Sending Wine Back Home

Posted by: mina

Sending Wine Back Home - 05/11/04 04:56 PM

Does anyone know the restictions on wine? I would like to bring back as much as I can. Is sending wine to expensive?
Posted by: megia

Re: Sending Wine Back Home - 05/12/04 12:46 PM

Hi Mina,

technically, wine must be imported into the USA, even if it's for personal consumption or a is a personal wine collection.

there are also considerations regarding your State laws. the 21st ammendment to the Constitution allowed States to further regulate alcohol within the Federal framework, so US alcohol law is a nightmare and is totally antiquated! some States are a pain, others are not. ...not an efficient system at all!

of course you can take several bottles back to the USA and not get hassled by US Customs and Border Protection, but you do so at a slight risk.

my suggestion, and this has worked for others, not me personally, would be to put all your wines in an appropriate container for shipping (like styrofoam box, etc..), and check the box in at the airport. write 'Personal Wine Collection' on it, and you will likely have no problem.

what the US CBP wants to prevent is you bringing in wine that you are going to sample to potential buyers, or that you are just plain going to sell without the appropriate permits and licensing.

restrictions on bringing wine with you have changed a lot in the past 10 years! i used to bring back 20 bottles at a time and customs personnel would laugh about it. but now they will take it from you.

good luck!