Madrid: Hostal prices for semana santa

Posted by: kelar419

Madrid: Hostal prices for semana santa - 03/14/03 07:12 AM

Hi everybody! Well I already have a hostal for sevilla for the last half of the week of semana santa, but am thinking about spending the first half in madrid (fri-tues). Does anybody know if the hostales raise their prices during this time? How hard of a time am I going to have getting a room during this time?
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Madrid: Hostal prices for semana santa - 03/14/03 11:39 PM

kelar419, MOST "hostales" in Sevilla, ESPECIALLY, do raise their prices durin Semana Santa just because they know they can get almost whatever they ask. It's usually only about 50% more though. Those in Madrid or Bacelona or other non-Andalucía regions, for example, don't change their prices for Semana Santa. There are some exceptions, of course, but in general they don't. Seems to me that some in Galicia and on the coasts DID charge more during Semana Santa but those inland did not.

You shouldn't have any trouble at all in Madrid during Semana Santa. That city is comparitively like a ghost town during this holiday - similar, I think, to August! It's GREAT, in fact: less traffic, less crowds on metros/buses/sidewalks/shopping zones, etcetera.

Where have you booked in Sevilla??? Have a GREAT time! Can we expect you at the "Party With MadridMan in Madrid: Version 5.0" on April 11th?? This is the Friday BEFORE the start of Semana Santa, you know. wink Hope to see you!

Saludos, MadridMan smile