Madrid: digicams and cibercafes?

Posted by: Miguelito from DC

Madrid: digicams and cibercafes? - 05/12/05 08:46 AM

I'll be visiting Spain for the first time in June for about a week in Madrid. I have a photo diary on my website that I'd like to update while I'm there (and I'd rather not bring a laptop if I can avoid it). Two questions:

1. Does your typical Madrid cyber cafe allow access to USB ports so I can plug in my digital camera and transfer photos?

2. Does your typical Madrid cyber cafe have Photoshop or similar photo editing software instaled?
Posted by: Antonio

Re: Madrid: digicams and cibercafes? - 05/12/05 12:56 PM

I know a cibercafe at Montera, close to the corner of Gran Vía (besides the McDonnalds) where you can plug in your camera providing that doesn't need any special software.

As for the image editing, I doubt any cibercafe has Photoshop. Their licenses are expensive and design is not the main goal of a cibercafe.