Madrid:Phone line installation cost?

Posted by: tamugeoff

Madrid:Phone line installation cost? - 01/27/03 02:14 PM

Hi everyone,
I am going to be studying in Madrid and will be living near retiro. I was wondering how much per month would a phone line cost in Spain in the Apartment. How much per month, how much is setup and how much a basic phone would cost. I am interested as my friends or parents would like to be able to get in touch with me. Thank you so much for you knowledge.
Posted by: laocan

Re: Madrid:Phone line installation cost? - 01/28/03 02:40 AM


There are several telephone companies.
The bigger is Telefonica and their site is at:
Searchig the site, I see that the installation cost is 110.59 and the monthly
payment is 17.32 . You must add the IVA (16%)
to these prices. Besides this, you must also
pay for every phone call.
Posted by: Miguelito

Re: Madrid:Phone line installation cost? - 01/28/03 11:55 AM

The other possibility is auna cable ...
instalation is cheaper, 60€ and the cost per month similar but it's not avalaible in all the streets, you will have to check it.
Posted by: Martín de Madrid

Re: Madrid:Phone line installation cost? - 02/09/03 03:02 PM

Do what EVERYONE does, purchase a cell phone each. As a non-resident, you can only purchase a "movil" which requires you to "recharge" your account, but that is very easy, every tobacco store, film place and department store, etc. sells little cards for 10, 15 and 20€. You call the number on the card, input the code number and bingo! your credit is updated. Besides, you never miss a call, and never have to use a pay phone, can call international long distance too. The mobile system here in Europe is much more advanced than it was in the US when I left in 2000. "Try it, you'll like it!" Besides, any new friends will automatically ask you for your "movil" number.

Telefonica is a huge ripoff, can take months to get installed, horrible service. If you want a DSL line, check out Its a better deal. Also there are other phone companies competing with Telefonica, which is run by the government. I highly recommend staying away from Telefonica based on personal, awful, experience.