
Posted by: katya

Jetlag - 02/14/01 07:28 PM

I want to thank you for such a wonderful site! It has been a big help in figuring out where to go and how to get there.

I am planning my family's first trip to Europe and we are going to Spain and Portugal (and a little time in Morocco) for 3 weeks. We are flying into Barcelona and out of Lisbon. I am concerned about jetlag and how it will effect us especially the 3 year old. We want to see Barcelona and Salvador Dali museum in Figueras.

How many days/nights should we stay there?

We are going to fly out to Madrid afterwards (thanks for the great suggestion).
Posted by: rgf

Re: Jetlag - 02/14/01 08:08 PM

With any luck, the 3 year old will sleep on the plane and then follow your pattern. Count on one looooong nap for the little one on the afternoon (spanish time) of your arrival. My typical strategy (and it works) is: try to sleep on the plane at least a few hours. On arrival, dose myself with coffee, get to the hotel and take a very brief rest. Do stuff, eat lunch at SPANISH time (2 or later), then nap for a good 1-2 hours. Get up, go to bed at 11 or later. The return is easy-- you'll just fall asleep 4 hours earlier than normal for a while!! the important thing is NOT to succumb to temptation to make up the missed night on the plane during the day upon arrival to Spain. Hopefully you will be too excited to be there to think about sleep anyway!

[This message has been edited by rgf (edited 02-14-2001).]
Posted by: CaliBasco

Re: Jetlag - 02/14/01 09:09 PM

I've NEVER had jetlag when following this method:

Sleep a little on the plane (which is incredibly difficult for me anyway), and when I get to Madrid (usually in the later morning) STAY UP. Eat at the madrileņo time, and stay up. No siesta for me. Go out, sightsee, etc. After dinner at the local prescribed hour, then CRASH. You'll be exhausted, but you'll wake up in the morning completely acclimated. Good luck!
Posted by: rgf

Re: Jetlag - 02/14/01 11:01 PM

Calibasco's method is a bit brutal but will surely work. I still say a siesta is necessary, but make it an hour or two, not 5!!
Posted by: katya

Re: Jetlag - 02/15/01 02:14 AM

Thank you for the advice. We will be arriving in Barcelona at 1:20pm. So, I think the nap method is a good idea. I was worried that we would be recouperating longer.

Posted by: Puna

Re: Jetlag - 02/15/01 09:35 AM

Katya - also, and I'm sure you already know this, drink lots of water on the plane - especially for the little one. And don't worry about your toddler - kids adapt faster than us adults. Have a great trip!
Posted by: Guapetona

Re: Jetlag - 02/15/01 12:26 PM

Don't drink alcohol on the plane but do drink plenty of H2O. Take B-Complex vit's the day before, during the trip and for a day after you get there. Also, the suggestion for staying up and sleeping at the local time is ideal. If you are really tired taking a nap will only make you sluggish.
Have a GREAT time!!