Malguena (The song)

Posted by: Richard_Rivas

Malguena (The song) - 04/10/01 04:00 PM

Hi all...

I'm trying to track down a particular recording of the song "Malaguena". It must have come out in the late sixties or seventies. It's a wild version with a female vocalist accompanied by a full orchestra. It's great! I remember it from grwoing up and would like to have a copy of it. If any of you have any information or suggestions, plesae drop me a line.


Posted by: Wolf

Re: Malguena (The song) - 04/11/01 04:33 PM


You may be referring to a remake of the song by the Stan Kenton Orchestra, with Anita O'Day on vocals.

Another possible version could be one that was done by Astrid Gilberto.

There are so many possibilities it boggles the mind.

My favorite is Astrid Gilberto, but I no longer have the album, and can't seem to find information about it online.

Sheesssshhhh! And they say you can find everything out here. I guess I just might not know where to look.

Posted by: Richard_Rivas

Re: Malguena (The song) - 04/11/01 04:52 PM

Hi Wolf:

Thanks for your response. Great suggestions - I'll have a look for both the Stan Kenton and Gilberto versions. I tried without luck. I'll have to try an Record Store that specializes in Latin Music, I suppose.

You're right. It's hard to find, not to mention there are so many versions out there. I guess the nostalgia for old music that has been so prevelant in the US has yet to hit the Spanish music scene.

All the best...


Posted by: jensdog

Re: Malguena (The song) - 04/11/01 07:02 PM

Jose Feliciano does a version and I just found it on napster.

[ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: jensdog ]