were day trips available...no specifics as to times or cost.

Does anyone know any specifics about the day trips?
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 10:46 AM

sel, (Hello to you across town!!) if I were you, I'd BOYCOTT Valle de los Caidos altogether. Have you yet read the lonnnnnng thread about it @ " Valle de los Caidos " ? Don't waste your time there. Just go straight to El Escorial and come back.

But have you seen the thread " El Escorial & Valle de los Caidos " with Eddie's and Antonio's comments? Apparently several of the tour companies do a ESCORIAL-CAIDOS loop, lasting about 5 hours, costs.. well, around $50 US (probably), and leaves at 8:45am from Madrid.

I'm not at all sure it only takes 15 minutes by taxi to go to El Escorial. Maybe 25-30, no? But still, taxis are relatively cheap.. they may add a surcharge for such a trip though, but would doubt it would be more than, what, $30-$40 US each way - I'm only guessing here. Why not just rent a car for the day and then go at your own pace?

Good luck, sel! Have a great time! Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: Asterault

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 11:05 AM

Why would one boycott it? It's part of the history of Spain. You visit the Palacio Real no? How many people did they kill?

Pullmantour is still around and many others go there:

Posted by: MadridMan

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 12:07 PM

I visit (only once in my life) the Palacio Real as I would visit a museum for its art, furniture, and architecture. Visiting Valle de los Caidos is more like (I've never been there) visiting a cemetary or a little corner of hell where you can practically hear the screams of political prisoners laying down another layer of cement for Franco's pre-death, egotistical tomb. I don't claim to know a lot about all this -- all I do know is that the FATHER of someone VERY VERY close to me was ONE of those political prisoners under Franco's thumb. He wasn't one who died in the construction of Valle de los Caidos, but he spent many years in jail because of his views against the ruthless dictator. And... THAT'S ALL I'm going to say on THIS topic.

SO ANYWAY, HOW can sel get to El Escorial cheaply? I still say that renting a car for the day might be a good option. Probably much cheaper than taking a taxi AND you'd have it for the whole day.

Say, didn't ANTONIO take a small group of friends to El Escorial for a non-professional tour one time? I think the visitors rented a van/car and Antonio went along.

Saludos, MadridMan
Posted by: taravb

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 12:30 PM

I have to disagree with you, MM--by that standard, nobody should visit the pyramids or any of the other ancient tombs that were constructed by forced labor. Now should we walk on the Great Wall, or wander through the ruins of ancient Rome (not just in Rome, but scattered throughout the former empire). I could go on listing places on a "do not visit" list, but you get the idea....

It seems there are a couple of things that set the Valley of the Fallen apart for many people, though--(1) it's gloomy and depressing and architecturally monstrous and (2) it was built during our lifetimes or during the lifetimes of people we know and care about. But for me, that makes it even more important to see. That Spain was under the control of an egomaniacal dictator FIVE YEARS AFTER I WAS BORN is something I should know about.

Too many American schoolchildren are exposed to American history (and some fragmented European history) up to WWII (many don't even hear about Korea or Vietnam, let alone the Spanish Civil War or any other recent European struggles). If bringing them to the Valley of the Fallen opens the door to a lesson about that horrible chapter of Spain's history, I'm all for it. From the descriptions and pictures I've seen (I haven't visited, but would), it's not going to get them praising Franco...it seems likely to inspire awe and fear and an understanding of how fragile nations can be. And for adults, it seems an especially poignant reminder of where Spain was a generation ago--and a remarkable contrast with where it is now.

Of course, I understand that for some people, the memories are too painful to go...just as many family members of concentration camp victims would choose not to visit those places, or the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. I would never encourage people who are still grieving the losses or separations from family members to visit (nor would I encourage family members to visit Ground Zero in NYC unless they felt a compulsion to go). People process heartbreaks differently...but to deny the potential cathartic and definite educational value of places like the Valley seems to me to be a shame.
Posted by: Chica

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 12:43 PM

Asterault -- I´m with you! The Valle de Los Caídos is definitely a place to visit, regardless of one´s political leanings. Not at all like a cementery, it boasts some amazing architectural structures, that yes, were unfortunately build with the blood, sweat and tears of many Spanish prisioners during the Franco dictatorship. It is a one of a kind monument comprised of a huge Basilica carved into the side of the mountain and crowned by an impossibly huge cross. El Valle de Los Caídos is located in the Sierra of Madrid...I see the huge cross everyday when I drive home from Madrid. Construction on this monument began in 1940 and was finished in 1959. Franco ordered the construction of this monument to bury the dead from the Spanish Civil war. (Taken from Cositur´s website)

Taravb -- Three cheers for you well thought out and argumented post. I was first taken to the Valley of the Fallen when I came to Spain on a highschool trip and the memories of the place and its significance have remained with me ever since.

