Poor Aznar

Posted by: Quintos233

Poor Aznar - 10/26/02 04:54 PM

Aznar I must has had alot of pressure lately first Morrocos claim of Perejil then Batasunas then Basque call for shared sovernty and then a catalans call for soverntity not to mention Gibraltars probable refusement of shared sovernty with Spain will this poorman ever get a break??
Posted by: El Cid d'España

Re: Poor Aznar - 10/27/02 02:58 PM

I doubt Aznar would ever get a break. He'll most likely die of a Heart Attack or from an assassin's bullet. rolleyes
Posted by: Wolf

Re: Poor Aznar - 10/27/02 07:55 PM

You might want to add the problems with the Iranians over discussing tourism. The Iranians don't want women involved in any discussions, and those that would have attended the official and unofficial get-togethers would have to wear something to cover their heads.

One more "nicety" from the Islamic world, where women are treated like garbage. Why in hell would anyone even discuss tourism with people who treat half their population like they were nothing more than cattle, or goats? Beats me. I'd tell them to stick their tourism thoughts where the sun don't shine.

Wolf (Just my opinion, and sentiments of my wife - eek )
Posted by: toddy

Re: Poor Aznar - 10/27/02 10:32 PM

You go Wolf! cool
Posted by: CaliBasco

Re: Poor Aznar - 10/28/02 12:50 AM

I for one think that Wolf is qualified to comment here since, living in Wisconsin for much of the year, he is familiar with societies that treat half of their population like cattle...since they are! :p
Posted by: Puna

Re: Poor Aznar - 10/28/02 11:20 AM

Wolf - thanks for defending us 50% of the population - and so eruditely (is that a word?).
Cali - LOL
Posted by: Zzeus11

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/04/02 10:21 AM

In Wisconsin a cow has more rights and is treated with more respect as a productive member of society than any woman in Iran, Irak, or in similiar muslim state.
Even Wisconsin Cheeseheads treat their women with care, compassion and love, relatively speaking!
Posted by: Vega

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/06/02 03:36 PM

Ah yes, us cheesheads certainly do have plently of manners and respect for females. smile And we make sure our cattle are well bread, to produce the best cheese and milk possible. America is counting on us! Anyway, thanks for that compliment you all!

Quintos, I agree. Aznar needs a break! Heck, Spain as a whole needs a break! Hopefully, things will start to cool down a little with the vascos. They always there, though.
Posted by: Wolf

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/06/02 04:29 PM

Thank you Puna. It had to be said. If the word don't exist we'll put it in the dictionary right now. It has a quality about it - smile

Cali - We also have the Packers. I don't want to depress you but the Vikings really stink. They're a 3 point underdog to the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in St. Olaf this weekend - laugh It would be worse except Mother Superior Domenica who is 87 can't play. Seems she has the gout and she does their kicking.

I wish Aznar and company had the guts to tell the Iranians that they don't dictate how Spaniards live and play host on their own soil. It's absurd to kiss their sorry a.... No matter what anyone thinks, Iran needs Spain and the rest of EU a hell of a lot more than EU needs them. It's almost shameful to bow down to their wishes. Every time we do, they use it as another sign as to "how weak we really" are in their propaganda.

Vega - Where from in Wisconsin?

Posted by: Miguelito

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/07/02 02:39 AM

Sorry Wolf, I don't agree with you, I congratulate that the protocolo has found a formula to do the meeting. I'm sure the problem is not of the iranian president Jatami who is trying to make the changes that the iranians want, but the integrist religious power that controls them very closely and don't let them to move free. I think we should know each culture more deeply and avoid stereotype, for example many people think wrongly that iranians are arabs, they're not, they're a nation with a great potential because of the youth of their population and the educational level; and in the university the number of women is higher than the number of men, and as far as I know women is well integrated in the working life. They suffer particularly more the need of freedom as the religious puritanism and hipocresy affects them more, but when in home, almost of them live as a normal family. I'm not going to say that women are treated like the same in almost of the islamic countries, but I think this is something more related with development and education than with religion, or just have a look to non islamic countries, machism is really present in all Latin America, and I saw in an advertisement in news (although I don't believe such a high rate) that bad treats to women in UK was of 25%, 1 of each 4 suffers them...
Posted by: Wolf

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/07/02 05:07 AM


Treating women as second class citizens is not acceptable under any compromise. It's nothing more than appeasing a nation that holds them hostage in their own countries. As for womens rights in Iran, they don't exist. I have a very dear friend whose two sisters were orthaepaedic surgeons of world reknown when Khomeni and his thugs took the nation over. Neither has been allowed to return to their work over all these years. As for women in their universities, they aren't there to carve their own niche in the world, because it isn't acceptable by the dictates of their government which is held in check by fundamentalist clerics.

I'm beginning to wonder if the Iranian President isn't anything more than a show dog for them to trot out, to put on a good front for the Western world.

I can't accept the practices in Iran by saying machismo exists in the world, or that 1/4 of the women in the UK are treated unfairly. All that offers is a way for someone to say; "See? It's okay to treat women poorly because they do it in the UK, and Latin America." Even offering it up as a viable reason that the Spanish government should accept these compromises in protocol is a slap in the face to every Spanish woman who has strived to make her own way in life, on her own terms. In this case, a direct insult to those who should have been part of the whole affair.

I don't believe it's stereotyping when we refer to a country and its policies. I also don't believe its an issue of whether or not they are Arabs. I believe the only issue that's at stake is whether or not the Spanish government should knuckle under to the demands of Iran. If I was a woman, I'd be insulted by the fact they are doing it.

Posted by: Vega

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/07/02 09:24 AM

Wolf, I am from Racine. Boy, did I have some spelling and grammer errors in that post! I meant Aznar needs a b-r-a-k-e, not "break"! Yeah, he's going to "break" alright. There should be an "are" in "they always there", as well. One should think while they type! wink
Posted by: Miguelito

Re: Poor Aznar - 11/08/02 04:41 AM

Sorry Wolf, I think I have been misunderstood, I just said that their not arabs because at least here in Spain many people think it, and I wanted to show how unknown is this country for us, I didn't mean anything else with it.
About the discrimination of women there, I don't know 1st hand opinions neither I've been there, so I just know what I've read, that although is not so much gave me the impression that is not so big. Anyway, going back to the meeting, I don't find that having objections to have a dinner with wine in a table or touching a woman are reasons to avoid the meeting, although probably it would have been better for me if he hadn't touch also the men. What counts for me is the attittude that was good. I felt really angry for example, when the foreign affairs minister of Morocco didn't went to the airport to wait for our minister(woman) as I didn't belive their excuses, although the Spanish government tried to give it no importance.
Posted by: CaliBasco

Re: Poor Aznar - 12/20/04 06:56 PM


It looks like Perejil has received its independence! Congratulations! laugh

Posted by: Pingüino

Re: Poor Aznar - 12/20/04 07:49 PM


Thanks for the post. laugh I knew I liked your sense of humor.

Cogito cogito ergo sum cogito