Anyone fancy living near Valencia

Posted by: dinodos

Anyone fancy living near Valencia - 03/19/02 03:43 PM

I am shortly moving to Madrid with my job, and wondered if anyone wanted to do a flat swop. I live in Altea, a pretty seaside town about 1 hour south of Valencia, where the weather is much better than Madrid! My flat is 3 bed 2 bath and is 18 months old, with modern furniture, and I would prefer central Madrid, even if it is small!

If not interested in swop, would appreciate advice on living accommodation. My Spanish partner and I (Im a Brit by the way) have no kids/pets and are very tidy and responsible people! E mail
Posted by: Jo-Anne

Re: Anyone fancy living near Valencia - 03/19/02 05:31 PM

Hi Dinodos

There'll be a lot of people envious of you moving to Madrid. Is this a long term thing?

Sorry I am not the person to be bringing you the help and information you need, but I did wonder if you could help me with a query?

Here is the message I posted, and maybe you have some info? Peniscola? North of Valencia

Thanks, and good luck in your search for somewhere to stay in Madrid.