Sel -- check out Cositur . Their webpage is in many languages including English and they have tours to El Escorial/Valle de los Caídos. Their corporate contact information is: C/ Marqués de Cubas, Nº 12 4º A
28014 Madrid (ESPAÑA), Tfno: 34 91.429.89.65, Fax: 34.91.429.89.41

Here is some more information on El Valle de Los Caídos

Tour Madrid also lists several tour options to El Escorial and Valle de Los Caídos. Their website is only in Spainsh.

Tour Madrid also has tour information on their website, and the option to read it in English.

Hope this information helps!
Posted by: sel

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/25/02 01:04 PM

I thought about renting a car, but it will only be my second day in Spain and I would rather have someone else get me there!! Besides, the Avis rate from Madrid is about 97 € for a one day rental with insurance. (I have rented a car for three of our weeks.) I think the buses and trains will be a fun adventure!! laugh laugh

It is only 8 kilometers, yet it it is hard to get there.

Thanks Madridman for that thread on El Valle De Los Caidos. I have tagged it for my kids to read. It reflects the emotions that I have heard from other Spaniards.
Posted by: Eddie

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/26/02 06:02 AM

This issue has taken on a 'politically charged' dimension. eek Let's recall that the San Lorenzo Monastery is also named to commemorate a battle in which many Spanish people died (but which ended in victory el día de San Lorenzo). rolleyes

Asterault writes:
Why would one boycott it? It's part of the history of Spain.
Modern Spain, that is.

Franco wanted to be interred in the Basilica of Santiago de Compostela with the Kings & Queens of Spain, but even his arch-conservative allies, the Catholic Bishops of Spain, wouldn't go for that. He commissioned the construction of a much more visible monument (and burial place) for himself: the Valle de los Caidos. eek
Posted by: Espe3

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/26/02 10:01 AM

The reason I asked if you were nuts to take a taxi there is because MM, you're right, its more like a 30-40 min trip(Remember traffic, and its not THAT close!). (MAYBE 15 min if you're taking the AVE! wink ) But also because you may or may not notice, that taxi drivers don't like to have to drive somewhere where they may not be able to pick up a fare on the way back. And if you call a taxi to come get you when you're ready to leave again, well, that's a trip out there without a fare, only to bring one back. They will turn you down (they're not really supposed to, but that doesn't stop them! wink ) So if you adjust your schedule... taking the bus will probably be the best way to go. I haven't been there since I was 6, but I still remember it, it left quite an impression! Good luck making your plans!
Posted by: Antonio

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/28/02 03:45 PM

There is only 1 bus a day from San Lorenzo de El Escorial to Valle de Los Caidos. If the schedule doesn't fit with your trip, then I woudl go for an organised sightseeing tour.

Pullmantur, Trapsatur or Juliatours have morning tours to both the Monastery and the Valley of the Fallen for 41 euros including the trip, and visits, all of the commented by a professional tourist guide.

Check out more information on El Escorial

or download this PDF file
Posted by: sel

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/28/02 09:12 PM

Thanks Antonio! smile

The links you provides won't download, but I have used another web site for information: www.banesto.es/banesto/escorial/e9700010.htm

That is where I first learned about the taxi option. I am still curious if one can use a taxi. It appears that I will have to wait and ask that question when I am in San Lorenzo. It will be interesting to see if my limited Spanish will be able to communicate. I will ask first at the tourist office and see if they know the answer.

The tours are a possibility although they are a bit pricey for the three of us. Another link indicated that they were good, but seemed a bit rushed. Does anyone have any recent experience with these tours?

I also have not been able to find a current bus or train schedule. Any suggestions?
Posted by: ebetancourt

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/28/02 11:01 PM

For what it's worth, we spent three wonderful weeks in Guadarrama last summer. It's the same exit as El Escorial/Valle de los Caidos. Depending on where in Madrid you start from, I have to believe that it would be at least 30-40 minutes by cab, likely more.

We did visit El Escorial, but not El Valle. We saw the "cross" each time we came back from Madrid. On the day before we left my (then) 8 year old granddaughter complained bitterly that we hadn't gone to see it. (of course the 5 year old complained bitterly that we didn't take her to a Corrida -- she got hooked watching on television when we ate at several rolleyes bars rolleyes )
Posted by: nevado

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/29/02 08:27 AM

I know you have expressed that you weren't interested in renting a car, but if you use the corte ingles rentals with AVIS, you can get a car for two days (using the tarifa fin de semana- weekend rate) for under 60 Euros (just over $50). That would give you the flexibility you need. It really is a pretty drive from Madrid and very straightforward. Just an option (a cheap one at that). Here's the link if you're interested: http://viajes.elcorteingles.es/alquilercoches/Paginas/alquilerdecoches.htm
Posted by: Antonio

Re: El Escorial by taxi? - 05/29/02 03:23 PM

I've checked both links and they do work (at least for me) confused

I understand that the tours can be pricey but remember that they also include tickets for both places.

Anyway, I guess you can arrange a special deal with a taxi driver in San Lorenzo so that he takes you there and pick you up at a given time.