Hair Salon?

Posted by: JJR

Hair Salon? - 03/05/02 01:24 PM


Can anyone recommend a good (but not super expensive)hair salon in Madrid? Iīm in desperate need of a cut and have no idea where to go. Iīd like to find a place where someone speaks some English as my Spanish isnīt that great yet.


Posted by: Chica

Re: Hair Salon? - 03/06/02 05:58 PM

Jennifer writes:
Iīd like to find a place where someone speaks some English as my Spanish isnīt that great yet.
Ha ha ha! I remember my junior year abroad and the decision to "grow out" my very short layered cut for the very same reason...I felt that I would have never been able to explain how to cut my hair in Spanish!!! I have never looked back hair is long (and I am now dying to cut it short again!!) smile

I donīt know how much you mean by "not expensive". As a general rule of thumb, I have not found the salons to be expensive here (although I have yet to go to one!!) But then again, after paying in the ballpark of $50 for haircuts in Philadelphia, anything seems cheaper!! Have you checked out llongueras? It is very famous throughout Spain and I believe there are several salons in Madrid.