It's good to be back.

Posted by: Yankaluz

It's good to be back. - 06/16/08 03:52 PM

First of all, sorry for resurrecting a couple of older posts, I hope that that's OK.

I haven't logged in for a while but I've bookmarked this site when I registered years back so the name MadridMan is quite a familiar word to me.

I'm more active at a similar site for Spaniards abroad, I can relate a lot to what MM says but flipping characters and countries,,, one part that really stuck from the blog is the 10 day stay where you feel ready to get back and relieved upon landing back home, I have said the same thing for years even with the number of days,,, just really funny to read it from someone else but so true.
Posted by: MadridMan

Re: It's good to be back. - 06/17/08 06:31 AM

Welcome back NO&DO Yankaluz! Even if it's only for a short visit. We're happy to host you once again.

You wrote:

I can relate a lot to what MM says but flipping characters and countries,,, one part that really stuck from the blog is the 10 day stay where you feel ready to get back and relieved upon landing back home,
I'm not sure to which blog you're referring, but to clarify, I imagine you're referring to a 10-day trip of mine back to the USA and I was relieved to return TO SPAIN. "Home = Spain" in your above description, I think.

By the way, to make things clear for others, above you are referring to the website. I LOVE IT! It's totally in Spanish and focuses on Spaniards living abroad. Great idea to create a community blog/website for this. thumbsup We discussed it a year ago in the " Sister web site? " thread.

Saludos, MadridMan