Hey! Visit Here

Posted by: Rohit

Hey! Visit Here - 04/22/06 03:09 AM

:jump: Hello Visiters.

Are you a football crazy of world football?

Then plz proceed forward.

I'm here to publisize my weblog, I've made a world cup special 2006 for those who need something more before a 90 minutes game. Its my opinions, analysis for the major teams participating in the world cup like Eng, Ger, Spa, Arg etc.

Honestly, Its really interesting, It takes seconds to open my Blog.

Its my great pleasure if you visit it once,Oh! Blog address: (website address removed by MadridMan)

and Don't forget to leave your message if you visit.

Posted by: MadridMan

Re: Hey! Visit Here - 04/22/06 03:29 AM

Rohit, I've removed the website address of your blog above. You may have missed my very recent discussion with another message board member in the " Help from Brit posters required!!! " thread where I also removed his website address and there I explain why.

In short, we have a policy here as stated on the front page of the message board:
STRICT POLICY: We allow NO ADVERTISEMENTS or self-promotions of products, websites, or services. You may, however, place a link & description in the signature file of your "my profile" and then participate in normal, non-promotional discussions.

Seems lately people are not finding, not seeing this policy stated in bold print on the front page. rolleyes

Saludos, MadridMan