kids say the darnest things!

Posted by: la maestra

kids say the darnest things! - 04/02/01 10:42 PM

One of the things I most remember about being in Spain is the smell. It took me quite a while to figure out that it was Heno de Pravia wafting out from houses and droguerias. I thought it might be interesting to stick some Heno de Pravia bars of soap in with the standardized tests so my kids got a whiff of Spain whenever they took a test. They really like it...partly because they think it smells like Froot Loops (? go figure?). Anyway, the last time I passed out the tests the dialog went like this:

"Are these tests scented?"
"Yeah! They smell like Froot Loops!"
"Nah, that isn't Froot Loops, it's that Spanish smell...Ano de Pravia!"
Followed by raucous laughter since the class knows full well what happens when you leave that particular tilde off. I thought I'd split a seam!
Posted by: esperanza

Re: kids say the darnest things! - 04/03/01 09:27 PM

I loved your idea! I might use it in my classes too! Reading your post I thought of the "aromas" of Spain...and one that really stands out is getting off the plane at Barajas and smelling the Ducados in the air! I am not a smoker, yet I enjoy that moment of "smelling" Spain again! smile